Miscellaneous News


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"Mr. Li is unavailable as you did not request his presence in your invite. However, we have graciously arranged for you to meet Mr. Qiang, executive director of the "F*ck You" agency (phonetic pronunciation), who has previously held audience with famous world leaders including Mr. Joe, Mr. Justin, Mr. Anthony and Mr. Mario"


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Well, to be fair, the things that he himself does are a much better indicator of his personality and it's very plausible that he made these friends at a stage of his life when he was too young for politics. I do not question his patriotism. That said, I do think that @Overseaschinese could benefit from a stronger and more dominant persona and presense. His friends strongly disagree with him on something that is a core conviction and his solution is to gently persuade, then agree to disagree. However, when it comes to core convictions, I cannot overlook such a disagreement for anything. I will engage them, force them by the edge of logic and reason's blade onto my side; have them at least say that they need to reconsider their values, or there will be a split between us and we won't be friends anymore. I never shy from this conversation; once I had a professor from Hong Kong casually tell me she believed that Taiwan should be independent and I chewed her out on the issue until she said, "OK, maybe you're right about some things. I have to think about this more." I didn't care about the power dynamic, if she would give me a bad grade or treat me unfairly; nothing is above my conviction. Don't let the people around you define you; you define them, and if they're just an unsavable rotten apple, you eject them from the privilege of being your friend.

When you say "convince" they hear "beg." They think you're some CCP agent whose job is to beg people to visit the country and show them fake things to improve their view. Some people are convinced by reason and driven by reward; others are simply not. Hanjian are driven by fear; they just want to know which power is the strongest so they can kneel by it. To these people, China needs no words and no smiles, we just need to show our power and to let them see their master being defeated by us. That is the only key to this lock.
IMO, just state your opinion and don't force things. You won't convince someone by pure conviction, particularly if they don't see you as a friend. The thing is that facts by themselves simply aren't sufficient. Every fact everyone takes in is filtered by a web of perception, this is why the same fact can be interpreted differently by different people. That web of perception is often indoctrinated into us since early childhood, before we have gathered enough facts to form our own web. To change the web can take a long time, and using past facts to change the web is useless. The most effective way IMO is to introduce the idea of an alternative web of perception to whoever you want to convince, and allow them to try to process new information through this alternative web and see the results.

For example, I have a very good friend who's a Muslim, he loves America and was highly critical of many things China did, to Muslims in particular (i.e. completely bought into the Uyghur genocide POV). We've had quite a few heated conversations in the past, but we've always remained good friends. Pointing out past atrocities by the US toward Muslims, the far more number confirmed killed, was not enough. Afghanistan and Iraq happened when we were young, too busy chasing girls and booze than to read about politics. Those facts he's aware of, but they've already been casually processed by his America-can-do-no-wrong web of perception. Now that I've introduced a new web to him, however, he's processing the Israel's war in Gaza and America's role differently, especially vis-a-vis the collective West's actions in Ukraine.

These changes take time, you just need to be persistent and consistent. If people are willing to listen, then changes can happen, but only by starting to process new information in a new way. Once this happens, and they realize the new way of processing information is more valid, then they may go back to start processing old information with the new method as well and a person's entire world view can change.


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The #BanKorea (#แบนเกาหลีีี) movement is picking up in Thailand again due to South Korean racism

As a result, Thai people are recommending travel to China instead where the people are friendly to Thais

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Thai insults of South Korea are really funny. You could entertain yourself with the comments all day with translate

Ever since the visa-free program, Thai-China relations are moving in the right direction and even many China haters are starting to realise their past discrimination and slowly changing their views
Don't expect too much from this.

Overall, majority of Thai peoples especially young generation still look down on China. They are often mocking Chinese qualily and believe that all China can do are copy and stole. US and EU are their best friend and Japan is a society they are aspire to be.

Just because they don't like Korean doesn't mean they will see Chinese in better light.


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Malaysia reaffirms the one-China policy and wants to join BRICS. Thailand also announced their intention to join BRICS.
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Or BYD has something new up their sleeve. The European Commission won't comprehend how competitive China's EV market is and how fast some of China's EV companies can innovate.

Yeah, right, Huawei should dissolve themselves.

Sure sign that Saudi Arabia is abandoning the petrodollar?
Very strong statement coming from Malaysia. Good for them, they actually have brains unlike the Philippines.


The ironic thing is my deceased friend offered me a slot for me and my family to take the Pfizer vaccine which is very hard to get at that time and very expensive. I say thanks and decline his offer and for the first time my wife agree with me wholeheartedly, maybe because she read what we discussed here at SDF and don't want to gamble the future of my children from this untested drugs. And also I hope @SteelBird is alright, I haven't see him post for a year, from his previous post he had taken his 3rd, 4th and even 5th jab of Pfizer and other western vaccine.
Brother, thank you for still remembering me. I've been away from SDF for quite some time. I do come back once a while, just read, no post.

For the vaccines, I had two doses of Sinovac, the 3rd jab of AZ and 4th one of Pfizer. I stopped Covid-19 vaccination hereafter because it's no longer a threat to our social health. I caught the disease (Delta) by Aug-2021 after the two doses of Sinovac. Thanks to the vaccine, I had mild symptoms and managed to recover with some medicines at home. By Aug 2022, I caught Covid-19 (Omicron) once again after four doses of vaccine but this time all symptoms went away after only one day of treatment. Again, I treated the disease myself without going to hospital. Now, we can go anywhere with or without a mask. No one care about Covid-19 anymore.