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There's a massive protest led by farmers gripping Western Europe atm

7 days ago. The cause maybe rooted in the statements by John Kerry in the beginning of the video which sound quite disturbing.
TLDR: Must cut emissions, solution: cut agricultural productivity.

Poland 2 days ago

Italy 1 day ago

France 11 days ago

Belgium 10 days ago

There are reports of food shortages in the market, empty shelves in stores.

The price of being a voluntary vassal.


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Europe has seen massive increases in food prices over the last two years and yet farmers are still struggling. What gives?

View attachment 125210
Funny anecdote, my local chinese restaurant which specializes in Jiangnan cuisine went from 20€ for two of my favourite dishes in 2022 to 25€ in 2023 and now 30€...

I assume they too have troubles keeping up with purchasing produce + energy bills.

Meanwhile my salary has risen by a whopping 2% after taxes last year :)
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New Member
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Europe has seen massive increases in food prices over the last two years and yet farmers are still struggling. What gives?

View attachment 125210
They're not struggling. These people are not humble farm hands or subjugated peasants, they are wealthy rural landlords who want to maximize their share of national income. They claim to be an oppressed, salt-of-the-earth class as a matter of political aesthetics, like how Americans making 200k a year and living in mcmansions go on about how rugged and working class they are and how "coastal elites" could never understand the common folk like them.The farmers simply replace a Ford F150 with a million dollar tractor.

This isn't a popular revolt, it's a bunch of landlords throwing a collective tantrum over the idea of giving up a bit of income so future generations could live on a healthy planet. In any civilized country they would be treated as such.


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What really happened at the Jewish synagogue tunnel in NYC
  • Unusual items found in the tunnel: baby strollers and blood-stained mattresses
  • A tunnel lead to the children's museum
  • Former Rabbis of this synagogue had been convicted of illegal organ extractions and sale
  • (Conspiracy) Something to do with Epstein
  • (Conspiracy) Something to do with Pedophilia
  • Official story: a sect that recently broke off from the Chabad fought over the building and legally lost rights to it; they built a tunnel from outside to the basement of the synagogue, using the tunnel-basement for "worship", while their counterparts occupied the actual building
  • Black/Latino versus Jewish violence in the neighborhood
  • History of Chabad (a sect of Orthodox Jews who, unlike regular Orthodox, actually support Zionism; their main leader was the mentor of Netanyahu)