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Comrade Elon won't give Taiwan Starlink

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My reading of the article is that it is Tawiwan who doesn't want Starlink instead of being denied by Elon Musk.

SpaceX dominates the satellite internet industry, and Mr. Musk has long done business in China through his electric car company, Tesla, which has a big manufacturing operation in Shanghai. Officials in Taiwan decided it would be best to build a satellite network they could control.

Besides, starlink isn't the solution for this scenario anyway. Any LEO communication network need numorous ground stations to connect to internet because their low orbit. One can bypass ground stations by intra satellite relys, but that will eat up the bandwith of the satellites which is share with a large neighbouring regions. This will chock the network to the point of close to a network shutdown which is not acceptable by neighbouring countries. Starlink works well in Ukraine because the sat overhead can reach the ground stations in Ukraine's western neighbours, but Taiwan's SE Asian neighbours are highly doubtful to jump in to the aid in time of crisis.

Taiwan building its alternative is just a joke, it can not afford the cost, nor does it have the competence. Their only chance is relying on US sat on higher orbit (GEO).


Registered Member
You are forgetting about nukes. Any direct clash between China and America has a real risk of escalating into nuclear war. For that reason alone, while China will not be cowed by this risk to avoid conflict at unacceptable costs or if America truly crosses a red line or directly attacks, it won’t proactively seek a direct war against America short of that because China’s leaders are too responsible and rational to take that risk unnecessarily.

That means in my view, it’s actually much more likely that if China is forced to fight a war, it will be against an US vassal. Indeed, that is actually paradoxically one of the most likely scenarios for both how China and America might avoid direct war, or get suck into one. Which path the two will do end up heading down will depend on a massive amount of factors, but a key determinant factor will be how well or badly the PLA perform in any actual war.
It is inappropriate for such a proxy war not to result in the death and destruction of white Anglo cities and people. Why should asians wreck our neighbourhood just to perpetuate white supremacy?

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Pottinger never got over getting his ass kicked in China. He should go and see Raimondo‘s psychiatris.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Lol, did I say hard power is not important.

That's a question. What's double standard about it. Me and you have different views on soft and hard power. That's ok. Don't need to come at me personally every time I make a post. Don't be bitter about our last conversation. It's not that serious Morty.
Pretty legitimate question Petro, and what's your answer? Way to side step it and bring in the personal argument. Btw I didn't mention our last conversation at all but I guess its living rent free in your head. Good for you for keeping it going.


Lieutenant General
Serious question, when and where should have China commenced the response you desire? And what guarantees do you think it would have that such methods would affect the desired outcome?

Whether one likes it or not, the deteriorating relationship between the 2 countries belie an undeniable reality that the U.S. and her vassals are knee deep worried about China's pre-ordained rise. If China was regressing and is stuck in an environment ala India we would not be seeing the constant vilification of the country and by extension it's people.

America during its cold war days never acted in such haphazard and what appears to be a desperate attempt to kneecap its opponent that's not conducive to their b.s. propaganda of Democracy and Freedom.
When it comes to rhetoric from the West… immediately! As we have witnessed China doing nothing does nothing. Doing nothing is why Sino/US relations are at their worst since the Cold War. Was this by design by the Chinese? If it was and by how Chinese shun confrontation even rhetoric by just this conversation alone, the Chinese failed and miscalculated the reaction by the other side. And why is that? Because maybe the Chinese side stubbornly chose to think everyone was going to understand the language only Chinese understand? How hard is it to understand the best way of communicating with someone else is to speak in their language?


Registered Member
Why? The two that survived in China were not known to be mistreated
If anything they were mistreated by ROC as they were not allowed back
These aren't going to be Taiwanese pilots and they aren't unarmed so their treatment will be different. U-2 is to show that their planes that they think are invincible aren't and it'll be too late when they find out.


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and I’d say Kate Middleton is much more important than Pengshuai.
another paramour of the Anglo elite murdered, I’m just relieved it wasn’t a child again.
Well, Penshuai has been made into a verb, e.g. Princess Kate has been Penshuaied.

Two years into office, President Donald Trump authorized the CIA to launch a clandestine campaign on Chinese social media to try to turn public opinion in China against the government, according to former US officials

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Now I know where the stories of China's water filled missiles and cooking hotpot with solid fuel came from.

Malaysian PM Ibrahim slams German Chancellor Scholz after his vanilla speech about Israel and Hamas

I am not sure if this disagreement was even reported in the German media.
Both the West's soft power and American Jews' good days are coming to an end, thanks to the Gaza genocide.


Anti-Semitism on the right and the left threatens to bring to a close an unprecedented period of safety and prosperity for Jewish Americans—and demolish the liberal order they helped establish.
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You can't make this sh*t up. According to Radio Free Asia: on one hand Uyghurs are banned from fasting during Ramadan, on the other hand, they are forced to celebrate Muslim holiday.


Registered Member
Well, Penshuai has been made into a verb, e.g. Princess Kate has been Penshuaied.

Now I know where the stories of China's water filled missiles and cooking hotpot with solid fuel came from.

Both the West's soft power and American Jews' good days are coming to an end, thanks to the Gaza genocide.

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You can't make this sh*t up. According to Radio Free Asia: on one hand Uyghurs are banned from fasting during Ramadan, on the other hand, they are forced to celebrate Muslim holiday.
CCP force feeding wiggers meals during Ramadan. They come to every home with sack of dinner Santa Claus style.