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In contrast to China, no amount of gaslighting will prevent the US from losing influence if it keeps ignoring the real genocide in Gaza and continues to spread the trumped-up accusation of genocide in Xinjiang.

If this isn’t money laundering I don’t know what is…

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Talking about atrocities in Gaza, I'm shocked, shocked, to find out that it's the Israeli soldiers that are sexually assaulting Palestinian women and girls!

UN experts appalled by reported human rights violations against Palestinian women and girls​

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The IDF has a problem with female soldiers - opinion​

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Female Israeli soldiers subjected to sexual harassment – report​



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In contrast to China, no amount of gaslighting will prevent the US from losing influence if it keeps ignoring the real genocide in Gaza and continues to spread the trumped-up accusation of genocide in Xinjiang.


Talking about atrocities in Gaza, I'm shocked, shocked, to find out that it's the Israeli soldiers that are sexually assaulting Palestinian women and girls!

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Meanwhile, "Uyghur genocide":
Honestly, what does one expect when a typical Israeli doesn’t see others has human with their so called God complex.
Should the same eventually happen to these people in the future and in much greater numbers given how unliked they are in the Middle East (not the cowardly governments they don’t count), they had better accept that what goes around, comes around and that no amount of western bullshit is going to spare them from some long over due karma. Seriously, the moment that do these acts of evil, they need to be absolutely prepared for the same but worse in return, and that their so call Zionist beliefs is what is going to fuel such retribution in the years to come and I am not talking about a mere economic collapse but some so much worse


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One related question? Why does Singapore not have more migrants from SE Asian contries such as Philippines and Indonesia instead of from the Indian subcontinent. They are at least part of the ASEAN and their English and educational background are similar, They also have a better cultural affinity to Singapore ( Chinese cultural ties). Vietnam and Cambodia should also be a good source of migrant workers compared to current situation.

Chicken or Egg?

A more restrictive immigration policy towards SEA origins or just simply that (some) SEA countries do not view Singapore as a preferred end destination?

There are more Indonesians origin migrants in Singapore than there are Indians.
There are more China origin migrants in Singapore than there are South Asians combined.
Malaysian origin migrants are more than all the above combined.
Filipinos are a tiny fraction of the above. You say they have a better cultural affinity to Singapore, I beg to differ. They have a much greater cultural affinity to the US than they do to SG.

End of the day, there has hardly been any great movement in the ratio of races in Singapore over the last 60 years. I'd take that to indicate that immigration policies are tightly managed to maintain this general mix.

Generally speaking, Singapore's immigration policy favours high skill applicants. This usually means English speaking as our business environment is English. Our neighbour's education system largely do not tick this box. Ergo, any Vietnamese/Cambodian able to have access to an English based education will probably prefer to head West than to SG - even more so Filipinos.

Malaysians and Indonesians otoh, are disproportionately represented because of proximity. This makes it easy(ier) for them to place their children in the Singapore education system. A lot of these children, having spent the bulk of their childhood and youth in Singapore are for the most part Singaporean already and many do make that final step to becoming a Singapore Citizen.

I understand their hesitation regarding Indonesian BUT the Filipinos? its a complementary if you ask me, Hua Qiao here can easily adopt with the language and most Filipino can easily assimilate, my perception from my conversation with professional people with high paying job working there why they want to return is the high cost of living and the pressure of work, aside from that there is discriminate, Singaporean look down on us as they are use on seeing the Filipina domestic help and drew conclusion from what they see. And also it doesn't help with bad publicity on both side regarding abuses and violation of contract.

I think you are kidding wrt Filipino Chinese? They are but a very very small part of the overall Philippine's demographics. The majority of Filipinos (of non-Chinese ethnicity) find Singapore too Chinese for their liking.

Most Hua Qiao (whatever source country) will view Singapore favourably as they go from a minority in their own country to a majority in Singapore.

Most Malaysian Indians will also view Singapore favourably as they escape from being a discriminated ethnicity. Double bonus for Malaysian Chinese - ethnic discrimination and ethnic minority.

A large source of Indonesian migrants to Singapore is as stated in my above reply - Education.
Filipinos rarely send their kids to Singapore schools as an English lang based education is much more accessible in Philippines than say Indonesia. A lot of Indonesian, regardless of ethnicity, do place their kids in the Singapore system - Notwithstanding that there are also a lot of Indonesian domestic help in Singapore, this doesn't affect their choice of and end-assimilation in Singapore. In fact, ironically, when Filipinos in Singapore employ domestic helpers, they employ fellow Filipinos - so much for feeling like they are discriminated because of this when they perpetuate it themselves.
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US Army under increasing pressure as it foots bill for Ukraine support​

As funding for Ukraine faces an uncertain future in Congress, the US Army has been left to foot the bill for hundreds of millions of dollars in support for Ukraine’s war effort against Russia over the last few months — and Army officials are increasingly concerned that without new funding, they will have to begin pulling money from other critical projects to continue supporting Kyiv.

Since October 2023, the beginning of the fiscal year, the Army has spent over $430 million on various operations, including training Ukrainian troops, transporting equipment, and US troop deployments to Europe.

“We’re basically taking it out of hide in the Army,” a senior Army official told CNN.

So far, that bill has been paid from the Army’s Europe and Africa Command. Without a 2024 budget approved by Congress, and without additional funding specifically for Ukraine, the command has roughly $3 billion to pay for $5 billion of operations costs, a second senior Army official explained. That includes not only the operations related to Ukraine support — training and ferrying weapons and equipment to Poland and Ukraine — but other operations for the US command throughout Europe and Africa.

If Congress still hasn’t passed new funding for Ukraine within a few months, Army officials say they will have to start making hard decisions and divert money from less critical projects, such as badly needed barracks construction or enlistment incentives amid record-low recruiting.

If the Army doesn’t pull funds from elsewhere, Army Europe and Africa’s roughly $3 billion budget would run out of money for operations not just related to Ukraine, but elsewhere in Europe and Africa, by the end of May, the second senior Army official told CNN.

“If we don’t get a base budget, if we don’t get Ukraine supplemental [funding package], if the government shuts down, if we get nothing else and nothing changes from today … we will run out of [operations and maintenance] funding in May,” the Army official said. Those operations include training exercises for Army forces in Europe and Africa and equipment moving into the theater. Contracts also wouldn’t be paid on time and would garner penalty fees, he added.

“We would cease to exist” if these funds were not allocated from elsewhere within the Army’s budget, the official said.

Army Secretary Christine Wormuth — the service’s senior civilian leader who ultimately decides where much of the budget is spent — told CNN she expects the Army would “have to sort of rob Peter to pay Paul.”

“Every incremental dollar I have, it’s very important where I put that dollar. And I’m constantly choosing between, do we put it on barracks? Do I put it on enlistment incentives? Do I put it on exercises? Do I put it on modernization? I don’t have spare cash to be just sort of donating some of that,” Wormuth said.

“This was money that we anticipated to be replenished, obviously, by the supplemental,” she added, echoing the urgent need for funding.
If Congress still hasn’t passed new funding for Ukraine within a few months, Army officials say they will have to start making hard decisions and divert money from less critical projects, such as badly needed barracks construction or enlistment incentives amid record-low recruiting.
we will run out of [operations and maintenance] funding in May,” the Army official said. Those operations include training exercises for Army forces in Europe and Africa and equipment moving into the theater.

The US Army is cannibalizing themselves in the name of Ukraine.


Honestly, what does one expect when a typical Israeli doesn’t see others has human with their so called God complex.
Should the same eventually happen to these people in the future and in much greater numbers given how unliked they are in the Middle East (not the cowardly governments they don’t count), they had better accept that what goes around, comes around and that no amount of western bullshit is going to spare them from some long over due karma. Seriously, the moment that do these acts of evil, they need to be absolutely prepared for the same but worse in return, and that their so call Zionist beliefs is what is going to fuel such retribution in the years to come and I am not talking about a mere economic collapse but some so much worse
Palestinians' hatred against the Zionists will be generational and there won't be peace in Israel in our life.

Meanwhile, the "Ugyhur genocide" continues unabated.

Good question.

Do nothing and win.
