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Reality is, most Chinese youth are rural or 1st gen non rural and the point of comparison is very different. I know alot of these guys. It's not that they don't take gaokao seriously, they're just not academic or ambitious, they know it, and they put effort accordingly. Most are OK with their lives as a whole.
I... literally... know... not a single Chinese person who's not ambitious or trying to kill everyone else in his grade to become top. Sorry... I do know one but we all make fun of him for being stupid and on top of that, a horrible person as well... I know just one.
For example, 2 old ladies at the park saying their kid is locked in their room studying? In rural China, kids live in dorms. The degree of studying they do is solely up to their self motivation. Parents aren't there. Are high schoolers going to be self motivated to study so hard?
I have no experience with rural China. This was in JiuHua Mountain in Nanjing. They literally said, "Nowadays it's really hard to find a kid so bad he's wasting time here when Gaokao are in a week." I finished all my finals and statewide exams in the US, just started vacation, first day out, stood there with an entomology net and a backpack full of jars hunting for rhinoceros and stag beetles and I get cursed out like this right next to me LOLOL. Really gave me the impression that every kid in the city is working in overdrive. My cousin was; she studied so hard for 2 straight years, she went from looking like Jang Nara to Guy Fieri without his beard.
Another example. City parent when kid gets only a moderate 1st tier school: omg your life is ruined. Rural parent when kid gets a BYD job for 8k a month with a mechanics associate degree: congratulations, this is big money.
Well, that's like I said, everyone's working hard to climb up the ladder no matter where they are.
then, Not everyone needs a degree to be happy.
That's true, but then you gotta have money. Chinese people don't play that ukelele-by-the-beach-I-need-nothing-in-life-to-be-happy shit. You gotta be impressive in some way or another; if it ain't your degree, it better be your house, car, and bank account.
They joke with me that I am like Einstein, I just joke back, more like Wang Miao (3 body problem). They're not fuming mad that I have a graduate degree or I make more money, I don't look down on them. We're bros who struggled together and ended up in different places.
Yeah I'm bros with different kinds of people too but there's pressure. When we're kids, the parents lay on the pressure about beating the kids of all their neighbors and friends until we all secretly hate each other. But it makes us stronger and that's what counts. When we're adults, we still measure ourselves and more importantly, potential partners are measuring us in the group we hang out in. Who's the best-looking, most athletic, tallest, richest, smartest, and when those guys get significantly more success than the laggards, bros they may be while drinking but a sense of inequality is going to be in the undercurrent. I feel like saying that people from all different backgrounds/capabilities are good friends so there's no pressure to perform is a gross oversimplification of the complex social web.
If you look at the rankings, Saudi Arabia and UAE do indeed rank equal or higher than China except that their scores for sex and politics are N/A.
Oh... what are we talking about? I thought someone said that China ranked number 1 before being taken down? This whole conversation is my expressing my disbelief that China's overall happiness can be higher than countries that live on vast oil wealth.

Sexually, though, I get it. Because of the religion over there, guys don't fool around. A Saudi once told me that men are virgins until marriage, and then they stay true to their wives. I don't know about how these fellas play, but to me, there's no fun no matter how much money you have or spend if you're not doing it in a co-ed environment. So I can definitely see that impacting thier happiness.
But a ton of developing countries also have high happiness rankings like Indonesia, Malaysia and even India. So clearly it is subjective.
I didn't look that closely. If India's getting a high score, then I have no idea WTF they're measuring on this.

Anyway, to your points, I just don't see what you're seeing and I didn't take a look at how they surveyed. To me, I'd assume they survey in major cities with highly competitive environments but if they went to the countryside, I'd say that's a weird choice and I don't know what they'd find.

To the other people saying that Chinese people could be the happiest due to the spirit of achievement, I really wish that were true but from the average Chinese person I've met, happiness means high income comfortable life. If we get to a point where Chinese people have a world-beating level of happiness driving by pride in accomplishments and hard work, that's superhuman. The West should just give up. I'd be like 300 except it were 300 Persians against 100K Spartans LOL
Average person in west do not own yacht/mansion, so that is definitely not it. They are richer but once you factor cost of living they are just mildly richer.

It is a matter of perception. Everyone in the west feels like things are slowly go downhill. Chinese think things are getting better. They feel life sucks even though they live better. Psychology 101. Humans are irrational like that.

Not to mention politics. Every 4 years half the population think everything is falling apart.
Noooooo I'm not comparing to the West. At this point, I could believe that China has generally happier than a large portion of the West. When I said yachts and mansions, I was talking about extremely high per capita GDP countries in the middle east like Qatar.


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I’ve noticed recently this trend of African-Americans writing books about solving racism in America. Each one of them have the same solution. Don’t bring up race. You know what the other thing they have in common? They’re all Republicans.

Of course their only concern comes from a white perspective. Yeah they don’t like it when non-whites bring up race because it’s always about whites being racist. Why don’t whites stop bringing up race?

I know someone Chinese who use to own a small store in a marketplace. She would tell me how whites would come up to her all the time just to complain to her about China. Personally every time I experience a new group of white acquaintances, there’s always one or two of them that will want to put me in place because of my race. They do that primarily to learn how far they can go with me or like with my friend… use me to get all their frustrations out regarding China.

It’s like that stereotypical Marine I know through my friend because he’s his sister’s baby daddy that I’ve brought up before in this forum. He’s a Republican who hates Democrats, big surprise, who loves to start heated arguments with them. When I first met this guy, I steered clear of talking politics with him. Then one day we all were at a restaurant after watching a movie and I was sitting across from him and all of the sudden he was staring dead at me and then… he brought up China. I unloaded on him. He didn’t expect that. He was unprepared for someone like me. I was running circles around him where he had nothing left and was just repeating the same arguments over again.

Yes white people… when are you going to stop bringing up race?

Is that the same guy you shut up by telling him that you support President Xi because he made China great again?


Lieutenant General
Israel: opst, stupid Americans forgot to update our Google maps again!

On a more serious note, it seems Bibi is desperate to drag America kicking and screaming into their genocidal war by going out of their way to start a region wide war with Iran that America cannot ignore.


Registered Member
Looks like I underestimated Netanyahu.
why would you underestimate him or Israel when they are part of the system. Japan would have become economic corpse if it does not have certain history that most people not pay attention. it is that tilt that keep countries like Japan/Korea competitive with Europe.
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Not breaking news. About 3 days ago, Singapore demanded the Israeli embassy to takedown a Facebook post that insults the Quran.
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Singapore had shown that it has the guts to tell Israel off for insulting Islam. Singapore has the guts to protect the rights of its own Muslim minorities. Even from Israel, who is a long-time defense supplier and partner of Singapore.

Meanwhile in Malaysia, a convenience store and it's supplier is being charged because they happened to have a sock with the word "Allah" on one of its shelves. A Malay Muslim politician in Malaysia consider it an insult to Islam, was livid, and then went on a crusade against that convenience store. The Malay Muslim majority were captured by this crusade and added a huge momentum to it. Now, there is a national firestorm over this issue.
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I have been following this saga for more than a week. I thought it was gonna be small news that blows away eventually. Just a sock that had insulted someone right? But no, it had reignited a nation-wide hatred on Malaysian Chinese businesses and society. So I have to rant about it.

A sock with the word "Allah" on it had resulted in a convenience store chain (KK Mart) being charged. Then, a garment supplier having its business licence suspended and charged. Both were Malaysian Chinese businesses. Furthermore two non-Muslim Malaysians received 6-month jail time for posting rebukes on the social media that apparently "hurt the feelings of Muslims". One of them was a Malaysian Chinese. The other was an East Malaysian Christian. They both got doxxed by Malay Muslim fanatics, were caught and convicted swiftly.

Meanwhile Malay Muslim fanatics have been popping up everywhere, protesting and incuting hatred on KK Mart and other Malaysian Chinese businesses. Some of them had attempted to throw a Molotov cocktail at one KK Mart store. And that Malay Muslim politician who had started the storm continued to double down on the KK Mart hate, even after KK Mart made a public apology. He continues called for a Muslim boycott of KK Mart, and says that he wants to make an example of KK Mart. He had also warned other Malaysian Chinese businesses that they might feel his Muslim wrath in the future. Still, the total number of Malay Muslims charged for inciting racial and religious hatred: zero.

Anwar Ibrahim's "Madani" government had promised to make Malaysia a fairer places for all races and religion. What we are seeing now is the Malay Muslim majority clearly bullying and inciting hatred on Malaysian Chinese businesses and people. But the people and entities who have been charged and punished are: 4 non-Muslims, and 0 Muslims. This is extremely disappointing. If this government could not defend the rights of the minorities, they are going to lose their credibility among the minorities very quickly. Anwar Ibrahim better do something about this urgently. Especially if he wants to win the next election. The optics are just not good. Malaysian retailers are now fearful of anymore Malay Muslim landmines.

Malaysia, especially in West Malaysia, is an example of a Hindutva-style Muslim society. Where the majority, the Malay Muslims mostly consider themselves exceptional. In the past, it was more towards Malay exceptionalism. Today, it is more towards Muslim exceptionalism. Malaysia is a major recipient of Chinese FDI. Despite the friendliness of the government to China, the Malay Muslim majority do not share the same sentiment. So, China should not expect too much ROI from Malaysia. And Malaysians should stop dreaming of becoming a high income nation, despite the efforts of the Anwar-led government. They are dealing with a population majority as arrogant and as stupid as it is. Hence, Malaysia shall perpetually remain a 3rd world nation. Continue screaming for Malay and Muslim exceptionalism while your nation continues to drop in the ASEAN economic development ranking. Don't be surprised that Cambodia or Laos overtakes you next.
So amongst the top ASEAN nations, China can only count on Vietnam and Indonesia for now, as PH is in the pocket of US, MY is now anti China, and SG is always on the fence. It's getting difficult for China to maneuver.

BTW, any chance Dr Akmal is funded by a 3 letter agency?
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Senior Member
Registered Member
So amongst the top ASEAN nations, China can only count on Vietnam and Indonesia for now, as PH is in the pocket of US, MY is now anti China, and SG is always on the fence. It's getting difficult for China to maneuver.

BTW, any chance Dr Akmal is funded by a 3 letter agency?
Indonesia is basically the head of ASEAN though or leader.

PH is pretty irrelevant (and also don't have that great relations with other ASEAN countries), and kinda same with MY.


Junior Member
Registered Member
So amongst the top ASEAN nations, China can only count on Vietnam and Indonesia for now, as PH is in the pocket of US, MY is now anti China, and SG is always on the fence. It's getting difficult for China to maneuver.

BTW, any chance Dr Akmal is funded by a 3 letter agency?
Is there a single Southeast Asian country with a wealthy Chinese minority that isn't anti-Chinese?