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No thats the joke. We dont protest, we strike back. I hope most of you put your above average salaries to work buying arms and armaments, instead of the stupid stereotype of LV bags or BMWs.

I'm not going anywhere. I will strike back. Every dead nazi is one less that my motherland has to fight.
That has got to be your worst idea yet. Years and years of education and working knowledge, expertise in our fields, all essential resources that could exalt China's rise, gone for 1 bullet. Were you trained as a professional killer? If not, chances are, you don't kill anybody before the special forces kill you, and even if you did, it would be a person who could be replaced instantly by the US government training another yahoo and giving him a gun. Go on a shooting spree killing "nazis"? LOL Those are worthless people and the US government would love to turn their unemployment checks into martyrs with the added bonus of killing a highly-educated Chinese patriot to boot.

The best and only way to strike back is to bring your education and technical expertise to develop China. We're Chinese people; we specialize at being smart. If you're not using your brain as your main weapon, you're wasting your life.

BTW, your post is dangerously close to getting the worst kind of attention on you.
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Look like a hate crime.

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It looks like this white guy had yellow fever and wasn't getting any or that those spas told him to get out after he got too creepy. He specifically targeted Asian female sex workers. If the FBI checked his internet history, there would likely be so much Asian porn their computers would suffer permanent yellow screenburn LOL. If this guy just wanted to kill massive amounts of Asians, any Asian supermarket would have been a better target for him.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
It looks like this white guy had yellow fever and wasn't getting any or that those spas told him to get out after he got too creepy. He specifically targeted Asian female sex workers. If the FBI checked his internet history, there would likely be so much Asian porn their computers would suffer permanent yellow screenburn LOL. If this guy just wanted to kill massive amounts of Asians, any Asian supermarket would have been a better target for him.
I think it is a religious white and wanted to clean dirty yellow from America


Senior Member
Registered Member
Yes I mean whats the reason to finance a country which has joined the quad and is actively working against you?

China is not stupid to give money to its enemies so that these enemies buy military equipment and then send it to the South China Sea.

I think Australia should forget about China and focus on other markets..

Protest? Protesting is the action of choice for the helpless. You can protest all day everywhere and the US government will give you a big thumbs up and tell you they support you 100% while snickering behind your back at how you waste your time. Only force changes things. The only action that is an appropriate response is for highly educated useful people of Chinese or even any Asian race to leave America and bring their talents to China. Helping China surpass America is the only action that makes Americans scream and flail in fear of their future. Every other action just makes America laugh.
A strategic retreat may be necessary to protect the lives of women and children, but make my words: those lands are ours and i intend to reclaim those lands. Much as the Xiongnu had to be exterminated and their lands confiscated into the Han empire, so too must the Five Eyes forfeit their stolen lands and exiled back to england.


Senior Member
Registered Member
That has got to be your worst idea yet. Years and years of education and working knowledge, expertise in our fields, all essential resources that could exalt China's rise, gone for 1 bullet. Were you trained as a professional killer? If not, chances are, you don't kill anybody before the special forces kill you, and even if you did, it would be a person who could be replaced instantly by the US government training another yahoo and giving him a gun. Go on a shooting spree killing "nazis"? LOL Those are worthless people and the US government would love to turn their unemployment checks into martyrs with the added bonus of killing a highly-educated Chinese patriot to boot.

The best and only way to strike back is to bring your education and technical expertise to develop China. We're Chinese people; we specialize at being smart. If you're not using your brain as your main weapon, you're wasting your life.

BTW, your post is dangerously close to getting the worst kind of attention on you.

I understand you think you are trying to "talk me back from the brink" and its also in good faith, so its understandable. Perhaps I should clarify:

1) I certainly hope nobody goes out shooting on a rampage. Rather what was highly effective about BLM was armed supporters of the protesters who could prevent white supremacist and "police" elements from exacting violence against demonstrators the same way they did with George Floyd. We need armed protection at these protests.
2) Its a very typical asian idea to try to simply flee back to safety. While I agree that repatriation to China is the ultimate end goal, that is not the primary objective in the initial phases, we need protests and mobilization among multiple media and social channels. Again, huge amounts of the population were against BLM, but their mobilization still brought America to paralysis and raised serious existential questions. We cannot go wagging a tail between the two legs now fleeing back to china, it just perpetuates the narrative of the chinese spy/coward and invites more attack against the remaining community that is here.
3) We do not know whether the escalation matrix will even permit a return to china, for example it is incredibly likely protests will go nationwide within the next 2-3 days, just like with George Floyd. As we should expect no sympathy from a federal white supremacist government, its is entirely likely Chinese nationals will not be permitted to leave in state of martial law.
4) Not everyone on this forum has the necessary technical expertise to specifically develop china. Many of our backgrounds are in finance/investing but in an anglosphere setting. My best and highest use of talents is to continue staying here, where I continue to use my purchasing power to buy Chinese goods, until they are eventually boycotted. I've set my Chinese goods purchase level to be approximately $30,000 a year, or approximately 20x the average per capita spend, in an effort to further develop key Chinese technologies and also build awareness of quality Chinese products (since even I can admit there is a bunch of cheap crap out there). I had previously set a level of 10x per capita spend which I communicated to the forum in June-2020, but investments returns have been good and I have gotten a new job and saved money elsewhere so I upped the budget. Its also helpful when I used to be a huge food aficionado but now restaurants arent as appealing/accessible.
5) I am not trained as a professional killer. But Canada does allow me to have a PAL, and you can see a few pictures of my loadout in the small arms threat. I hope nobody has illusions about protecting themselves from real US special killer forces, I'm talking about dumb deranged republican white supremacists here. Also I make sure to keep hitting the gym (especially important during a pandemic) and run with a weighted bag to simulate a heavier loadout. Think local overmatch, not global dominance.

We are both on the same side, and as long as we use our intelligence (albeit in different ways) we can play our part to ensure the vicotry of Chinese civilization.


@j17wang you seriously need to stop writing this kind of stuff. One, it's pointless. Two, SDF is hosted on an American server, meaning the FBI can track you down whenever they feel like it.

Myself, I've started looking into ways to make a living in China. I don't want my kids to grow up in a country where they will teach that China commits genocides.