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It's all good bro! I would also like to apologize if I came off rude, I meant no disrespect.
Passionate about each other's culture and countries along with our dreams and aspirations for a better world so it's INEVITABLE that we will have a DIFFERING OF OPINIONS from time to time.

I can say that I DON'T WANT CHINA TO BECOME LIKE THE WEST at all in terms of bossing around, colonizing not just physically but metaphysically the countries it coveted.

I only want China to become and realize it's full potential, dreams, and aspirations to bring all its people to their greatest human potential. And to do that, China must become strong in all facets of areas and when that's achieved, the rest is always and must be up TO THE INDIVIDUAL and People to attain whatever it is they desire.


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Doctors walkout to intensify as graduates refuse to join internships

A large-scale walkout by trainee doctors is expected to intensify as new medical school graduates reportedly refused to take internships, joining an ongoing protest against the South Korean government's plan to boost the number of medical students.

The move by medical school graduates is likely to pile pressure on the government as thousands of intern and resident doctors in major general hospitals have walked off the job for the sixth consecutive day in opposition to the government's plan to admit 2,000 more students to medical schools next year.

At Chonnam National University Hospital in Gwangju, 86 out of 101 graduates who were scheduled to commence their internships next month have resigned. About 20 intern candidates at Jeju National University Hospital refused to join internships.


South Korean doctors are amongst the highest paid in the world, and they don't want to dilute their wages. But South Korea is also short on doctors. Now when they go on strike, SK's health care system is even more short on doctors. Looks like SK's governance suck, and their doctors are not that patriotic after all. The economy and culture is such that the SK doctor needs a sufficiently large wage to sustain his/her lifestyle. But the SK doctor is also more interested in his/her wellbeing than the needs of the nation, and why should he/she care anyway? South Korea is just a colony of the US after all.

Look at how Chinese doctors and medicals staff worked when there was that Covid emergency in Wuhan. They volunteered to help out and do their part for the nation. The pay is definitely not as good as in SK, the work is dangerous, grueling, and long. Many had suffered difficulties and personal tragedies. But the nation still came first. China declared them heroes and the nation was grateful.
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Registered Member
After reading this post, I must say that I was very rude to you and I must apologize for the things I said and the manner I expressed my thoughts to you. My apologies.
There is nothing to apologize for. He is some strange African Chauvinist who think China raised thank to GLOBAL SOUTH not unlike @pmc with his Arab nonsense. At first I suspected it is some language barrier thing he kept saying "stay humbled" not knowing it is an insult in English. After a while it is clear he know exactly what it means. The more you kowtow to this kind of bully the more trouble they start.

Not much is evolving around Global South. They are just a bunch of people with no relation to each other grouped together by the 'developed nation' but in a more PC way. There are some potential in them, but ultimately they are just that, potentials. They are not very important in the world decision making. This is not an insult, I mean this in a factual way. It would be good for them to become stronger for China's benefit, but that is the extent of it. China is building them up for self interest. If they want to surpass what China is willing to build them up for, they have to take care of themselves first. So far I am not seeing that, it is mostly China solo carrying them. I would prefer to see that changed. If they are tired of China 'arrogantly' helping them like their mom, they should figuratively speaking "get a job". If that were to happen, Chinese will not be "humbled", they will be glad that it happens.
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Registered Member
South Korean doctors are amongst the highest paid in the world, and they don't want to dilute their wages. But South Korea is also short on doctors. Now when they go on strike, SK's health care system is even more short on doctors. Looks like SK's governance suck, and their doctors are not that patriotic after all. The economy and culture is such that the SK doctor needs a sufficiently large wage to sustain his/her lifestyle. But the SK doctor is also more interested in his/her wellbeing than the needs of the nation, and why should he/she care anyway? South Korea is just a colony of the US after all.

Look at how Chinese doctors and medicals staff worked when there was that Covid emergency in Wuhan. They volunteered to help out and do their part for the nation. The pay is definitely not as good as in SK, the work is dangerous, grueling, and long. Many had suffered difficulties and personal tragedies. But the nation still came first. China declared them heroes and the nation was grateful.
So what I gather here is that the doctors in South Korea are being greedy and are betraying their oaths as doctors to serve the people. Although to be fair, the government isn’t really doing the nation as my favors by concentrating on what satisfies the USA rather then helping the people given inflation problems and how little the government is doing to solve them. Still shocked at how little the doctors care about their patients though


China never came to Africa to colonize the continent. Africa has resources that China desires, and China is willing to make a fair deal to get those resources. Either through generous cash payments, or infrastructure deals.
I think the main difference between China and the "classic" Western colonists/imperialists is that China itself was a victim of colonialism/imperialism and has learned its lessons. Trust me, as a 5,000 year civilization, China has a long memory, and it's unlikely to treat others the same way by which itself was treated.

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I've noticed there seems to be a trend of all these Japanese people larping as Taiwanese and conveniently echoing every US policy like a lapdog.

I wonder where this comes from? For example the VP of the DPP in Taiwan is half Japanese and not even born there. The DPP also seem to have a hand in whitewashing all the Japanese crimes and sucking up to them.

I have no doubt the US is behind this. But I'm just wondering why Japan? Any Taiwanese know about this?

Edit: This person is actually an "aboriginal" but conveniently uses a Japanese name even though Japan hasn't ruled the island since the 1945. I would argue that's actually worse since a Japanese actually has a reason to do stuff for Japan compared to these guys.
Be afraid, be very afraid, CPC is coming to get you!

Taiwan’s leadership ‘extremely worried’ US could abandon Ukraine​

A congressional delegation assured senior officials that the U.S. “will stand firmly” with the island regardless of the results of the U.S. presidential election.
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Talking about Ukraine, Zelensky being its comedian self:

YouTube doing censorship? No surprise: it's owned by google, which is a CIA and NSA project.

Google’s true origin partly lies in CIA and NSA research grants for mass surveillance​

The intelligence community and Silicon Valley have a long history
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Guess where is a real genocide:
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In the video, the man was dressed in fatigues and identified himself as an active-duty U.S. Air Force officer. The name he used in the video matches a LinkedIn profile for an active-duty Air Force officer based in Texas. The authorities have not confirmed the identity of the man, and the Air Force did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
“I will no longer be complicit in genocide,” a man said in the video, echoing language that opponents of Israel’s military action in Gaza have used to describe the campaign. “I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest.”

Standing in front of the embassy gates, he set his phone down to film dousing himself in a clear liquid from a metal bottle. He then lit himself on fire while yelling “Free Palestine!” until he fell to the ground.

Good lord… hope he is okay.