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I am not Taiwanese, but what I see from HK, a lot of pro-China people simply just move to mainland China. Logically, if the people believe the mainland is full of opportunities and you are in a position to take advantage, you’d go. Liang Ming Soong went and recruited many of his TSMC colleagues. SZ

There are tens of thousands of Taiwanese in SZ alone. I believe the formally known number in all of mainland China is something like at least 300,000, and I think a significant number in HK as well.

In any case, it is a number that the DPP believes is unfavourable.

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Actually DPP lost the majority in the legislature so essentially you have a lame duck president.

Didn’t some HK roaches get caught shopping in Shenzhen? When confronted about it online they said something to the effect that everyone in Hong Kong should spend money in mainland to drive up inflation as a way to fight the authority.


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But China is a peaceful and humane nation, it wouldn't bomb every living being there like Israel does in Gaza, or what the US did to a similar extent in some of their wars in the Middle East.

At most, if it comes to military action, China would enforce a blockade, or destroy some critical infrastructure. Taiwan would probably surrender quickly without many casualties on both sides.

To be honest, the most damage that can come to Taiwan is from the US side if they employ the so-called "scorched earth strategy" they openly advertised already. But such is the fate of all their vassals.

The problem with your thinking also is that it's clear as a day that only some kind of divine intervention or tangible military action can remove the toxic DPP from power in Taiwan.

This election showed us everything, 12 years secured and still going strong. As to why it's a problem for DPP to remain in power? You will see in the coming days, now that the DPP secured their victory, the provocations against China will intensify many times over, and break all time highs.
I would think this will be the worst timing for dpp to provoke China, uncle Sam is busy defending its poster boy israel in middle east and trapped in Ukraine endless money pit, for the foreseeable future, the way I see it the more Taiwan provoke China with u.s backing the more unfortunate things will happen to Israel, whether that by design or coincidence, who knows


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The old guards that favor reunification are in their 80s, 90s. Vast majority of people born and raised in Taiwan do not want reunification.

Is peace maintained by keeping the status quo, not reunification. That’s what most people want in Taiwan.
You have a retarded take on Taiwan, speaking as a Taiwanese.
This is like a white American speaking as though he has authority to speak for the 23mln Chinese living on Taiwan island, or even worse, an Indian who thinks because he migrated to the west, that he now has all the privileges that a white American possesses,

voter turnout was less than 75% and of that 75%, less than half voted for pan green. That means DPP has less than 30% mandate from the ppl of Taiwan and you can bet no one in Taiwan wants war, anymore than they want Indians in Taiwan stealing jobs And harassing women.


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