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Koxinga operate in Taiwan, Limahong established his base in Lingayen, after being defeated by the Spaniards he retreated first to Vigan Ilocos Norte ( Marcos home province) then to Batanes.

I think you are the conflating the two, Koxinga fought the Dutch ( their former allies against the Qing) While the Spaniards do fear Limahong as he ransack Manila before being driven out by the combined Spanish and native troops. After that the Spanish establish a Chinese Ghetto, the first Chinatown in the world within a cannon shot from Fort Santiago as a precaution against future uprising and invasion.

I think you are right and I was confusing the 2. I stand corrected.


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I was looking for a book to read authored by Col. David Glantz (ret.) on the Battle in Stalingrad WWII when I stumbled upon this RAND BOOK/Project Study authored by Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad titled: "The Military Potential of China's Commercial Technology. "

This project is conducted in the Strategy and Doctrine Program of Project AIR FORCE under the sponsorship of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations, U.S. Air Force (AF/XO).
Comments are welcome and may be directed either to the author or to the project leader, Dr. Zalmay Khalilzad. The cutoff date for re-search in this report was November 2000.


If China’s economy grows at expected rates over the next 20 years, by 2020 it will be larger than that of the United States (in purchasing power terms), which suggests that China has the economic potential to become a U.S. military rival. For China to actually become such a rival, however, China’s defense industries would have to be able to produce weaponry technologically comparable to that of the United States. This would represent a dramatic advance over China’s cur-rent military technology, which is still largely based on 1950s-era Soviet technology. Along with internal efforts to improve its technological capabilities, China’s defense industry can draw on three external sources of advanced technology: direct transfers of military technology from abroad, purchasing from world commercial markets advanced components and equipment that China’s defense industries are incapable of manufacturing, and technology diffusion from China’s civilian industries. China is likely to exploit all three of these technology sources to varying degrees, but given limitations imposed by foreign governments on the first two—in contrast to the openness of China’s civilian industry to foreign technology and investment—the third source could, in the long run, be the most promising source of knowledge and capability for China’s defense industries.

CURRENT CAPABILITIES Eight major civilian industries have the most potential for supporting military technology development: microelectronics, computers, telecommunications equipment, nuclear power, biotechnology, chemicals, aviation, and space. China has capabilities in all of these areas and has facilities in some of them that are quite advanced.

These usually depend on imported components and machinery, however, and China’s technological capabilities are overall well be-hind world standards.

In microelectronics, China’s most advanced facilities are six to eight years behind the state of the art. At its present rate of progress, China would catch up to the state of the art by around 2008, but its advanced facilities are limited in number and depend on imported equipment. Until China succeeds in deepening its electronics capabilities, it will remain dependent on imports to keep up with advances in microelectronics technology. China’s capabilities for assembling low-end personal computers (PCs) are comparable to those of the advanced industrial nations, but its PCs are composed primarily of imported parts. Moreover, China has limited supercomputer capabilities. China does have large numbers of software professionals, but development of commercial software in China has so far been slow.

With regard to telecommunications equipment, China’s ability to produce fixed-line switching systems has improved rapidly in recent years, with a market that was once dominated b
y foreign producers now split between Chinese and foreign companies. China produces fiber-optic cable but depends on foreign firms for advanced trans-mission technologies, such as synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH).
China also possesses microwave transmission technology, including digital transmission systems, but it will need at least a decade to catch up with Western technological levels. Its ability to produce sophisticated terminal node equipment, such as cellular handsets, is limited, and the Chinese market is dominated by such foreign sup-pliers as Nokia, Ericsson, and Motorola. China also has limited communications satellite capabilities.

China’s nuclear power industry is rudimentary. China has developed power plants for nuclear submarines, and it designed and built the nuclear power plant at Qinshan. But many of the critical com-ponents were imported, reflecting deficiencies in China’s tech-nological capabilities in this area. Nonetheless, Chinese capabilities



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View attachment 126155

This has been making rounds lately on the web.

I got to give it to India. People don't like China, Russia, Iran, Japan, Middle East etc because the mainstream media decided they were the next geopolitical enemies. However the MSM for most part is trying to downplay Indian stuff because the Indian elites are in alignment with the western ones. So that means all this disdain for India you see managed to come from people even without the MSM actively going all out against India. Truly impressive stuff.

View attachment 126156
When the bad thing is getting gang raped I don’t know how good the good thing has to be to compensate.


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Looks like the world yearns for Comrade Trump's return.

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No Matter Race, Age or Gender, More Voters Say Trump’s Policies Helped Than Biden’s​

Times/Siena polls highlight how comparatively well-regarded Donald J. Trump’s policies are, even by groups that were affected by policies that Democrats hope will be motivating issues in 2024.


Nuland "resigned"?

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WASHINGTON (AP) — Victoria Nuland, the third-highest ranking U.S. diplomat and frequent target of criticism for her hawkish views
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, will leave her post this month, the State Department said Tuesday.

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, a career foreign service officer who served as Assistant Secretary of State for Europe during the Obama administration but retired after Donald Trump was elected president, returned to government as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs in the Biden administration.
She had been a candidate to succeed Wendy Sherman as deputy Secretary of State and had served as acting deputy since Sherman’s retirement seven months ago but lost an internal administration personnel battle when President Joe Biden nominated Kurt Campbell to the no. 2 spot. Campbell took office last month.
“But it’s Toria’s leadership on Ukraine that diplomats and students of foreign policy will study for years to come,” Blinken said in a statement.

“Her efforts have been indispensable to confronting Putin’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, marshaling a global coalition to ensure his strategic failure, and helping Ukraine work toward the day when it will be able to stand strongly on its own feet – democratically, economically, and militarily.”

Nuland will be replaced temporarily as under secretary by another career diplomat, John Bass, a former ambassador to Afghanistan who oversaw the U.S. withdrawal from the country. He is currently the undersecretary of state for management.

The writing is on the wall.

Feel bad though :( for Nuland, I think she wasn't that bad to and for China. Campbell is a total China hawk so I think we all know whats coming in a few years.
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View attachment 126235

Looks like the world yearns for Comrade Trump's return.

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No Matter Race, Age or Gender, More Voters Say Trump’s Policies Helped Than Biden’s​

Times/Siena polls highlight how comparatively well-regarded Donald J. Trump’s policies are, even by groups that were affected by policies that Democrats hope will be motivating issues in 2024.

View attachment 126236

Nuland "resigned"?

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View attachment 126237
The writing is on the wall.
Guess Ukraine is gonna get dumped soon