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Junior Member
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You have a retarded take on Taiwan, speaking as a Taiwanese.
This is like a white American speaking as though he has authority to speak for the 23mln Chinese living on Taiwan island, or even worse, an Indian who thinks because he migrated to the west, that he now has all the privileges that a white American possesses,

voter turnout was less than 75% and of that 75%, less than half voted for pan green. That means DPP has less than 30% mandate from the ppl of Taiwan and you can bet no one in Taiwan wants war, anymore than they want Indians in Taiwan stealing jobs And harassing women.
India isn't actually sending male workers to Taiwan right...that would be a disaster for Taiwan


Registered Member
India isn't actually sending male workers to Taiwan right...that would be a disaster for Taiwan
You guys on the island don't have them already? Theres significant numbers of them on in the PRC since awhile back... Ones you see more mostly girls, but ig construction sites etc looking for guys.

It used to be Philippines ppl mostly, then changed to Indonesian and now Indian as well. I think it's due to more and more people affording the boat trip to come over.

As long as they're not messing with the country at large, I don't think it matters, it is mutually beneficial to some extent.


Registered Member
India isn't actually sending male workers to Taiwan right...that would be a disaster for Taiwan
The DPP government before the election tried to implement a policy of allowing Indians to work in Taiwan, and India which has a policy where if you want good relations with India you have to accept their useless mouths with feet and dual recognise their diploma mills, obviously proposed this policy,

If there’s one good thing about the pan green voter bloc, they are ridiculously provincial, think red necks on steroids. Very similar to Americans in the 19th c. Who ranted on about the British even after 1812. Well, when the Taiwanese public found out about the plan to import rapey jai hinds in an environment where Taiwanese youth are forced to go to the mainland, Japan and Korea for work prospects and the global problem of millennials unable to purchase houses and impacting family formation, you can imagine how popular this policy became. There were protests and demonstrations such that the DPP had to shelve the plan.

Ideally, Deng’s 7 pt plan back in 1983 pulse have been the best possible outcome for Taiwan, but sadly I don’t think that opportunity is coming back anytime soon.


Junior Member
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This is just a reminder that soft power comes only from hard power, not from commercial relationships.

Japan has been stagnant for 30 years and remains a faithful lackey of the US and will not change as long as the hard power of the US is unquestioned.

The world today sees the US killing Houthis, Iranians and Russians unpunished but no one is killing Americans.

If China wants to see its red lines respected, China will have to prepare to kill and punish militarily anyone who crosses them.

Nothing comes from nothing, so only fools can wait for global power to come from heaven without doing anything, just looking and waiting. China needs to build the strongest military force to be treated as the strongest country.

Absolutely. China’s military strength will determine Taiwan reunification. That means in peace time, China needs a full scale military build up. Not 2% spending on military, but 5% spending. Mass production of all weapons systems. Accelerated timeline for new weapons to enter service. I’m getting tired of talking by the CPC. Enough talk. Let’s see actions.


Registered Member
Absolutely. China’s military strength will determine Taiwan reunification. That means in peace time, China needs a full scale military build up. Not 2% spending on military, but 5% spending. Mass production of all weapons systems. Accelerated timeline for new weapons to enter service. I’m getting tired of talking by the CPC. Enough talk. Let’s see actions.
I will ask two questions out of curiosity. Is Taiwan an immediate problem and is the rate of modernization inadequate?

Duke Xiao of Qin

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I think China is more than ready, although if America fully invades us, anything can happen since we both have nukes.

I've calculated before in the strategy thread that an air campaign to root out fighters in Taiwan will be 6-8 times as large as what Israel needed in Gaza. The PLA has roughly more than 10x as much forces in the same category and type compared to the IDF.

At the most conservative estimate (only counting currently inducted platforms, not counting suicide drones, not counting navy platforms, not counting any DF series), PLA will still able to output firepower at 150-200% of the IDF's effort in Gaza inside the disputed areas.

That, I believe, is enough to hold in Taiwan and strongly deter territorial aggression.

Can you show a video that prove your calculations ?


Registered Member
Americans are bad at math
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The counting of votes has concluded, with Lai – the candidate of Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) – receiving just over 40% of the total votes, according to Taiwan’s Central Election Commission (CEC).

The result shows voters backing the DPP’s view that Taiwan is a de facto sovereign nation that should bolster defenses against China’s threats and deepen relations with fellow democratic countries, even if that means economic punishment or military intimidation by Beijing.

Apparently they have a very different interpretation of what 60% means…


Registered Member
I will ask two questions out of curiosity. Is Taiwan an immediate problem and is the rate of modernization inadequate?
Sir a Big No, time is on China side and since the Chinese are rational people, why would they destroy something they owned.

And with the current state of the US the myth of their military invincibility had been exposed as demonstrated by the Houthis.


Registered Member
Can you show a video that prove your calculations ?
Why would there be a video???

Just go to the strategy thread and look in my post history.

In simplified terms, Taiwan province houses 23 million, with the vast majority being focused in 6 major cities. I examined if it is realistic for the PLA to conduct these 6 air/artillery battles in parallel, assuming it will take a similar amount of resources to conduct 1 of those urban battles as it takes for the IDF to conduct 1 battle against an urban area with 1-2 million in population.

And the PLA has more than enough munitions/planes/artillery pieces to do that.

To make highly conservative/simplify the calculation, all PLA platforms that don't have a direct counterpart in the IDF were omitted. For example, IDF has no strategic bombers, so the 230+ strong bomber fleet of the PLAAF was simply not counted. It was also assumed that the navy would not participate in any land attacks.

I wanted to make an as over the top conservative estimate as possible, so as to illustrate that Chinese defenses do not hinge on specific wunderwaffen.