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even the Japanese know what’s up, they grew some form of a spine after the ministerial meeting with China and South Korea

They didn’t grow a spine. The Japanese are merely trying to stay slightly above the water line. Couple months ago, their central bank intervened and put a bandaid on the currency spiking to 158 per USD to bring it back down. As of today, the exchange rate is now 159.5 yen per USD.


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Are your friends from southern Taiwan? My family is from the north, where people are generally more pro-China.

You should keep on trying to convince them to visit China. When I was in middle school, I was stupid and didn't like China either, but I changed my mind after visiting Shanghai haha
China is a shithole? You should go there just you can have a first hand experience at describing it so you have more credibility.

And then they will come up with every excuse not to. Taiwanese have even less because they literally have no language barrier and all those apps allow Taiwanese people to register so no operational barrier either.

They just don't want to be proven wrong. They have spent so many years spouting this stuff and they find out its all BS? What will this do to their identity? HK-ers hate China so much yet they so casually go to Shenzhen for the weekends these days.

There are people who still go to India even though they know how dangerous or hard it is. But somehow these guys will have excuses not to go to China which frankly speaking is kinda on easy mode for visiting. Like everything has a design to make ease of travel convenient, signs are in english etc.



I would be interested to know how people view Varoufakis' claim, aired from around 43:15, that there is something uniquely misanthropic and imperialist about the west, such that the dynamics we perceive as universal features of the international system (e.g. the security dilemma) are more accurately described as western conceits. The main contrast being drawn here is with China, but it doesn't appear that Varoufakis is ascribing uniquely benevolent characteristics to China, rather he is ascribing uniquely malevolent characteristics to the west.

I don't have anything like the background to seriously examine these ideas, but it occurs to me that productive veins of inquiry are likely to focus on the emergence of western nation-states from their feudal antecedents, the legal architectures (jurisprudence) that have developed in and around those nation-states, and perhaps also the role of Christianity as a monotheistic, exclusive and universalist religion in enabling and shaping the above.


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The #BanKorea (#แบนเกาหลีีี) movement is picking up in Thailand again due to South Korean racism

As a result, Thai people are recommending travel to China instead where the people are friendly to Thais

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Thai insults of South Korea are really funny. You could entertain yourself with the comments all day with translate

Ever since the visa-free program, Thai-China relations are moving in the right direction and even many China haters are starting to realise their past discrimination and slowly changing their views
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Junior Member
Registered Member
The #BanKorea (#แบนเกาหลีีี) movement is picking up in Thailand again due to South Korean racism

As a result, Thai people are recommending travel to China instead where the people are friendly to Thais

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Thai insults of South Korea are really funny. You could entertain yourself with the comments all day with translate

Ever since the visa-free program, Thai-China relations are moving in the right direction and even many China haters are starting to realise their past discrimination
I remember people speaking so highly on Korean soft power but from what I see it has already peaked. Its no longer the new "hip" thing. BTS guys now have to serve in the army so their biggest wow factor is gone.

This is the fate of when your soft power has to rely on pop culture. It lasts for a few years and then people want to move onto something new, something fresh.

Its even more painful because a lot of these new up and coming brands are from China. Like you are no longer the cool guy and now that guy who you consider your massive rival you have to beat is the one taking the spotlight. No wonder Koreans hate China the most now. At last Japan knew it was over for decades already.


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TBF the fact that he is friends with people like that also speaks volumes about who he is as a person.
Well, to be fair, the things that he himself does are a much better indicator of his personality and it's very plausible that he made these friends at a stage of his life when he was too young for politics. I do not question his patriotism. That said, I do think that @Overseaschinese could benefit from a stronger and more dominant persona and presense. His friends strongly disagree with him on something that is a core conviction and his solution is to gently persuade, then agree to disagree. However, when it comes to core convictions, I cannot overlook such a disagreement for anything. I will engage them, force them by the edge of logic and reason's blade onto my side; have them at least say that they need to reconsider their values, or there will be a split between us and we won't be friends anymore. I never shy from this conversation; once I had a professor from Hong Kong casually tell me she believed that Taiwan should be independent and I chewed her out on the issue until she said, "OK, maybe you're right about some things. I have to think about this more." I didn't care about the power dynamic, if she would give me a bad grade or treat me unfairly; nothing is above my conviction. Don't let the people around you define you; you define them, and if they're just an unsavable rotten apple, you eject them from the privilege of being your friend.
You should keep on trying to convince them to visit China. When I was in middle school, I was stupid and didn't like China either, but I changed my mind after visiting Shanghai haha
When you say "convince" they hear "beg." They think you're some CCP agent whose job is to beg people to visit the country and show them fake things to improve their view. Some people are convinced by reason and driven by reward; others are simply not. Hanjian are driven by fear; they just want to know which power is the strongest so they can kneel by it. To these people, China needs no words and no smiles, we just need to show our power and to let them see their master being defeated by us. That is the only key to this lock.
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Registered Member
I would be interested to know how people view Varoufakis' claim, aired from around 43:15, that there is something uniquely misanthropic and imperialist about the west, such that the dynamics we perceive as universal features of the international system (e.g. the security dilemma) are more accurately described as western conceits. The main contrast being drawn here is with China, but it doesn't appear that Varoufakis is ascribing uniquely benevolent characteristics to China, rather he is ascribing uniquely malevolent characteristics to the west.

I don't have anything like the background to seriously examine these ideas, but it occurs to me that productive veins of inquiry are likely to focus on the emergence of western nation-states from their feudal antecedents, the legal architectures (jurisprudence) that have developed in and around those nation-states, and perhaps also the role of Christianity as a monotheistic, exclusive and universalist religion in enabling and shaping the above.
Based on my experience, i think it is appropriate to draw a distinction between continental europeans and their worldview and the anglo-centric atlanticist worldview. Unfortunately due to anglo american control of media, too many of the youth of continental europeans end up anglocentric and with it, the fears and prejudices of the anglo american hegemon. Why for eg would lithuania of all states choose to pick a fight with China, or why would backwater Sweden or Netherlands decide to pick a fight with China? It makes no sense, strategically, culturally or philosophically unless lithuanina, swedish and dutch elites identify more with anglo americans than their ancestors.

Varoufakis makes the interesting point that even empires like the Ottomans, as brutal as they were, were not as obsessively controlling as the anglos. Perhaps the Ottomans and the Mongols just wanted your taxes and soldiers for campaigns. The anglos don't just want your markets, they want your very soul. They want you to deny your cultural heritage so you become a consumer of their products - products which were evidently inferior even during colonialism becuase the anglo british navy needed to force markets to accept their products at the point of a bayonet and gunboat diplomacy. An indiviudal cut off from their cultural heritage makes them susceptible to the blaring advertised as strong, american nationalism as human beings instictively gravitate towards strength. This is why american NGOs in europe treat every european nationalist movement as the second coming of hitler but implicitly promote american nationalism. To be an american nationalist is to be a supporter of the white anglo chauvinistic world order. For the rest of the world, outside the garden, this cannot be allowed to continue.

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At this rate, German companies should seriously consider doing a Boeing on Habeck before he loses them even more business
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