China has never commented anywhere in the exact ballpark or types of nukes they use anyways. Afaik the closest estimate is someone once saying "hundreds in readiness", that doesn't say much. 200 is hundreds, 900 as well. And the majority of a country's nuclear stockpile isn't on launch on warning posture either, so if you have 200-900 on readiness, how many do you have separated from their warheads in storage?Westerners literally “get off” when they think they’ve found the magical excuse for something that doesn’t allow anyone else except themselves to do it. Like I’ve mentioned before, they thought China was limited to 400 nukes because they thought that’s all they can produce. Why do they think that’s the case? Because they want to believe China isn’t capable of being responsible and understand when enough is enough. They think China would build as many nukes as possible but since they only have 400 nukes, it’s only because that’s China’s capable limit. That’s why chicken hawks in the US were laughing at China’s pitiful 400 nukes and therefore why Trump demanded China be a part of strategic reduction talks while out loud call for the US to increase its number of nukes. Now China is adding an unprecedented thousand more nukes over the next decade. What is the US going to do about it? Go to nuclear war…?
The same dumb logic blinds them now over “low” yield nukes. They’re all excited that they think they got something over China and China can’t doing anything about it. How about China churning out “low” yield nukes like it were candy and since the chicken hawks think they’re not considered “nuclear” strikes, China will be able to use them left and right on the US and its allies. Then the chicken hawks will take an uncontrolled dump in their underwear because they didn’t see that coming and cry foul as usual.
And Westerners get offended because the Chinese refer to them as being barbarians… That’s because they are a bunch of barbarians with how they think. “ It’s a genocide when you do it but not when I do it!” “It’s not considered a nuclear strike when I do it but is when you do it.”
Just look at advanced semiconductors. The West is trying to stop China from being self-sufficient so they think just denying whites from China’s process will do the trick. Then China breaks the 7nm barrier of what the West says is considered up there with the most advanced technology that genetically only white people can achieve. Instead of admitting they were wrong, they move the bar and now claim that’s China’s capable limit. And all of this is because the West doesn’t want to let go believing whites are genetically superior despite how it makes them make the wrong decision.
The reason some in US is trying now to argue for nuclear war is that they can see the writing on the wall that a conventional attack on China would lead to a 1 sided massacre. By using tactical nukes, they can compensate for overall worse quality.The American chicken-hawks were talking about dropping 5kT "low yield" Trident-launched nukes on a Chinese port city, then China would have to suck it up because apparently "5kT is not nuclear". They've even talked about using these "low yield" nukes on Russian troop formation in Eastern Europe and then dare the Russians to reply in kind. They are essentially playing chicken with nuclear war. This is pure stupidity and insanity of the highest order.
First of all, a 5kT nuke is still a nuke. China and Russia don't have any bullshit criteria that classifies nukes below any threshold as "non-nuclear". Both will reply with nuclear weapons of their own, regardless of size. Even if China does have tactical nukes and proceeds to destroy a US fleet. The American hawks will most certainly fly into psychotic rage. They won't care if the Chinese nuke is 20kT or 200kT, they'll most certainly reply with strategic nukes to show China who's boss. And then its full-scale nuclear exchange.
Second, and most importantly. When the US launches Trident missiles carrying "low-yield" W76-2 warheads, its still a Trident missile attack. China and Russia won't know if they are "low-yield" warheads anyway, and they can easily interpret that as a full-scale strategic strike, and reply accordingly. The W76-2 "low-yield" warhead is the same W76-1 warhead without the secondary thermonuclear stage. So, the enemy can't tell if its really the W76-2, 5kT warhead or the W76-1, 90kT strategic warhead, and have to assume the worse case scenario.
These moron chicken hawks in America just don't realize that there is no such things as a nuke for conventional war. They are so used to shooting and bombing enemies who couldn't shoot back over the years. So when confronted by an enemy who can shoot back, and hit back hard, they cannot fathom the possibility of defeat. Hence they want to move up to nukes for some sick satisfaction. That is why they need to be made aware, that he enemy has nukes too and has enough of them kill them all. Russia is there already, and China has to get there ASAP.
But China has also been very clear with its nuclear doctrine. It would do a strategic nuclear strike in response to any wmd use or mass terrorism threat. China invested in FOBS + hypersonic strategic delivery, which means any aggressor would have extremely short time to react. And at the same time, missile defenses + bunkers can help China survive a medium scale strategic exchange.
US oligarchs like having their families alive and being able to enjoy themselves. Losing a war to China, even so badly that they get thrown out of the East Pacific, isn't gonna threaten their ability to keep living that much.
They don't have the fanaticism to pull the trigger on a tactical nuke, and even if they did, there's a not small chance that in the 5-15mins it takes for the first airbursts to land over US, they wouldn't have the balls to reply with enough to fully take out China.
Obviously China will suffer terribly and the amount of its dead civilians could reach holocaust levels, but once it's confirmed that US used a nuke in anger, China would be willing to sacrifice millions just to permanently wipe the dangerous nuclear terrorist off the map.
Maybe if US used a tactical nuke on a purely military formation (like a CBG), then China would only strategically nuke an US base/port to "deescalate with escalation", but any attack on a Chinese port city would trigger full volleys.