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Filipinos are some of the BIGGEST HYPOCRITES when it comes to TREATING THEIR OWN WORKERS. Filipino maids don't have WORKERS RIGHTS nor do they have any VACATION RIGHTS with regards to their employment and Filipino employers that employ them. Most of the time, the Filipino maids feel guilty for even taking some sort of leave to care for their ailing children or parents because their boss would make a stink about it. And since labor cost and workers rights don't exist they're at the mercy of their masters a.k.a. employers since they can be easily replaced at a whim.
Speaking of this, there are a shortage of maid in the Philippine, the Filipinos family had to ask relative in the provinces to provide one with no success even though there are a huge unemployment issue, they have to seek the employment agency to redress and still there are no takers unless they're willing to pay the prevailing commercial rate. Why did this happen, before you can employed a domestic help for $50 a month and they were happy, now the asking price is $250 way above the budget of most Filipinos middle class. The main reason are the Chinese, they're willing to pay higher wages BUT the most important thing is they treat them with dignity as Human Being. (shattering the myth that Mainland Chinese are the same with HKG and Singapore in there treatment of maids) Since most of the maid can't eat Chinese mainland cuisine they were given additional stipend, so everyday from breakfast, lunch and dinner they eat take outs from Mcdonalds, Jollibee and other fast food chain. Plus there are no reports of sexual harassment and rape. I interviewed a lot of them in my Condo when we ride together in the elevator and most of them had stayed with their Chinese employer for 8 years above, you will never hear this from the local MSM, the mainland Chinese are a major employer in our informal economy, a major contributor.
These serious abuses are still ongoing remaining unaddress in that garden of democracy called the Philippines, yet they cry the most and complaint the most against other countries abuses on Filipino overseas workers. Hypocrisy is the name of the game. Filipinos I know used to tell me that some of them would often accuse Chinese restaurants of using LITERAL CAT MEAT as filling for a Chinese inspired dish (FUJIANESE BAOZI) known in the Philippines as SIOPAO or steam buns. The level of animus towards Chinese-Filipinos are ingrained and the resentment are there bubbling on the surface. They are both loathed, misunderstood, admired, respected for their business acumen along with the consistent stereotype of frugality and MATH GENIUSES.
Yup growing up I used to hear a lot of those thing, BUT cheer up bro, things are changing, like I said being Chinese is beautiful, as most of those OFW had experience abuse overseas, being a minority in different country, we can relate, as such we can empathize.
Some Chinese have changed their names, religion by converting to Catholicism and other Christian denominations to better integrate themselves into the Philippines society and culture.
Like I said Catholic religion is a bane in our society, people may condemn me BUT I stand by my statement after seeing the abuse, Hubris and hypocrisy.
As a matter of fact, some of the most RABID ANTI-CHINA figures in that country HAVE CHINESE ANCESTRY themselves. The Aquinos, Cojuangco, the idiot SECDEF of the Marcos Jr. Administration is of Chinese ancestry, even that rabid anti-China propagandist former Philippines Supreme Court Justice who's name I can't recall is of Chinese ancestry.
The landed elite bro, the gentry. These families depend on the land for survival and their way of living, they can't compete with the Taipans the Captain of Industries. So they enact law prohibiting the Chinese to owned land to lessen the competition. They have been influenced by the Spaniard after they were coopted as the Spaniard can't compete with their lax colonial attitude.


Registered Member
Filipinos, Poles, Americans, Russians, even Ethiopians and Chinese...

According to Israel, they all descend from Palestine's original inhabitants during the time of Jesus Christ.

The only people who do not descend from the original inhabitants of Palestine are the Palestinians. They, of course, are terrorists.
When there is an inheritance fight you disowned your kin as both claimed Abraham as their father. ;)


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How nice of those "润"-ing Hanjians crossing the US-Mexico border illegally just to become literal cannon fodders for the Murican empire, especially since the PRC refused to take them back.

The US: "China must loosen its immigration policies so that more Chinese people can come to America and learn the American ideals!"

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Romans: barbarian vassals and mercenaries are no threat. They are well assimilated Romans.

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You are misrepresenting the study
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as one which conducted an experiment with different treatment methods being performed on patients and the results then evaluated. This is not the case. The study cited by in the article was ethnographic analysis of people's experience with mental health services in Brazil.

Why are you lying?

I am not misrepresenting anything. I quoted the article verbatim and the article cited the study verbatim.

The relevant fragment is on page 10:

Though the socially attuned therapies described in this paper were not common or mainstream, they hold considerable potential. Young people who returned to the clinic, despite intense feelings of disappointment and mistrust, used the therapeutic encounter to engage in social and political debate and explore new modes of agency. Clinical interactions came to center not on treatment of disorder or symptomreduction, but on crafting self-worth, political awareness, and social influence [45]. What seems to have made a difference for young people were therapists who responded flexibly recognized the limits of their own positionality, and main-tained dialogic openness to unstructured reflection and the productivity of confrontation.

If you have a disagreement with my commentary then you should take it up with the article, on which it is based. I have no obligation to view the study in positive light especially as the conclusions and language used in it indicate its intentions. The study is pushes a harmful perspective on what therapy should and should not be due to ideological reasons.

This is not a study of how different kinds of the rapy produce different outcomes but a study of historical accounts of people's experiences with the rapists. You can criticize this study for being shoddy social science work based on questionable methods but not as one where patients were subjects to unorthodox mental health therapies. As for the article, it is overselling the claims made in the study.

That's not what the study examines. It examines the statistical effects of two general therapeutical approaches - one advised against by the authors and another promoted by the authors.

The approach that the authors promote was associated with intense feeling of mistrust. And while the approach rejected by the authors may have been associated with similar attitudes it is not the same thing. Correct approach should not cause intense feeling of mistrust from the patient because then the therapy can never be successful.

The problem of therapy is the trauma in the victim's mind. The only solution is to help the victim resolve the trauma. Not to teach the victim how to feel less bad about it. Not to teach the victim how to not fall victim to discrimination or to see discrimination where the victim did not see it before. Therapy is not political and can't be political. Therapy is about resolving the emotional consequences of a past incident. It is not about teaching how people should behave in future incidents.

It's like telling someone suffering from fear of water due to a drowning incident, that they should not panic when they're in the water and always demands that people are around watching out for them.

That's not facilitating the healing process. That's facilitating a narcissistic attitude of "I'm a victim, you need to care for me".

Therapy must heal the patient. Not the patient's surroundings.

Even if the patient's surroundings are somehow changed the problem of the patient's trauma doesn't disappear because it is entirely internal. Which is something that the authors of these studies and articles reject due to their pseudoscientific ideology and their own narcissism fueling it.

What these "therapists" are advocating for is aggression displacement to distract from the problem. That never works, and creates only people who do not think they have a problem because a society is the problem. They still have a problem. They simply reject it and go through life like that - suffering from consequences but rejecting the implications.

That's not helping. That's harmful. Not only to the patient but also to others.

And there is no better visual example than transgenderism which relies on the entire society conforming to the narcissistic delusions of the transgender individual including seeing what is not there, treating it as if it is a fact and always making sure that nobody else makes that mistakes. That's literal insanity taken out of the transgender person and thrown into society at large. To make the insane sane everyone must act like they've lost their mind.

Which is precisely my argument in the previous post. It applies to all cases just at different intensity.

Why the hell do I need to explain the basics to you since you feel yourself so competent as to lecture me?
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Junior Member
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Talking about atrocities in Gaza, I'm shocked, shocked, to find out that it's the Israeli soldiers that are sexually assaulting Palestinian women and girls!

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That country seems to have an unusually high number of perverts. Perhaps this is due to the fact that a certain procedure performed on the male babies of that country drastically reduces the sensitivity of the affected body part and leads to sexual deviancy during adolescence and adulthood. Unsurprisingly, in the USA, where the majority of men were subjected to the same procedure at birth due to the influence of said country, pedophilia and other sexual disorders are unusually common...