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It’s not easy being Chinese these days. You sneeze people think you’re spreading Covid. You want to see a plane, people think you’re a spy.
Its nothing new. It was never easy in the past too. Back then, people organize pogroms against you for working harder than them. People might even kill you when they were angry at the Japanese, because you look just the same. When there was SARS in 2003, people have thought the same about the Chinese as virus carriers too.

Imagine being a Chinese in the 19th to 20th century. You have to endure racial humiliation, slavery, pogroms, rape, genocide, and apathy from the rest of the world. People have written books about eradicating your culture and ethnicity even to the point of extinction. The Chinese have endured a century of hell before. These racist c**ts are picking on the wrong race. They don't understand how strong the Chinese people actually are. This will piss off the Chinese, but it won't make us weaker. It'll just strengthen our resolve. We are already done waiting to be accepted as equal human beings. Now we shall only speak with the language that they'll understand: Power.
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So apparently the almighty American Abrams tank gets destroyed by some cheap Russian drone.

People say Russian performance is embarrassing. But frankly this war has exposed how a lot of western hyped weapons are overpriced junk only good for fighting illiterate goat farmers (and still losing)

I wouldn't be surprised if China has drones or missiles designed to blow up air craft carriers and fighter jets. All that American hype showing off it's Navy and jets suddenly doesn't look so good when they become large paperweights. But they have to justify their sunk cost.
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It’s not easy being Chinese these days. You sneeze people think you’re spreading Covid. You want to see a plane, people think you’re a spy.
Has it eve been? I don't know of any history where being Chinese has been easy. Anything and everything Chinese gained in the west has been earned through painstaking hardwork, diligence, patience, and through being submissive at times to the point that some have began to hate themselves i.e. Hanjians


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Jacob Rothschild, Banker Who Broke From Dynasty, Dies at 87​

Doesn't look like King Charles has long to live either.
Nothing of value was lost, yet another one of these elites that has been proven that money cannot buy more life nor does it matter what kind of world changing agenda they many have, as long as they are not immortal, they will eventually meet their time and I guess in the end, his time came. Still the Rothschilds have a reputation for funding war and I doubt this person is any different

So apparently the almighty American Abrams tank gets destroyed by some cheap Russian drone.

People say Russian performance is embarrassing. But frankly this war has exposed how a lot of western hyped weapons are overpriced junk only good for fighting illiterate goat farmers (and still losing)

I wouldn't be surprised if China has drones or missiles designed to blow up air craft carriers and fighter jets. All that American hype showing off it's Navy and jets suddenly doesn't look so good when they become large paperweights.
Well what honestly is special about That tank other then they fact it is heavily armored but very difficult to maintain/use and they fact many people like to swear up and down that it is better then any Russian tank. Well unless the USA modernizes its military instead of optimizing it self for profits only, they should’ve expected this to happen eventually. Now I suspect that when the USA decides to pick a fight with China, China will blow all of there ships up and the USA will be left wonder wtf is going on when it is obvious that ships/weapons that have not been modernized will not succeed against ships and missiles that have been brought up to the latest standard and tested for the current state of war. The USA is still living in the past
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Junior Member
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Its nothing new. It was never easy in the past too. Back then, people organize pogroms against you for working harder than them. People might even kill you when they were angry at the Japanese, because you look just the same. When there was SARS in 2003, people have thought the same about the Chinese as virus carriers too.

Imagine being a Chinese in the 19th to 20th century. You have to endure racial humiliation, slavery, pogroms, rape, genocide, and apathy from the rest of the world. People have written books about eradicating your culture and ethnicity even to the point of extinction. The Chinese have endured a century of hell before. These racist c**ts are picking on the wrong race. They don't understand how strong the Chinese people actually are. This will piss off the Chinese, but it won't make us weaker. It'll just strengthen our resolve. We are already done waiting to be accepted as equal human beings. Now we shall only speak with the language that they'll understand: Power.
We are born in a period where we can see the decline of the west. Our ancestor from the early twentieth century never got to live to see it.

So it's up to the current generation to make best use of it and not miss the opportunity.


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So apparently the almighty American Abrams tank gets destroyed by some cheap Russian drone.

People say Russian performance is embarrassing. But frankly this war has exposed how a lot of western hyped weapons are overpriced junk only good for fighting illiterate goat farmers (and still losing)

I wouldn't be surprised if China has drones or missiles designed to blow up air craft carriers and fighter jets. All that American hype showing off it's Navy and jets suddenly doesn't look so good when they become large paperweights. But they have to justify their sunk cost.
Looks like the blow out panel didn't protect it, the tank cooked and blew up.


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It’s not easy being Chinese these days. You sneeze people think you’re spreading Covid. You want to see a plane, people think you’re a spy.
Eh...I think that's an exaggeration. I understand that every Chinese person's experience is different, but I have never been mistreated because of my ethnicity in the US. To be fair, I am slightly taller than the average American and I like to think that my demeanor exudes confidence. People like to prey on those they perceive to be weak, regardless of ethnicity. Don't appear that way and you'll be fine.


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So apparently the almighty American Abrams tank gets destroyed by some cheap Russian drone.

People say Russian performance is embarrassing. But frankly this war has exposed how a lot of western hyped weapons are overpriced junk only good for fighting illiterate goat farmers (and still losing)
The Abrams is a decent tank, but it was never a Wunderwaffe. Nearly 10 years ago, ISIS were able to blow up Iraqi Abrams. The Houthis were also able to blow up Saudi Abrams too. This shouldn't have come as a surprise, but the NAFO idiots needed to reminded again.

The F-16s won't change Ukraine's fate either. That plane had been downed by Russian SAM systems from the 50s and 60s, manned by non-Russians. Though it would be quite interesting to see Russian SAMs and fighter jets score some F-16 kills.

I wouldn't be surprised if China has drones or missiles designed to blow up air craft carriers and fighter jets. All that American hype showing off it's Navy and jets suddenly doesn't look so good when they become large paperweights. But they have to justify their sunk cost.
The US Navy has never faced a proper naval battle against a peer adversary since WWII. I have a feeling that the Americans are becoming abit too complacent in their naval dominance.

It happened with the British prior to WWI. There was no proper major naval challenger since the Napoleonic Wars. Then came the Battle of Jutland against the German High Seas Fleet, and Britain found to its horror that its battlecruisers were blowing up much faster than anticipated. This made Vice Admiral Beatty said: “There seems to be something wrong with our bloody ships today." The battle was a stalemate, but Britain had loss more capital ships and sailors than Germany in Jutland.

The current US Navy looks awesome and great, bullying brown water navies, or bombarding nations with no navies at all. It has not faced a proper adversary who can shoot back. If they try the PLAN, then they'll find out how vulnerable they are when the enemy can shoot back.

We are born in a period where we can see the decline of the west. Our ancestor from the early twentieth century never got to live to see it.

So it's up to the current generation to make best use of it and not miss the opportunity.
Inside of mainland China, their current generation of Chinese are not gonna miss this opportunity. Outside of it, I'm not so sure myself. In any case, what's more important is that mainland China is rising and leading the way. The rest will have to wake up or get left behind.
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Maybe Zelensky said this because he is a Ashkenazi Jew himself like the founders of Israel, and keeps in mind this map of Ashkenazi history,
View attachment 125895
One day, they can claim this as well (just like Palestine), as an ancestral home of Jewish People. Except in this case, this ancestral home is actually historical and accurate without any doubt (unlike Palestine).
Zelensky is using name of Israel to get bigger funding package from Germany and he has no authority on behalf of Jews to suggest another version of Israel. let him visit Israel and suggest such a thing. and any land distribution that is in Europe or Africa should first consult with new owners. The vehicles that you see are in Riyadh for Russia Duma Speaker delegation. but the meeting is with Shura Chairman individually. collective meetings are separate. and the gift is sent to Poland. i can write long paragraph about this complexity.


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Indian gloating about stopping water flow from the Ravi River to Pakistan.
Its immature, cruel, and hateful. Comparable to the other bunch of people who have enjoyed denying water supply to their victims: the Ukrainian nationalists, and the Zionists.

Ironically, not too long ago the Indians were so concerned about China's plan to build a dam in the Yarlung Tsangpo (Brahmaputra) river that might affect the downstream waterflow to India and Bangladesh.
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Don't know if that project is actually still on or not.