Miscellaneous News


I understand you think you are trying to "talk me back from the brink" and its also in good faith, so its understandable. Perhaps I should clarify:

1) I certainly hope nobody goes out shooting on a rampage. Rather what was highly effective about BLM was armed supporters of the protesters who could prevent white supremacist and "police" elements from exacting violence against demonstrators the same way they did with George Floyd. We need armed protection at these protests.
2) Its a very typical asian idea to try to simply flee back to safety. While I agree that repatriation to China is the ultimate end goal, that is not the primary objective in the initial phases, we need protests and mobilization among multiple media and social channels. Again, huge amounts of the population were against BLM, but their mobilization still brought America to paralysis and raised serious existential questions. We cannot go wagging a tail between the two legs now fleeing back to china, it just perpetuates the narrative of the chinese spy/coward and invites more attack against the remaining community that is here.
3) We do not know whether the escalation matrix will even permit a return to china, for example it is incredibly likely protests will go nationwide within the next 2-3 days, just like with George Floyd. As we should expect no sympathy from a federal white supremacist government, its is entirely likely Chinese nationals will not be permitted to leave in state of martial law.
4) Not everyone on this forum has the necessary technical expertise to specifically develop china. Many of our backgrounds are in finance/investing but in an anglosphere setting. My best and highest use of talents is to continue staying here, where I continue to use my purchasing power to buy Chinese goods, until they are eventually boycotted. I've set my Chinese goods purchase level to be approximately $30,000 a year, or approximately 20x the average per capita spend, in an effort to further develop key Chinese technologies and also build awareness of quality Chinese products (since even I can admit there is a bunch of cheap crap out there). I had previously set a level of 10x per capita spend which I communicated to the forum in June-2020, but investments returns have been good and I have gotten a new job and saved money elsewhere so I upped the budget. Its also helpful when I used to be a huge food aficionado but now restaurants arent as appealing/accessible.
5) I am not trained as a professional killer. But Canada does allow me to have a PAL, and you can see a few pictures of my loadout in the small arms threat. I hope nobody has illusions about protecting themselves from real US special killer forces, I'm talking about dumb deranged republican white supremacists here. Also I make sure to keep hitting the gym (especially important during a pandemic) and run with a weighted bag to simulate a heavier loadout. Think local overmatch, not global dominance.

We are both on the same side, and as long as we use our intelligence (albeit in different ways) we can play our part to ensure the vicotry of Chinese civilization.
Alright, if you've got nothing to offer than buying Chinese goods, do what you can/want but in the end, money is only an artificial construct of society which only has value when society is in tact and with honor. Only STEM subjects, only science is real power. So if you think your maximum value is staying in a Western nation to buy Chinese goods, I think that's a rather small contribution for a person but fine, you stay and act brave. You think that they want to exterminate you but you put yourself and your family in a sea of these people with a gun when they all have guns; I take that as being irresponsible and stupid. Canada's probably safer than the US but to me this is pretty much similar to the case of the old man to refuses to leave Tornado Valley cus he thinks it makes him tough that he's in a pissing match with the wind. However, you do not project this onto other Chinese people. Chinese scholars who have devoted their lives to mastery of STEM subjects deciding to return to China are anything other than cowardly; they are heroes throwing away their wealth and the easy lifestyles they have grown accustomed to in the West to bring meaning to their lives. They know that the only way for China to win is for them to pour their knowledge into China so that China as a country prevails over the US. These people are in every way superior to the stubborn people who think they can stay in the West to cause minor disruptions through protests and whatnot. And that's the kindest way to put it; most people will say that Chinese people who hate the West yet stay there are soft and cowardly because they fear the tough challenges in China and crave the ease of life in the West so they only offer lip service to their supposed patriotism with an excuse to keep living in comfort. These people will never be more than fleas on a lion's back while the sea turtles who bring back their crafts to China will be the architects and masters of a Chinese future.
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Alright, if you've got nothing to offer than buying Chinese goods, do what you can/want but in the end, money is only an artificial construct of society which only has value when society is in tact and with honor. Only STEM subjects, only science is real power. So if you think your maximum value is staying in a Western nation to buy Chinese goods, I think that's a rather small contribution for a person but fine, you stay and act brave. You think that they want to exterminate you but you put yourself and your family in a sea of these people with a gun when they all have guns; I take that as being irresponsible and stupid. Canada's probably safer than the US but to me this is pretty much similar to the case of the old man to refuses to leave Tornado Valley cus he thinks it makes him tough that he's in a pissing match with the wind. However, you do not project this onto other Chinese people. Chinese scholars who have devoted their lives to mastery of STEM subjects deciding to return to China are anything other than cowardly; they are heroes throwing away their wealth and the easy lifestyles they have grown accustomed to in the West to bring meaning to their lives. They know that the only way for China to win is for them to pour their knowledge into China so that China as a country prevails over the US. These people are in every way superior to the stubborn people who think they can stay in the West to cause disruptions through protests and whatnot. And that's the kindest way to put it; most people will say that these Chinese people are soft and cowardly because they fear the tough challenges in China and crave the ease of life in the West so they only offer lip service to their supposed patriotism with an excuse to stay. These people will never be more than fleas on a lion's back while the sea turtles who bring back their craft will be the engineers and masters of a Chinese future.

To be fair, only a small subset of people have skills that can actually contribute to the nation.

Most people work on fairly pointless things like web design or accounting.


New Member
.... We are both on the same side, and as long as we use our intelligence (albeit in different ways) we can play our part to ensure the vicotry of Chinese civilization.
Can you imagine even 10 years ago thinking China might be a place to make a fresh start from the west? The mere fact that it is conceivable for diaspora Chinese and even other Asians to view China as a destination where they can seek out a new life is an indicator the geopolitical narrative is beginning to shift.

This will all very quickly snowball back to great power politics away from days of freedom of speech rhetoric because it no longer speaks to the Chinese population at large. This is good and bad, good for PRC Chinese because they've finally woken up the western facade, bad for diaspora Chinese/Asians alike because great power politics will devolve into race. But then underneath it all, it has always been about race.



To be fair, only a small subset of people have skills that can actually contribute to the nation.

Most people work on fairly pointless things like web design or accounting.
I often lose sight of that because I work with so many Chinese people who are PhDs with ideas bursting out of their brains. Not only would their contributions help China, their sudden departure from the US would put America in a panic to replace them, often with people who are unqualified.

To become a useful person rather than a self-serving one, training really needs to begin in early childhood. In addition to instilling heroic and unbending values, children must begin their early preparation to study and eventually master a STEM discipline. My parents told me when I was a very young kid, and again and again into my early adulthood that if I could become a useful scientist, my badge of honor would be that I could relocate back to China. If I failed and became a lab tech or some restaurant worker, my parents would buy me a house in the US where I could piss my life away doing easy things... or nothing; it wouldn't matter. The comfort would be the consolation prize to balance the life-long soul-draining disappointment and regret. The resignation and sadness in my father's eyes as he said to me with a faint cold smile, "Then we'll buy you a house here... and you can be comfortable without having to fight for anything," is an expression for which I would complete 100 doctorates and burn down 1,000 houses to ensure that it never became anything more than a flitting moment of discomfort from his imagination.
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@j17wang you seriously need to stop writing this kind of stuff. One, it's pointless. Two, SDF is hosted on an American server, meaning the FBI can track you down whenever they feel like it.

Myself, I've started looking into ways to make a living in China. I don't want my kids to grow up in a country where they will teach that China commits genocides.
Meanwhile, Australia has officially refrained from accusing China of committing genocide in Xinjiang.


Senior Member
I think as China grows stronger it will only a matter of time before it replaces america as the biggest economy in the world in maybe less than a decade
However this will be truly be a dangerous time for asian americans, because as China rise to replace america as the next superpower and the american standard of living continues to decline (as it inevitably will) both democrats and republicans will continue to deflect blame and direct their anger to China as the cause for all their economic troubles
Therefore the racism, discrimination and outright violence will sadly gets worse
Is this the kind of future we want our kids to grow up with?
most of us may not have the means and the energy to relocate to China or another country
But that does not means our children can't
So our job should be to educate them as much as we can and when they grow up tell them to go back to the motherland to pursue a better life
Just like our parents worked so hard when we were little to send us to western countries to search of a better life than what they had
Is our turn to do the same


Registered Member
@j17wang you seriously need to stop writing this kind of stuff. One, it's pointless. Two, SDF is hosted on an American server, meaning the FBI can track you down whenever they feel like it.

Myself, I've started looking into ways to make a living in China. I don't want my kids to grow up in a country where they will teach that China commits genocides.
What happens as a result of USA stuffing up is a consequence which is something that is deserved but actively calling for aggressive action is a step too far. I guess my preference is to see the stuff ups in the west happen due to stupidity and not to cause actual harm. It’s not how people should do things since the consequences are always severe. Me actually going over board got me banned from YouTube so since then I have learnt to moderate myself or at least I am trying too but sometimes it is very hard
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Registered Member
Word now is four of the dead are Korean.
Very sad, but I'm not surprised. To these degenerate racists murderers, all Asians look the same. They'll always find some excuse to express their racism.

I can bet that they will say don't blame them, but blame China for creating this new 'Yellow Peril'. Same like after 9-11, when a Sikh man was killed. They'll say its the Muslims, not their own Islamophobia that got that man killed.