I'm watching Robert O'Brien being interviewed on CNN. He was one of Trump's National Security advisors when he was President. The guy must be from the Beavis and Butthead universe. He has a weird off-center stare and the only thing that moves is his lower jaw when he talks. He wrote a Foreign Affairs article I think was posted in here. He said the Putin and Kim meeting is a reaction to what the US is doing and is a sign of how weak they are. He's not the only one I've heard with this talking point. The US expressing alarmed that any leader of a country the US doesn't like talking to another country they also don't like is a reaction. So who's the one that's insecure? The US having missile interceptors is a reaction to adversaries having missiles. The US saying they are going to make more nukes because Russia and China have nukes is a reaction. The fact is this is spin as usual on their part. They're the ones that are insecure and weak trying to spin it's about someone else. So a country that is strong... they're not bothered by the actions of other countries they don't like? That doesn't describe the US at all. Look at how paranoid the US is over China doing anything.