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Lieutenant General
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it’s not just Anglo America that wants to steal TikTok, specifically it is Anglo Zionists who want total control over the narrative.

Why don’t they just be upfront and say that all nations must serve Israel and all non Jews are human cattle for the free use of Zionist Jews?

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it’s not enough for western or Indian workers to compete against Chinese workers, they must now compete against Chinese robots.
So this is why the US government are so adamant about ending TikTok.



Registered Member
There’s no reason this space gun can’t also double as the world‘s biggest artillery in the event of Anglo communal suicide by PLA. China just needs to adjust the coordinates and power of the gun and aim it towards the Atlantic.

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China is vindicated in controlling access for U.S. tech companies, but the anglos have yet to demonstrate proof that “Communist China” has any sort of malignant attitude towards Anglo america.


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View attachment 126674
There’s no reason this space gun can’t also double as the world‘s biggest artillery in the event of Anglo communal suicide by PLA. China just needs to adjust the coordinates and power of the gun and aim it towards the Atlantic.

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China is vindicated in controlling access for U.S. tech companies, but the anglos have yet to demonstrate proof that “Communist China” has any sort of malignant attitude towards Anglo america.
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Based and Canadian pilled. Also too based for Israel apparently.


Senior Member
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It would be funny if Tiktok was banned and the zoomers voted Trump in the White House because he promises to unban it?
And even funnier if he didn't unban it after promising to do so.
"Interesting" argument. I have no comments.

View attachment 126615
Interesting indeed because this was the same line of thinking used to justify not giving voting rights to the African Americans. Until 1960s, the American democracy did not allow all blacks to vote.
Anti-Jewish sentiment is called antisemitism and not Judeophobia because there is nothing irrational about anti-Jewish sentiment. Jewish censorship is a serious problem in the West.
Another weird unrelated thing about antisemitism is that the western definition of the word excludes from it the largest semitic group - the Arabs.

Jews make up only ~3% all Semites, and even that is questionable because 80% of Jews are Ashkenazi who are Japhetites. So, technically, actual Semitic Jews only make up 0.6% of all Semites. 99.4% of Semites are Arabs. But "antisemitism" is reserved only for those 0.6% Jews and 2.4% Japhetites who pretend to be Semitic.

Is there anything in the world that these people have not stolen for themselves?


Registered Member
I always noticed sexpats seethe so much at Xi Jinping for some reason. It's not like he enacted some law banning them from a China. It's just they no longer have skills to keep them competitive and they refuse to acknowledge that.
Westerners, especially Angloid westerners, if not Anglo Zionists, are implicitly told (by their own media) how superior they are. Problem is that the elites have believed their own propaganda about their own racial superiority to the point of religious myth such that chinas mere existence is heresy. Why else would they get so upset at pictures and videos of Chinese people living their lives and being happy?

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Paraphrasing trumpian dialogue: “These westerners coming to Asia aren’t bringing their best, they’re rapists, drug dealers,…etc“
And even funnier if he didn't unban it after promising to do so.

Interesting indeed because this was the same line of thinking used to justify not giving voting rights to the African Americans. Until 1960s, the American democracy did not allow all blacks to vote.

Another weird unrelated thing about antisemitism is that the western definition of the word excludes from it the largest semitic group - the Arabs.

Jews make up only ~3% all Semites, and even that is questionable because 80% of Jews are Ashkenazi who are Japhetites. So, technically, actual Semitic Jews only make up 0.6% of all Semites. 99.4% of Semites are Arabs. But "antisemitism" is reserved only for those 0.6% Jews and 2.4% Japhetites who pretend to be Semitic.

Is there anything in the world that these people have not stolen for themselves?
Hence why Israeli settlers often get sunburnt in the middle eastern sun and how Israel has the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, and how jewish food is very German inspired as opposed to middle eastern like Palestinia cuisine. They are, as we speak trying to steal hummus and claim it as Israeli.

Did you know it’s illegal to get a 23andMe type genetic test in Israel? Because it would show Israelis as having zero middle eastern genetic heritage. They are effectively Europeans LARPing as biblical hebrews. This would be like me, a Chinese man declaring myself to be a descendant of Gondor because of the biblical bestseller that is Lord of the Rings, and that the South Island of New Zealand is my true birthright, and that I have every right to murder and drive out all the Māoris and New Zealanders for my people who I shall call Gondorians. And ill say that fellow Gondorians are free to move to New Zealand and squat in a New Zealanders home, but I’ll sterilise Gondorians who dont look like me, or aren’t Asian and Chinese looking, as the Israelis did to Ethiopian Jews.


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But when they're straight forward for everyone except you... that should be a sign.
yes things are complicated considering the quality of replies i received on this topic.
So in other words, once again, you admit that America's actions causing the conflict with Russia also caused the EU's decline. That's the topic we're talking about.
EU must be very fragile construct if conflict with Russia cause its decline. infact EU trade surplus has increased with US due to weak US manufacturing that cannot diversify away from expensive EU. so why will America cause EU decline when it so depended on EU?
Russia has its own Green that want Ukraine. Even Zelenski understand he need to be in Green even though he has assurance not getting hit. think about maintaining discipline in such complex battlefield.
This is same Green that used France to remove Qaddafi because he was spending on AFricans and the same France that helped in Yemen but still got treated with Israeli Pegasus software and kick around in Africa. and who knows they are encouraging France to get more involved in Ukraine. Where ever this Green invest they get very good idea about competence of that Country. those who try to challenge this Green get 800% devaluation like Turkey. Bottom line is the only Soft Power that matter is Green.

Oh yeah Mexico's so different, it's completely off topic and you should have never brought it up just like most of the things you say.
Mexico rise is because it is next to US. EU cannot afford a Mexico next to it. this difference you seem not understand.


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Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is interested in buying TikTok​

Wonder if they intend to pay with this if such a deal happens.
