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The reason why the American elites are unironically paranoid about Chinese EVs, isn’t just because of a fear of losing market share, it’s because the Americans actually do hack vehicles to assassinate dissidents like Seth Rich.
Michael Hastings. Seth was mugged on street and later died in the hospital after a visit of unknown people.

Honestly, I don't care anymore. Canada has no future, since it seems to do nothing but gargle Murica's nuts. This country can become a glass parking lot for all I care. Just gonna pack up my shit, and take my knowledge back to China asap.
Canada doesn't have much of a choice. It's caught between American and European interests.

It seems like inviting Chinese workers to build your infrastructure may not be a bad idea after all

But that would hurt US ego and ego triumphs rationality. So it will never happen.

Americans should keep enjoying their wonderous infrastructure
The Chinese will no longer do that even if asked. The Mexicans will. I'm of the opinion that the large influx of migrants across the Southern border is to undermine organized labor; driving down labor costs. It's these people who will rebuild America's infrastructure.

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$24M+ for destroying one of the world biggest company reputation....beautiful.
Boeing's problem started much further back. It began with their merger with McDonnell Douglas. John Barnett's murd..err..suicide didn't help Boeing's image one bit.

Pakistan is a lost cause. Sunk cost fallacy and all that. Nevermind monetary, the opportunity costs that China has incurred have been massive
Might as well as throw money to the Argentinian economic black hole
Argentina offers no strategic value to China's security.

...the dumber ones usually come with one-bit brains. They tend to see most nuanced, real-world situations as a battle between "good" and "evil" and are thus easily fooled by Westerners who claim that liberal democracy is the only effective form of government...It was like talking to toddlers. I could hardly believe that there were Chinese people THAT stupid.
Not everyone is the sharpest tool in the shed.

So what's gonna happen? Soleimani Retaliation V2.0? I don't think Iran has the stones to strike back in any meaningful capacity, with the US itching for casus belli.
IMO, more of the same. Small strikes against US positions, block shipping through the Suez via Yemen and accelerating dedollarisation. I'd be surprised if Iran retaliates in a big way.

On a more serious note, it seems Bibi is desperate to drag America kicking and screaming into their genocidal war by going out of their way to start a region wide war with Iran that America cannot ignore.
Netanyahu is in a bind. He needs a war to stay away from jail. But, he knows Israel will not last long if a regional war breaks out so he's riding up the escalation escalator to draw the Americans into a war against Iran. If Netanyahu succeeds then he gets to remain in power which means he can't go to jail for past crimes and, Israel's regional rival is removed. The amount of effort and time to take out Iran would last decades which means Netanyahu will never see jail time.


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Israel: opst, stupid Americans forgot to update our Google maps again!

On a more serious note, it seems Bibi is desperate to drag America kicking and screaming into their genocidal war by going out of their way to start a region wide war with Iran that America cannot ignore.
Neocon and WASP wet dream
Something that confuses me about Zionism is about if they really do believe in God based on how often they pervert the Ten Commandments along with the extreme level of violence that most religions as of recent have not done, especially on this ‘naked in your face I can do whatever I want’ level. Also based on the current actions in Gaza and how the US behaves in this horrific fashion in regards to doing every thing humanly possible to continue this horror, I am more inclined to believe that what is being done right now is akin to mass extreme cult activity with no objectivity or remorse whatsoever. Seriously the censorship is scaring me greatly when see the level of support of this kind of activity.

But then again, eventually when all this madness comes crashing down, will they still be this brazen and unrepentant when the consequences come, I do wonder…
Best way to understand Zionism is pagan Saxon/Scythian infiltration into Judaism, quite similar to how Gothic and Roman paganism infiltrated Western Christianity. Western Christianity is more Paulicanism than actual Christianity.

Mainstream Judaism of today is less Judaism and more Talmudism. But even Talmudism itself has some morals which Zionism has discarded altogether.

The idea of Zionists (who appeared among the Askhenazi, eastern European Jews) being infiltrators into Judaism itself comes from the Jewish holy book - the Torah - which states explicitly that Ashkenaz is a grandson of Japheth, while Japheth is a brother of Shem. Only the descendants of Shem are called Semites, meaning Ashkenazi are not Semitic (contrary to their claim today). Moreover, the Torah states that the descendants of Japheth are pagans, residing in the northern countries (i.e. Russia). If they are not Semitic, they also cannot be Israelites (children of Israel/Jacob), nor can they be Jewish (children of Judah / resident of the Kingdom of Judah) because both of these groups are Semitic.

By definition, Judaism/Judea originated with the establishment of the Kingdom of Judah. A resident of this Kingdom was called a Jew. Bordering Judah was the Kingdom of Israel, a resident of which was called an Israeli, not a Jew.
But these Russian Zionists claim that they are Jews who inhabited both the Kingdom of Judah as well as the Kingdom of Israel and all other neighboring kingdoms as well as lands far beyond this map and into Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. It is a fabricated claim that has neither historical nor religious evidence.
greater Israel.jpg
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View attachment 127237
Womp womp womp
Not really. The Fed is a bank and thus it receives interest from its investments (treasuries and mortgages bought during quantitative easing) and pays money out for reserve balances commercial banks keep on deposit with them. Since the Fed is hiking rates and stopping QE, that simultaneously means less interest income and more interest expense. Unlike a traditional bank though, the Fed has infinite money so traditional solvency measures don’t apply


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Neocon and WASP wet dream

Best way to understand Zionism is pagan Saxon/Scythian infiltration into Judaism, quite similar to how Gothic and Roman paganism infiltrated Western Christianity. Western Christianity is more Paulicanism than actual Christianity.

Mainstream Judaism of today is less Judaism and more Talmudism. But even Talmudism itself has some morals which Zionism has discarded altogether.

The idea of Zionists (who appeared among the Askhenazi, eastern European Jews) being infiltrators into Judaism itself comes from the Jewish holy book - the Torah - which states explicitly that Ashkenaz is a grandson of Japheth, while Japheth is a brother of Shem. Only the descendants of Shem are called Semites, meaning Ashkenazi are not Semitic (contrary to their claim today). Moreover, the Torah states that the descendants of Japheth are pagans, residing in the northern countries (i.e. Russia). If they are not Semitic, they also cannot be Israelites (children of Israel/Jacob), nor can they be Jewish (children of Judah / resident of the Kingdom of Judah) because both of these groups are Semitic.
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By definition, Judaism/Judea originated with the establishment of the Kingdom of Judah. A resident of this Kingdom was called a Jew. Bordering Judah was the Kingdom of Israel, a resident of which was called an Israeli, not a Jew.
View attachment 127499
But these Russian Zionists claim that they are Jews who inhabited both the Kingdom of Judah as well as the Kingdom of Israel and all other neighboring kingdoms as well as lands far beyond this map and into Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. It is a fabricated claim that has neither historical nor religious evidence.
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If it is pagan, then it is destined for ruin. If one reads the Bible or even have a reasonable understanding of history, any time Israel practices mass paganism and turns away from the lord so to speak, it never ever ends well for them. This time will be no different, either for Israel or it’s number one sponsor, only thing to ask is, how bad will the blow back will be given how proud they apparently are with all the man, woman and children killing they are doing, none as I recall recently seems to be show themselves as enjoying this madness quite as much as these people as it would seem


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Zionists seem to believe this is a sign from God and certain Israelis may use it as an opportunity to sacrifice Red Heifers and bring about the Coming/Return of the Messiah. This could create a chain of events like tearing down the Dome of the Rock to rebuild the 3rd Temple and cause a Holy War in the Middle East between Muslims and Jews/Evangelicals.
Most Jews of the world are anti-Israel and anti-Zionism specifically because of this Temple issue because, according to traditional Rabbinical Judaism, Jews are not allowed to return to the Holy Land until the temple is rebuilt first. Zionists have done the opposite - return first, build the temple later.

By building the temple, the existing anti-Zionism Jews will have seen the requirement of their return to be fulfilled which will commence their return. This favors the Zionists as they will have imported the remaining Jews who were reluctant to come. It will finally end the demographical problem that Israel faces today with Arabs & Muslims forming a large segment of the Israeli (and Palestinian) population, and it will end the hostilities that anti-Israeli Jews currently inhabit.

If you want to look deeper into the Zionist dogma, look no further than the statement of the late Menachem Shneerson, Netanyahu's mentor, who was also the most famous religious leader in Israeli history: after Bibi comes the Messiah.
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Shneerson was also the guy who founded that synagogue in NYC that was recently in the news with the tunnel incident.

It appears Bibi has taken his mentor's words to heart and is doing everything possible to turn it into a reality.
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But these Russian Zionists claim that they are Jews who inhabited both the Kingdom of Judah as well as the Kingdom of Israel and all other neighboring kingdoms as well as lands far beyond this map and into Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. It is a fabricated claim that has neither historical nor religious evidence.
It is pretty much a lie though. Russian Empire Jews are descendants of the Kazarian Empire. Their kingdom had converted to Orthodox Judaism religion but they are neither of Abrahamic descent nor from the Middle East. Remember that if you do believe what is written in the Bible the land of Jerusalem was granted by God to the descendants of Abraham, by blood, not to Kazarians. And yet here we are. The Israeli Prime Minister is a good example of this. His family were Polish Jews. Another Kazarian.

The Kazarian Empire was built on slavery and enslaving the neighbouring populations until it was destroyed by foreign incursions. They captured Slavs as slaves and exported them. This is how they grew their wealth. Their capital was eventually conquered by the Kievan Rus. Their people were enslaved themselves or fled West and North to other parts of Europe.
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I think a Chinese civilian may have flown a drone over the JS Izumo, like literally right over the deck and potentially landed on it too lmao.

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Not 100% on the authenticity of the claims yet but looks pretty legit. Also very funny if true.
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Sources from the Japanese Self-Defence Force claim the video is fake, made by AI ;)


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So amongst the top ASEAN nations, China can only count on Vietnam and Indonesia for now, as PH is in the pocket of US, MY is now anti China, and SG is always on the fence. It's getting difficult for China to maneuver.

BTW, any chance Dr Akmal is funded by a 3 letter agency?
The Malaysian govt is currently not anti-China. The last 3 PMs since 2018 were anti-China. Still, a large portion of the Malaysian population are anti-China. In any case, China should never count on Malaysia for anything. Its population is too fickle-minded, and too many of it's politicians are easy to corrupt. Not a country to be taken seriously as a friend or foe.

I don't know if Dr Akmal is funded by the CIA. But he is Sinophobic rabble rouser, and he won't be hard to corrupt or blackmail. Definitely a candidate for CIA recruitment.

Nevertheless, there is an NGO called Bersih (it's Malay for Clean) that is definitely funded by the NED, ahem CIA, and George Soros. If you see a bunch of protestors wearing yellow on TV, that's them. They were once huge supporters of Anwar Ibrahim when he wasn't in power yet. But now they are regularly protesting against his government. Hmm... I wonder why.


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It is pretty much a lie though. Russian Empire Jews are descendants of the Kazarian Empire. Their kingdom had converted to Orthodox Judaism religion but they are neither of Abrahamic descent nor from the Middle East. Remember that if you do believe what is written in the Bible the land of Jerusalem was granted by God to the descendants of Abraham, by blood, not to Kazarians. And yet here we are. The Israeli Prime Minister is a good example of this. His family were Polish Jews. Another Kazarian.

The Kazarian Empire was built on slavery and enslaving the neighbouring populations until it was destroyed by foreign incursions. Their capital was conquered by the Kievan Rus. Their people were enslaved themselves or fled West and North to other parts of Europe.
Going a bit off topic, if you're interested,

The Scythians (today's English term) are called Saka in Persian, Sakasen in Russian, Sachsen in Old German and Dutch, and back to English as Saxon. Although, Western historians dismiss this origin of Saxons. The term is also related to Euxin which is Greek for Black Sea. The Sycthians occupied more or less the same lands as the Khazars, though there is a temporal difference of several centuries. Modern Zionists don't like this idea of equating Ashkenazi Jews to Khazars (because it dismantles their dogma), but ironically, the first modern figure to popularize and perpetuate this connection was an Ashkenazi Zionist Jew himself!
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Interestingly, the earlier Jews of eastern Europe called Germany as Scythia and vice versa Scythia as Germania. In the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, c.1000 AD, the Picts (Scotland) are described as descendants of Scythians. Irish, Welsh, and English folklore have stories of Scythians discovering these islands.

Again, to go on another (related) tangent, to highlight the connection between the Anglo-Saxons and the "Jews"..
The coronation throne of the British royalty is a replica (or by some reports, the actual) throne of King David of the Kingdom of Judah, in the 1st Temple of Jerusalem. The stone under the seat is called Stone of Scone or Stone of Jacob (the patriarch of Israel), reportedly, the same stone which was placed under the Judean throne. Reports have it that it was shipped to Scotland and then captured by the English, after ancient Israel was destroyed by the Babylonians.

Very wierd object to possess.. unless ofcourse you are one of them... or pretend to be.