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Russia and North Korea have signed a mutual defense pact. It is the first one since the Cold War ended.
This is very interesting if it's true, this NK-Russia MDT means it will automatically include China as well since NK and China also has MDT.
So in the case the US goes to war against China over taiwan, and China decides to invoke Sino-Korean MDT, it could possibly mean Russian direct military involvement on the side of China and NK against the US


Registered Member
This is very interesting if it's true, this NK-Russia MDT means it will automatically include China as well since NK and China also has MDT.
So in the case the US goes to war against China over taiwan, and China decides to invoke Sino-Korean MDT, it could possibly mean Russian direct military involvement on the side of China and NK against the US
When there is a war in Taiwan it will be Mano o Mano between the US and China in the second island chain. The Japanese and SK had a ready excuse not to assist the US due threats coming from Russia and NK. So the American had been checkmate, they're relying on the Philippines to tip the balance in their favor....lol


Registered Member
So what's the story about the Chinese coast guard in the Philippines now?
We imported a lot of washing machine from Cursula Von der Lying, we need it to spin a lot of narrative asap to cover up this embarrassment, especially after Scott Ritter interviewed and the Anti Vax disinformation by the US military.

This 3 events raised a lot of question and validate Duterte Independent Foreign Policy which is " friends to all and enemy to none". And we may hear a lot from the Dutertes as the Daughter resign from Marcos cabinet to lead the opposition in the 2025 election.

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12 hours ago — Philippine Vice President Sara Duterte resigned on Wednesday from the cabinet of President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and another key post, ...
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12 hours ago — Analysts say the move is 'long overdue' and signals that the Duterte family is ready to 'go all out' in its feud with Marcos Jnr.


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This is very interesting if it's true, this NK-Russia MDT means it will automatically include China as well since NK and China also has MDT.
So in the case the US goes to war against China over taiwan, and China decides to invoke Sino-Korean MDT, it could possibly mean Russian direct military involvement on the side of China and NK against the US
It's a mutual assistance pact not mutual "defense". So pretty much what DPRK is already doing - sending weapons to Russia for assistance, but not sending actual soldiers to the Ukraine front.
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Договор с КНДР предусматривает оказание помощи при агрессии, заявил Путин = Agreement with DPRK on giving mutual assistance in the event of aggression, says Putin.


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That’s typical American MO. It goes something like this:
1) US creates a problem, eg tensions with North Korea
2) US tries to extricate itself from problem without losing face, fails.
3) US tries to get China to fix the problem which in no way relates to China
4) when China wants no part of it, US threatens China to fix the problem the U.S. caused, thereby creating another copy of the problem leading us back to 1).

you must remember that western leaders never experienced the ramifications of their actions, they believe in concepts like whipping boys and scapegoats and you see their members getting promoted after creating a mess eg von der leyen.
Chinese people have a short sentence to describe this kind of scoundrel: they have their own illness, but let others take medicine.
Niall Ferguson clings to the hope that 1.4 billion Chinese will have a miserable future.
There is a perspective that impressed me deeply about the game Victoria 2: the economic crisis triggered a world war, and if production on a scale of one billion people came to a halt, the energy released could be enough to kill everyone in the world.


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Russia and North Korea have signed a mutual defense pact. It is the first one since the Cold War ended.
A great news to return the equilibrium of power in the Korean Peninsula! The victim nation is poor and lagged behind because it's unjustly sanctioned by the last empire all over its existence, just like Cuba since Fidel Castro.

Btw, Russia simply returns the favor!!!

Alexander Mercouris - 20 June

Putin Kim Military Ties, Rus N.Korea To Defend Each Other, Weapons Tech Exchange; Rus Plans Cauldron

Alex Christoforou - 20 June
Putin, Kim and new multipolar world. Sullivan, striking Russia is common sense. Conflict in Lebanon



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The Henan Measuring Tool Enterprise appears at the 2024 Canton Fair (i.e. Guangzhou Fair, Guangdong): Our tape measure device won't bend even when pulled up to 4 meters. Foreign customers are amazed by their hands-on experience.

Vision MeiZhou @lemonyeah2



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Perhaps you're right, China is bad, unlike the democratic United States.

小Ace 专撸蛙 @AceAlbert2022 - 2024.06.19
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This post is weird, it still exists online, the video can be replayed online but it can't be downloaded, and posted here it looks like an invalid link.

I guess the VIDEO is hashed by Twitter/X, will show/replay online but can't be reshared or downloaded!

Grab it here:
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