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Talking about Ukraine, Zelensky being its comedian self:
his intention may be different than what he says. thats why no point in giving importance to his statements.
remember he said he want Ukraine to become a bigger version of Israel right after ex Israeli PM saved him. this kind of statements and his behavior gives confidence to Ukrainians and Europe that alot of weopons are coming they need to stay engaged in prolong conflict. This concept of prolong conflict is not just about weopons testing for Russia but training with emphasis on training.


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Good lord… hope he is okay.
Reminds me of the sad story about a gladiator who crushed his head between the wheel and axle of a horse carriage on the way to a Colosseum because he could not endure the cruelty of animal abuse and the wholesome slaughter of animals in the gladiator games anymore.

In this day and age, if you still think other countries do not have a better choice, you are really delusional.
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they are all puppets of the US.

For BBC, and many other gaslighting Western MSM, the evidence, or the lack thereof, does not matter.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
I repeat, Russia, US and China will not bind to decisions of nobody in things that they consider they national security.
And this nobody includes all the rest of the world.

If Russia see that Russians are being killed in eastern Ukraine and moreover Ukraine is a menace for the Russian state they will act, and to the hell with the world.

Same with China. And same with the US.

You delete the veto power and you enter in a wild world because those countries that simply will not obey and will impose their will with other measures.
No. If we delete the veto power, we can call the criminal a criminal instead of this flawed system where the criminal can escape being called a criminal. Any SC member thinking of stepping above the law for whatever reasons will face the penalties dealt by the UN, which is what happens currently only with non-SC members. This will make it more difficult to commit crimes. It doesn't matter if SC members bind to it or not; the rest of the world is still bound to it.

Even not great powers don’t give a shit about the world when it comes to their national security. Why North Korea don’t obey the UN?
Because the UN, the absolutely majority of the UN don’t have any clue about the conflict there, about its history and about North Korea.
Don't give a shit North Korea is also heavily sanctioned by the rest of the world, unable to trade freely.

It's great you brought up North Korea but unfortunately are only able to see one side of the coin. Imagine a North Korea with veto power. Ofcourse it doesn't have it hence it's sad state of affairs today. I think you haven't yet fathomed the idea that SC members could end up similar to North Korea if they didn't have their veto ability.

Should I remember you that the UN approved the Lybian war that made out of a prosperous country a dystopian dessert with markets of slaves?
No, because it's irrelevant.

You can remind me instead of Israel that commits every type of crime in the book from genocide to ethnic cleansing but escapes punishment courtesy the lovely veto power of UNSC.


Senior Member
Registered Member
remember he said he want Ukraine to become a bigger version of Israel right after ex Israeli PM saved him. this kind of statements and his behavior gives confidence to Ukrainians and Europe that alot of weopons are coming they need to stay engaged in prolong conflict.
Maybe Zelensky said this because he is a Ashkenazi Jew himself like the founders of Israel, and keeps in mind this map of Ashkenazi history,
One day, they can claim this as well (just like Palestine), as an ancestral home of Jewish People. Except in this case, this ancestral home is actually historical and accurate without any doubt (unlike Palestine).