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This is how i see things. I would rather earn a living in the US because you get the biggest $ for the least amount of work. Even no talent BS artist can make good money in the US. I never understood why everyone keeps saying the US is a service economy. Experience tells me that the quality of services in the US is extra-ordinarily poor. Just look at your place of employment and how many people are just freeloaders and hardly contributing to society.

On the other hand, I would rather spend my money in China or Asia because I can get the best bang for my money. Better value and services. Sometimes the quality of services I receive in Asia continues to surprise me.

Fortunately I have this opportunity to my best advantage.

You nailed it, make $$$ in the west, but spend $$$ in Asia. Also will help Asia rise faster. Drain America of its "GDP".
A very personal attack from Biden. It seems Biden will go hard after Russia unlike Trump who focused all his energy on China .

I expect a Sino-Russian military alliance in the near future with the way both countries are being targeted by the West.

My observations has been the almost all US presidents have been BIGGER killers than Vladimir Putin can ever be, So why this projection.


Senior Member
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If this is the case, This meeting is just a waste of time and China has most important matters to attend to.

This seems more the case. I'd rather they meet face to face with Indonesian, Iranian, Pakistani, Argentinians, Russians, Turkish counterparts where they can actually sign accords and cooperation agreements. If its just a bitchfest then the Americans can do that to us through zoom. We can even us a deep fake AI of our side to entertain Austin and Blinkin while he rambles on.
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Explosive Alaska meeting incoming

Lmao did he just call Japan, a vassal of the US?

Man this Zhao is impressively spicy, is he reading this forum and he just called Japan basically a slave state? I can just imagine these old men in the Japanese gov fuming right now :D

Not really. Many Japanese politicians are resigned to idea that they cannot contradict the US diktat. They would even say this on public and the public would just accept it as the pragmatic reality.


This seems more the case. I'd rather they meet face to face with Indonesian, Iranian, Pakistani, Argentinians, Russians, Turkish counterparts where they can actually sign accords and cooperation agreements. If its just a bitchfest then the Americans can do that to us through zoom. We can even us a deep fake AI of our side to entertain Austin and Blinkin while he rambles on.
I have always said CN should ignore US like they are doing with AU and have meeting with other countries.


I dont know if you realize this but the vast majority of overseas chinese are NOT STEM. Had the overseas chinese been all STEM, they would not have been as successful as they are today. The US is primarily driven by legal, and finance professions, and chinese are over-represented in those accordingly. Of course I could have chosen to become a scientist (not hard considering how low entrance averages are in Canadian universities) but very few scientists can make over $300,000 by the time they are 30s. Also back when I was 18, I hardly was thinking that 13 years later america would start waging a global war on China. China of course is in need of more engineers and scientists to create ever more advanced systems and technologies, but it also needs access to cash (lets be real, money is hard power), and media capability. A web designer is also necessary in the fight against america in order to create media campaigns, just like how an accountant/financier is needed to fund ever increasing projects. The fight against America will be omni-channel, involving access to capital, public relations, along with science and technology.

I'm not gonna be stupid and say an accountant is equal to an aerospace engineer pound for pound, but at the same time you should also realize that America didn't become the world's pre-eminent power by having the most scientists or engineers. Otherwise we would be speaking german in the reich today. America's power comes from the ability to have a large scientific base, coupled with mobilization of the worlds financial resources under the current IMF/WB system, and a massive public relations/propaganda network that leverages other countries to augment areas where america is weak/deficient. STEM is the core foundation of power, but its not the only pillar, something I must remind people on SDF if,

To boil it succinctly, I have no doubt you would be a better engineer at DJI to design a drone than me. Your years of scientific training would lead you to that. But you aren't doing that right now. I have in the course of the last year spent well over $10,000 on DJI products, specifically since they represent the bleeding edge of civilian tech which I can reasonably invest in. Its with the same mind-set that I have shifted my investment allocations to double my exposure to China equities from 25% to 50% last year. We each contribute in our own ways.
America's success came from establishing the world order into a system highly advantageous to itself after WWII and then poaching scientists thereafter. A country playing the same game without the same rules set to its advantage has no chance of achieving the same result. Only science defeats law and politics, not a mirror game from an unfavorable platform.
For that reason, even though you are acting increasingly aggressive against me, I see no reason to respond in kind to you. We are on the same team.
"2) Its a very typical asian idea to try to simply flee back to safety. While I agree that repatriation to China is the ultimate end goal, that is not the primary objective in the initial phases, we need protests and mobilization among multiple media and social channels. Again, huge amounts of the population were against BLM, but their mobilization still brought America to paralysis and raised serious existential questions. We cannot go wagging a tail between the two legs now fleeing back to china, it just perpetuates the narrative of the chinese spy/coward and invites more attack against the remaining community that is here."

This, your attack on sea turtles who realize the value of their knowledge (rather than that of some desperado last stand in their house clutching their guns in the West) and who are willing to return home to contribute to Chinese science, is what got you the dressing down I gave. You've absorbed so much Western culture that your ideas resemble more the useless angry gun-touting Texan rather than the bane-of-the-West Asian math/science/tech/econ whiz, to the point where you are creating Asian stereotypes for you to vent your anger on by insulting.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Just look at what happened with the EU diplomat who went to Russia recently. He didn't bother to discuss any matters of substance and just delivered a litany of complaints against Russia. The Russians simply showed him the door out and said they won't bother negotiating with the EU again and will instead deal with countries separately.


Registered Member
I think most of us here have family in China and are well aware of the employment situation there. The fact that I am seriously considering relocating to China speaks more about the state of North America than about China.

What's more, there are other ways to earn a living than a 996 job. I am under no illusion that I'd be able to find a job in a market where the average programmer is under 30. More likely I will keep working here and send my wife and kids back, or maybe sell our properties here and buy something in a tier 2 or tier 3 city. Maybe start a business.

Anyway, I hope we still have some time before we need to make this decision. I'm more optimistic for Canada, but I have no doubt it's only going to be a matter of time.

I would second the business route, but I also think it's more useful to work outside of China if you don't have a specific technical specialty.

You have 1400 million people in China who generally don't have very good English, nor do they really understand what is happening outside. At the same time, Chinese companies are looking to go global.

Then you have about 500 million people in mainland Europe, 600 million in ASEAN and billions more in Africa, Middle East etc. They are generally neutral on China, but they don't know much about China either.

And out of those 4+ billion, I would say that there are literally only a handful of people who are comfortable operating between China-USA, China-Europe, China-Africa, etc

So matter what your niche, there is something which can probably work for you outside of a hostile anglosphere.

Things like importing, distributing or creating products from China
Or perhaps working for a Chinese company overseas or in a European multinational which has switched to English as their internal language.
Or arranging billions in financing for renewable energy projects, which tends to use Chinese companies or banks.
These are just a few areas which I've had second-hand experience of, but the possibilities are endless

So it's not just about strengthening China.
It's also about strengthening the rest of the world, so they are better able to resist US political pressure.


Registered Member
Just look at what happened with the EU diplomat who went to Russia recently. He didn't bother to discuss any matters of substance and just delivered a litany of complaints against Russia. The Russians simply showed him the door out and said they won't bother negotiating with the EU again and will instead deal with countries separately.
@gelgoog Josep Borrel...LOL Lavrov really put him in place and show him the door. hahaha and with his famous quote "the honey is sweet but the bee sting"
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