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Compare to previous figures:
Pre-covid trend: 7% growth
2020: 6.6%
2021: 6.8%
2022: 7.1%
Maybe the bigger news was in the update to your article, China drops mention of peaceful reunification with Taiwan.


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What is unacceptable for us is actually just "normal" for India. What is another deadly train crash for India?
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The drivers of a train that crashed in southern India in October, killing 14 people, were distracted watching a cricket match on a phone, India's railways minister said.
"Both the loco-pilot and co-pilot were distracted by the cricket match," Mr Vaishnaw said.

Whenever India is going through cricket fever, stay away from public transportation. It might just save your life. If India does eventually get its high speed rail, stay far the hell away from it during cricket season.
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Think of it this way, Taiwan isn't importing Indians. Taiwan is importing the people who live under the India Occupied Northeast States. Think of ethnic minorities who live in Yunnan and Myanmar except Christian, not Sikhs, not Hindutvas and not Tamils.

I'm not particularly fond of DPP's plan but in the grand scheme of things it isn't that bad. Once China reunites, those northeast state diaspora could be useful.
Not too long ago, I spoke to one of these minority ethnic groups. He made an interesting claim: Indian government is depopulating the separatist provinces of the young generation.

It appears the idea is to make life a living hell for minorities at home and then provide for them an exit sugarcoated with the promise of a better life abroad, while simultaneously populating the separatist provinces with Hindutva nutters. Pretty much the same thing Israel has been trying with Palestinians (most of whom refuse to leave).

On a side note,
A lot of the tactics India employs are borrowed/learned from Israel. Another one is the fantastical idea of a "Akhund Bharat", a false state portrayed as historical, stretching from Afghanistan to Indonesia and ruled by Hindus originally (not much different from Zionism and a "Promised Land" from 3000 years ago). Fabricating a casus belli to justify future expansionism.
The Indian-Occupied Northestern States had historically belonged to the Burmese Empire. It was taken by the British, and then "given" to its new artificial nation: India. They had never belonged to India in the first place. Yet Myanmar today is a failed state, and is in no position to influence or reclaim its occupied territories from India.

These "Northeastern States" have also failed to unite together to free itself from Indian occupation. Apart from Nagaland, the rest were more interested in fighting each other than fighting their Indian occupiers. The Indian used the same rulebook from its former colonial master: divide and conquer. India played one ethnicity against another, one religion (Hindu) against the others. Hence we see the communal riots of last year. If they don't get their act together, then nothing much is gonna happen, even if an outside power provides support. Maybe when the Hindutva Akhand Bharat ethnic cleansing project starts to make progress, then these Northeastern people might get desperate enough to get serious.

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So Bhutan being the, "happiness country in the world" was bullshit from the start.
Bhutan is a colony of India. By turning to India for "protection", Bhutan had signed off its own soul to India. What has decades of Indian "brotherhood" brought to Bhutan? Nothing but stagnation. They can claim be the "happiest country in the world", standing still, but don't blame the more talented and progressive Bhutanese for wanting to find opportunities elsewhere. Now things could get a little sticky for Bhutan, as the Hindutva government in India is definitely itching to annex it some day.

Bhutan is also a good example for what Tibet could have become if it was ruled by the Dalai Lama, independent from China, and close to India. Tibet would have stagnated, and its Dalai Lama monarchy would tell its citizens to be happy with the simple life, even for serving as serfs. Then when the time comes, India would attempt to turn Tibet into part of its Akhand Bharat Hindu empire, with consent of the West. Fortunately Tibet had avoided that fate, and is now prospering as a part of the Chinese family.


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The Russians certainly have a way with words.

Warning to everyone, check where you get your rice from; if it's from India, it could have human remains and parasites.

finally, China and Maldives make it official:

It hasn't stopped the creepy rapey Indians from trying to set up a new base just outside the Maldives though.

You can see the deviousness of the Anglo Zionist Elites; Australia's current PM Albanese is considered a China dove for wanting to reverse the previous Scott Morrison administration's hawkish anti China Pompeo like policies towards China. By allowing the prosecution of PM Albanese for following US orders in supporting Israel, the Anglo Zionists are testing the waters for their own potential prosecution, and i hazard a guess this was planned with CIA support becuase once Albanese is gone, Penny Wong who although being of Chinese heritage, is a sellout to the anglo zionist empire.

In fact, you can consider this a hitjob by the CIA, Penny Wong and australia's compromised intel agency ASIO, in taking out Albanese and replacing him with a more cooperative anglo puppet for the coming war on China
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Lieutenant General
Those illegal Chinese are already preemptively being blamed for future terrorist attacks by Comrade Trump.

It would be incredibly on brand for NED funded roaches to use their CIA-training to launch a terrorist attack on America and for America to blame China for it to start a war.

The biggest difference is that when America looses this war, it won’t be able to simply walk away.