I’ve noticed recently this trend of African-Americans writing books about solving racism in America. Each one of them have the same solution. Don’t bring up race. You know what the other thing they have in common? They’re all Republicans.
Of course their only concern comes from a white perspective. Yeah they don’t like it when non-whites bring up race because it’s always about whites being racist. Why don’t whites stop bringing up race?
I know someone Chinese who use to own a small store in a marketplace. She would tell me how whites would come up to her all the time just to complain to her about China. Personally every time I experience a new group of white acquaintances, there’s always one or two of them that will want to put me in place because of my race. They do that primarily to learn how far they can go with me or like with my friend… use me to get all their frustrations out regarding China.
It’s like that stereotypical Marine I know through my friend because he’s his sister’s baby daddy that I’ve brought up before in this forum. He’s a Republican who hates Democrats, big surprise, who loves to start heated arguments with them. When I first met this guy, I steered clear of talking politics with him. Then one day we all were at a restaurant after watching a movie and I was sitting across from him and all of the sudden he was staring dead at me and then… he brought up China. I unloaded on him. He didn’t expect that. He was unprepared for someone like me. I was running circles around him where he had nothing left and was just repeating the same arguments over again.
Yes white people… when are you going to stop bringing up race?