No defense of China needed. Tim Poole said it himself why he thinks China would do that because that’s what he would do if the situation was reversed. He’s clearly an incel.
This is why I don’t agree with Bill Maher that the MAGA crowd, Proud Boy, and incel-types should not be vilified and portrayed as stupid. That only organizes them to be a group to be heard. They should be vilified and humiliated so each one of them feels isolated and alone. That’s why they even admit to themselves that’s the reason why suicides of straight white men are up enough to affect life expectancy numbers of Americans.
Some probably think I’m cruel. Do you think they would care if they heard Asian men were committing suicide because they feel they’re being emasculated and not feeling like men like they’re saying for themselves? They would instead be trying to contain their laughter. Who knows? It might actually be happening since Asians have high suicide rates and there are Asian men whining about some of the same things. We don’t know because Americans could care less to find out…
Well it's evident by Anglo dominated media how they view Asian men; here's a personal anecdote, i do acting on the side and a good friend of mine who does casting and scouting said the TV producers who are mainly white male boomers or white female execs who follow white male boomer chauvinism, implicitly refuse to cast Asian men that has anything that has a romance component that isn't homosexual or emasculating. Much like how the Spanish forced themselves on native women and forbade the miscegenation between native men and spanish women, so too do the anglo dominated west determined to turn all of asia inot a eurocentric, white worshipping third world nation. Their model for that is the Philipinnes.
Tim Poole, being a product of such a WMAF union exhibits such self hate behaviour and tries to pander to the insecure white boomer base for clicks and money. As he gets older, his asian features will predominate and he wont be able to pass himself as white anymore.