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Chicken or Egg?

A more restrictive immigration policy towards SEA origins or just simply that (some) SEA countries do not view Singapore as a preferred end destination?

There are more Indonesians origin migrants in Singapore than there are Indians.
There are more China origin migrants in Singapore than there are South Asians combined.
Malaysian origin migrants are more than all the above combined.
Filipinos are a tiny fraction of the above. You say they have a better cultural affinity to Singapore, I beg to differ. They have a much greater cultural affinity to the US than they do to SG.

End of the day, there has hardly been any great movement in the ratio of races in Singapore over the last 60 years. I'd take that to indicate that immigration policies are tightly managed to maintain this general mix.

Generally speaking, Singapore's immigration policy favours high skill applicants. This usually means English speaking as our business environment is English. Our neighbour's education system largely do not tick this box. Ergo, any Vietnamese/Cambodian able to have access to an English based education will probably prefer to head West than to SG - even more so Filipinos.

Malaysians and Indonesians otoh, are disproportionately represented because of proximity. This makes it easy(ier) for them to place their children in the Singapore education system. A lot of these children, having spent the bulk of their childhood and youth in Singapore are for the most part Singaporean already and many do make that final step to becoming a Singapore Citizen.

I think you are kidding wrt Filipino Chinese? They are but a very very small part of the overall Philippine's demographics. The majority of Filipinos (of non-Chinese ethnicity) find Singapore too Chinese for their liking.

Most Hua Qiao (whatever source country) will view Singapore favourably as they go from a minority in their own country to a majority in Singapore.

Most Malaysian Indians will also view Singapore favourably as they escape from being a discriminated ethnicity. Double bonus for Malaysian Chinese - ethnic discrimination and ethnic minority.

A large source of Indonesian migrants to Singapore is as stated in my above reply - Education.
Filipinos rarely send their kids to Singapore schools as an English lang based education is much more accessible in Philippines than say Indonesia. A lot of Indonesian, regardless of ethnicity, do place their kids in the Singapore system - Notwithstanding that there are also a lot of Indonesian domestic help in Singapore, this doesn't affect their choice of and end-assimilation in Singapore. In fact, ironically, when Filipinos in Singapore employ domestic helpers, they employ fellow Filipinos - so much for feeling like they are discriminated because of this when they perpetuate it themselves.
Filipinos are some of the BIGGEST HYPOCRITES when it comes to TREATING THEIR OWN WORKERS. Filipino maids don't have WORKERS RIGHTS nor do they have any VACATION RIGHTS with regards to their employment and Filipino employers that employ them. Most of the time, the Filipino maids feel guilty for even taking some sort of leave to care for their ailing children or parents because their boss would make a stink about it. And since labor cost and workers rights don't exist they're at the mercy of their masters a.k.a. employers since they can be easily replaced at a whim.

These serious abuses are still ongoing remaining unaddress in that garden of democracy called the Philippines, yet they cry the most and complaint the most against other countries abuses on Filipino overseas workers. Hypocrisy is the name of the game. Filipinos I know used to tell me that some of them would often accuse Chinese restaurants of using LITERAL CAT MEAT as filling for a Chinese inspired dish (FUJIANESE BAOZI) known in the Philippines as SIOPAO or steam buns. The level of animus towards Chinese-Filipinos are ingrained and the resentment are there bubbling on the surface. They are both loathed, misunderstood, admired, respected for their business acumen along with the consistent stereotype of frugality and MATH GENIUSES.

Some Chinese have changed their names, religion by converting to Catholicism and other Christian denominations to better integrate themselves into the Philippines society and culture. As a matter of fact, some of the most RABID ANTI-CHINA figures in that country HAVE CHINESE ANCESTRY themselves. The Aquinos, Cojuangco, the idiot SECDEF of the Marcos Jr. Administration is of Chinese ancestry, even that rabid anti-China propagandist former Philippines Supreme Court Justice who's name I can't recall is of Chinese ancestry.


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LOL...I had NO FREAKING CLUE, that there's AN ISRAELI-PINOY? What in bleeping shshhh is even that?
Filipinos, Poles, Americans, Russians, even Ethiopians and Chinese...

According to Israel, they all descend from Palestine's original inhabitants during the time of Jesus Christ.

The only people who do not descend from the original inhabitants of Palestine are the Palestinians. They, of course, are terrorists.


Junior Member
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Holy crap every now and then this website does indeed find a gem.

Brazilian study shows neoliberal mental health therapy is far inferior to socially interactive therapy.
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Results show individual-level interventions often neglect the broader social and political structures contributing to mental distress.

It's only inferior in exploiting the vulnerable for political ends by sociopathic therapists. The proof is literally in the article. They boast about it.

And it's not one short remark. The entire website is filled with nothing but problematic content. I can understand someone who has judged your comment without reading the article, but you went there and quoted it. And nothing seemed suspicious to you? Really???

Have another look:

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Drawing from the extensive 1982 Pelotas Birth Cohort study in Brazil, Béhague and her team reveal how socially sensitive therapy, grounded in the principles of Latin American social medicine, can empower individuals to address and challenge the systemic forces shaping their lives.

Literally: this is what the anti-psychiatrists claimed like the homosexual sadomasochist and pedophile Michel Foucault. You're not mentally ill, it's society oppressing you. Therefore the child is not molested but liberated.

The authors write:
“What seems to have made a difference for young people were therapists who responded flexibly, recognized the limits of their own positionality, and maintained dialogic openness to unstructured reflection and the productivity of confrontation.”

Literally: They are abusing their patients by not providing help and encouraging them to engage in delusions. This is outright rejection of the assumption that the mentally unwell comes to the therapist to get better.

They go on to add:
Young people who returned to the clinic, despite intense feelings of disappointment and mistrust, used the therapeutic encounter to engage in social and political debate and explore new modes of agency. Clinical interactions came to center not on the treatment of disorder or symptom-reduction, but on crafting self-worth, political awareness, and social influence.”


Do you think it is appropriate for people being treated to have intense feelings of mistrust toward the people providing treatment?

Did you even notice that? They stated it in the study that is being cited! The study says "our patients didn't trust us but we kept going because we care so much about giving them a voice of their own".

Also note the focus on young people, typically from abusive homes or already isolated, without the support or experience that would allow them to reject a therapeutic experience that is adverse to their expectations. Typically you will find this approach targeted at extremely vulnerable young people with very specific types of disorders.

We will get to that.

This research underscores the need for a shift in mental health practice, emphasizing the role of therapy not just in symptom management but as a catalyst for social and political activism, particularly for marginalized communities.

Therapy is not "just" to help the patients but (primarily) to convince them to become activists.

But it gets worse - another article, right in the sidebar:

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A new article sheds light on the crucial intersection of critical psychology and the neurodiversity movement, advocating for the inclusion of autistic voices in mainstream psychology.

The entire "critical" movement is built on the assumption of "critical theory" developed by Max Horkheimer (an orthodox Jew by ancestry i.e. from fundamentalist background) that you don't need to understand the subject of your criticism to be able to viably criticise it. Literally that's what it says.

Her analysis reveals the necessity of integrating critical psychology—a discipline aimed at challenging mainstream psychology’s norms and biases—with the neurodiversity movement, a political movement advocating for the rights and dignity of neurodivergent individuals.

Here's the important fact - "neurodivergence" is not only the socially anxious and awkward kid.
  • a violent psychopath is"neurodivergent"
  • a pedophile is "neurodivergent"
  • a delusional serial rapist is "neurodivergent".
Autism is a disorder of elements regulating social interaction on a neurophysiological level including mechanisms for empathy.
  • every anti-social individual is by default on the autistic spectrum.
  • every serial killer is by default on the autistic spectrum.
  • every pedophile is by default on the autistic spectrum.
Autism makes them incapable of correctly reacting to cues from their victims which allows them to engage in abusive behaviour without the natural sub-conscious empathetic reaction that non-autistic individuals have.

Autism may have genetic components but it is primarily environmental i.e. it requires stimulation from the immediate social context, especially parents and family and expecially the mother and here negative influence can happen in utero! An abusive mother is emotionally unstable and since emotions are consequences of hormonal shifts the mother having a stress reaction is literally flooding the fetus with stress hormones during pregnancy. The child is born already stressed the same way children of heroine addict mothers are born addicted. And then it only gets worse: neglect, emotional starvation, aggression etc.

Autism is an adaptation to adverse environmental conditions. Therefore it carries the adverse conditions within it. Some autistic people are just weirdos, other are unpleasant weirdos, and some are dangerous weirdos. But it is precisely autism that makes them problematic.

This something that Big Pharma doesn't want you to hear because it prevents them from selling drugs to abused kids of abusive parents to medicate them so that they keep coming back for more. An abusive parent won't return to pay you if you tell them the truth - that they are the environmental cause of the child's problems.

She posits that critical psychology and the neurodiversity movement are inherently linked, emphasizing the neurodiversity paradigm, which views neurodiversity as an inherent and valuable aspect of human diversity, subject to similar social dynamics and oppression as other forms of diversity.

litrally: Mental illness is not an illness but evidence of society being oppressive.

Thomas critically addresses the concept of “normalization” in the context of neurodiversity, arguing that attempts to pathologize and modify behavior to fit mainstream norms are detrimental.

literally: Mentally ill people should not conform to societal norms, because it is bad for their mental illness.

Faced with such oppressive and traumatic treatment methods, Autistic individuals are frequently compelled to “mask” or hide aspects of their true selves to conform to societal expectations, further perpetuating a cycle of trauma and oppression within the Autistic community.

literally: Conformity to societal norms is oppression, even if society finds the behaviour problematic.

Additionally, Thomas points out the increasing prevalence of queer and non-binary gender identities within the Autistic community.

et voila!

Pay attention to the wording. It's not only prevalent but increasing. But there is no grooming and definitely the critical psychologists are not the groomers.Even though they cause intense feelings of disappointment and mistrust in their patients.

And now you know why it's focused on vulnerable young people and why it brings identities and political activism instead of help.

It's to distract them from what is being done to them. This is why they advertise "inclusive safe spaces" where nobody can criticise anyone or anything.

You think the good guys are pushing it?

It's terrifying how blatant it has become, and it's more terrifying to know that it only exists because people with resources are protecting it for their own ends. Literally on Amazon you can't publish a book if the book links mental disorders and "identities" even if it's about statements from "critical psychologists" describing what they do. It's not a question of bad faith framing. It's a hard rejection of any connection no matter how fairly presented and backed by evidence.

And note that it doesn't come with the emergence of the "gay" portion of "identities" but only when the "trans" and related portion. They didn't care about the gays. The only started caring after transgenderism got involved. That's because one comes with birth. The other doesn't.

It's not a bug. It's a feature.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
Holy crap every now and then this website does indeed find a gem.

It's only inferior in exploiting the vulnerable for political ends by sociopathic therapists. The proof is literally in the article. They boast about it.

And it's not one short remark. The entire website is filled with nothing but problematic content. I can understand someone who has judged your comment without reading the article, but you went there and quoted it. And nothing seemed suspicious to you? Really???

Have another look:

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Literally: this is what the anti-psychiatrists claimed like the homosexual sadomasochist and pedophile Michel Foucault. You're not mentally ill, it's society oppressing you. Therefore the child is not molested but liberated.

Literally: They are abusing their patients by not providing help and encouraging them to engage in delusions. This is outright rejection of the assumption that the mentally unwell comes to the therapist to get better.


Do you think it is appropriate for people being treated to have intense feelings of mistrust toward the people providing treatment?

Did you even notice that? They stated it in the study that is being cited! The study says "our patients didn't trust us but we kept going because we care so much about giving them a voice of their own".

Also note the focus on young people, typically from abusive homes or already isolated, without the support or experience that would allow them to reject a therapeutic experience that is adverse to their expectations. Typically you will find this approach targeted at extremely vulnerable young people with very specific types of disorders.

We will get to that.

Therapy is not "just" to help the patients but (primarily) to convince them to become activists.

You are misrepresenting the study
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as one which conducted an experiment with different treatment methods being performed on patients and the results then evaluated. This is not the case. The study cited by in the article was ethnographic analysis of people's experience with mental health services in Brazil.

We report on mixed methods ethnographic and epidemiological results from the 1982 Pelotas (Brazil) birth cohort study, a prospective study of 5914 children. Ethnographic analysis explored the cyclical relationship between schooling, mental health care, conceptualizations of mental distress, social and political engagement, and experiences with diverse forms of discrimination. Epidemiological bivariate and multivariate analyses examined differences in socio-political participation and the reporting of discrimination at different time-points for participants who used therapy with those who did not. Effect modification analysis tested the hypothesis that the socially empowering effects of therapy were greater for marginalized and minoritized youth.

This is not a study of how different kinds of the rapy produce different outcomes but a study of historical accounts of people's experiences with the rapists. You can criticize this study for being shoddy social science work based on questionable methods but not as one where patients were subjects to unorthodox mental health therapies. As for the article, it is overselling the claims made in the study.


Registered Member
How nice of those "润"-ing Hanjians crossing the US-Mexico border illegally just to become literal cannon fodders for the Murican empire, especially since the PRC refused to take them back.

The US: "China must loosen its immigration policies so that more Chinese people can come to America and learn the American ideals!"

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Registered Member
How nice of those "润"-ing Hanjians crossing the US-Mexico border illegally just to become literal cannon fodders for the Murican empire, especially since the PRC refused to take them back.

The US: "China must loosen its immigration policies so that more Chinese people can come to America and learn the American ideals!"

View attachment 125608
润人 are above everything very self-centred, I highly doubt they would make good soldiering material.
Plus would US army really want them? Really the blood drinking PLA undercover soldiers according to Comrade Chang?


Registered Member
润人 are above everything very self-centred, I highly doubt they would make good soldiering material.
Plus would US army really want them? Really the blood drinking PLA undercover soldiers according to Comrade Chang?
General Yue Fei wrote poetry about drinking enemy blood and eating their flesh as a big FU to the enemy and showing how little he thought of the perpetrators of the Jingkang incident.

let the anglos think the PLA are full of blood drinkers lest they think it too easy to go to war against China.

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Really puts into perspective why US legislators are ordered by Zionist Israelis to criminalise the boycotting of Israeli goods, Israel cannot sustain itself as a normal nation, it needs the blood of its Anglo western hosts.

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i suspect the Iranians are doing a “people’s volunteer army” in Yemen and are the ones teaching and helping pilot these drones to cause Anglo pain and ruin