Lieutenant General
He may have been co-opted and/or bought. I remember he and a group of bloggers got invited to a Trump event, and afterward, he had a major expansion of his operation (additional employee, office space, additional channels, etc). And from that point on, he had a significant change in tone also. This is circumstantial, but this what I suspected. I ceased from viewing this output from that point on.
Almost certainly this is going on all around social media/YouTube/Podcasting. There is no reason for governments not to buy these people off to do influence campaigns. It’s probably easier too, there are no people with ethics (whistleblowers) to interfere as might happen in a traditional news organization, plus these guys are basically in it purely for the money, and are not worried about integrity or truth.
From what I understand was Tim Poole's rise to fame came from Occupy Wall Street. He was a nobody that decided he wanted to play independent reporter and posted his amateur recordings on YouTube. That's how he got noticed. That's how he got recruited by right-wing interests because he couldn't have afforded a studio and a staff to do his show.
I noticed this was happening because I have an interest in movies and would go to sites like ain't-it-cool to read the goings on of movies from a fan base perspective. At aint-it-cool's height, apparently at all the major talent agencies in Hollywood it was required reading every morning for the agents when they got into work because the website was at the pulse of discourse of what's popular in movies and TV for fanboys. Well other fanboy sites and now YouTube channels started showing up because of aint-it-cool's influence on the industry. Then I noticed that a lot of these supposed "independent" fanboy channels were reporting on the same things being released at the same time on YouTube. You know something was up when they all went on the attack on a non-famous individual person that's not known by the majority where only specific interests would know. Or attacking traditional targets that right-wing interests hate for political purposes like anything Disney because they hate Disney's diversity inclusion policies where they do things like having gays run amok closing Disneyland to only them once a year. It's all coordinated.
Tim Poole is a part of this right-wing cabal spreading right-wing propaganda acting like they're independent voices when they're bought by special interests. They tap into the everyday "man" making people feel like they're not alone hence why they're popular among the MAGA, Proud Boy, and incel uneducated crowds because now they don't feel like they're alone and isolated. There's one fanboy channel where before he became a shill he said on his channel that he loved The Last Jedi. Now he thinks the Last Jedi is horrible and is the destroyer of fanboys childhoods. People started linking his first video where he said he loved The Last Jedi exposing him as shill and what was his response? He did his show from inside his new sports car he got. Their most successful example of this is Joe Rogan. He was popular having his own built-in audience and then he sell his show getting paid a hundred million dollars and now he's all in on right-wing propaganda and causes when he was more middle of the road before.