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Junior Member
IMHO, many of China's problems with developing economics and industry compared to the West had a lot to do with the class structure of Ancient China. Even as late as the Qing, the emperor and his bureaucrats dominated the system but most importantly artisans and merchants were seen as beneath even the peasantry. Very little attention and resources were given to these artisans to build or invent things or merchants to start new businesses. Confucian morals and Bureaucratic policies were seen as the utmost importance.

View attachment 131973

Really. During Song mercantile and manufacturing account for a large portion of state revenue. You are telling me that at that time merchants are seen as beneath peasantry? The fact is each dynasty is different, so you cannot really generalize that way. Mongolian Yuan favors merchants, while look down on peasants. Ming is opposite, perhaps due to backlash. Even on the top, there are change of political influence of nobility, bureaucrats, and emperor -- during reign of weak emperor, bureaucrats may actually the ones who is in charge.
This to me seems to be a justification of why China destined to be behind rather than a temporary setback due to circumstances.


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All I've ever seen come out of India is plans, plans, and more plans. Yet hardly anything ever appears in reality. Big hype on Tesla, but nothing happened in reality. Big hype on India-Iran-Afghanistan-CAS corridor, but nothing happened in reality. And now we have the dumbest plan of the ages - the IMEC - consisting of India, which is neither a major importer from nor exporter to Europe, wanting to ship the imaginary goods from India by sea to Dubai where they will be offloaded and put on rail through multiple countries and warzone to Haifa to be loaded again onto ships to Europe.
View attachment 131977
And this is supposed to be a counter to BRI. A $20 billion p̶r̶o̶j̶e̶c̶t̶ plan to counter a trillion dollar BRI investment. That's what you get when Arabic soft power hires pajeet contractors.
This picture, not all the idiotic "superpowa by 2030", not "BrahMos will destroy all of Pak" nonsense is what really pisses me off when it comes to Indians.

  • Why does the ship need to unload at UAE and then go to Saudi Arabia? Why cant they just unload at a Saudi Port?
  • Why does the ship need rail at all? why not just go through the Suez Canal?
  • How do they expect the railway to go through Jordan when the country is narrow gauge? are they unloading and reloading into standard gauge?
  • Why is the picture of the boat a random crop with completely different colored water?
  • Why is Biden in the picture???
I hate the fact that i wasted more braincell analyzing this picture then the Indian idiot making it. Its like an instant 15 points IQ drop the moment you deal with Indians, read their comments or watch their news. It's like a weapon they can deploy like the supposed "gay bomb" but this one makes you stupid.

I beg you to stop posting these pictures, i cant take my braincells dying anymore please show mercy.


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Why do they keep moaning about hotlines so hard they even went to Japanese media to do it, lmao.
"Incidents have occurred outside the region as well. In 1999, a NATO airplane accidentally bombed the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade during a NATO operation to protect civilians during the disintegration of Yugoslavia. Last year, a Chinese spy balloon traversed the continental United States until an American jet shot it down in the Atlantic Ocean."

American journalists lie as easily as they breathe. There are two lies in this paragraph alone. The bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade was not an accident and the Chinese balloon was not a spy balloon. America and America alone is responsible for the tensions between China and the US. This is not a "both sides are bad" situation. All of the aggression is coming from the American side.


Junior Member
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Can claim rape later when cops show up. She probably didn't realize the whole incident was being recorded.

All I've ever seen come out of India is plans, plans, and more plans. Yet hardly anything ever appears in reality. Big hype on Tesla, but nothing happened in reality. Big hype on India-Iran-Afghanistan-CAS corridor, but nothing happened in reality. And now we have the dumbest plan of the ages - the IMEC - consisting of India, which is neither a major importer from nor exporter to Europe, wanting to ship the imaginary goods from India by sea to Dubai where they will be offloaded and put on rail through multiple countries and warzone to Haifa to be loaded again onto ships to Europe.
View attachment 131977
And this is supposed to be a counter to BRI. A $20 billion p̶r̶o̶j̶e̶c̶t̶ plan to counter a trillion dollar BRI investment. That's what you get when Arabic soft power hires pajeet contractors.
As they say India is the land of the future/dreams. Because good things only happen in the future over there.


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Xenophobia was another side effect/blow back of foreign domination. So you actually supported by assertion. Note dynasties previous to Ming has no problem adopting foreign advances, such as Arab navigation.
On one hand, you said the barbarian Yuan and Qing were responsible for veering China away from industrialization and emphasized the ruling ethnic group. On the other hand, you started talking about xenophobia and how my assertion supported your argument (which is the barbarians being responsible for China's inability to industrialize). Finally, you stated in a separate post that the political upheavals in various Chinese dynasties doomed China to be behind in advancing technology.

To me, you don't have a coherent argument and a strong and clear assertion. You are just randomly posting claims without any connections or attempts to directly address the argument at hand. Also, your claim about dynasties prior to the Ming being the only ones open to foreign tech is just false. Work on developing a coherent argument with supporting facts first before making brazen claims.


Registered Member
The plural of anecdotes is not data. That is why personal observations are not persuasive because it is so easy for those to be made up, false, or even if not false they could be an unrepresentative 1 data point. Just because one person's personal circle of friends might be busy buying houses doesn't mean the whole housing market is necessarily good. Why do you think advertising sometimes tries to bring up people to give "personal accounts" of the product working? It's because psychologically people are often vulnerable to such personal accounts by supposed ordinary other people. That is how those old "snake oil" scams worked. They would get people to claim the fake medication worked for them and induce the gullible to buy. That is why modern medication trials do not go just by personal accounts of just one person. Maybe that one person was unlucky and got side effects but the medication still might work for many others.

The issue is that when it comes to economic aspects, virtually everyone is going to be dependent on other sources of data because nobody is going to be able to go around personally verifying every aspect of an economy, and it is not possible to personally construct and run a replication trial the way one could try to replicate a drug trial or other scientific trial.
actually there is a way to get non-citation economic data - use observations i.e. direct satellite imaging, electricity production observations, etc that do not rely on someone telling you what happened. This can theoretically be bought directly as a service from satellite imaging companies, although the cost for an individual is prohibitive. It can get as granular as parking lot data. This is exactly what the US tries to do to China, btw, because they don't believe Chinese numbers.

Basically, the large scale version of 'trust your eyes' rather than 'trust me bro'.

I am also just explaining why many Americans are very easy to persuade to reject reality - because their academics do not teach them that reality exists. As long as they can pull tons of citations, reality is whatever they want it to be. Chinese are not taught the same thing. I'm not saying this is good or bad, it is just how it is.