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It's unfortunately a very cruel twist of irony that Gonzalo left U.S. to avoid a civil war and imprisonment, only to get caught up in the Ukraine-Russian war, imprisoned and killed.
He didn't get "caught up". He purposefully shilled for the invading army against the country he resided in. You have to be a special kind of stupid to do that. I didn't even mind his pro-Russian slant, but if I was a pro-Russian shill then I'd be smarter than go to live in Ukraine of all places and loudly proclaim my loyalties to the enemy that is invading the country.

Did he deserve to die? No. But it's hard to feel sympathy for someone so monumentally stupid.


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He didn't get "caught up". He purposefully shilled for the invading army against the country he resided in. You have to be a special kind of stupid to do that. I didn't even mind his pro-Russian slant, but if I was a pro-Russian shill then I'd be smarter than go to live in Ukraine of all places and loudly proclaim my loyalties to the enemy that is invading the country.

Did he deserve to die? No. But it's hard to feel sympathy for someone so monumentally stupid.
Yeah, he really should’ve escaped to Russia I mean his fate is terrible but really, if I was him, I would’ve high tailed it to Vladivostok as soon as I got a chance, maybe get the he’ll to Crimea to get that flight before the fight start. Now that I thought about it more clearly, why did he stay in Kharkov for that friggen long. I mean Iearlgrey (a Brit who went to live in St Petersburg with his Russian wife) had the sense to be in Russia before doing his videos, hence he would’ve been protected. I guess in the end, he really should’ve got the hell out of dodge. I suppose the only consolation I can see from this is that his killers are on borrowed time given how Ukraine isn’t really long for the world now that the US is about to pull another Afghanistan.

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Reuters declaring that DPP had won the Taiwan election. Looks like the TPP Trojan horse tactic did it's job to pull votes away from the KMT.

I'm not at all surprised. But I'm definitely disappointed that the US had enough Taiwanese in its pocket to shape the elections to it's desired outcome.
So what, sooner or later China will take back Taiwan regardless of what tricks they pull. If they want a three front or a four front war, well they better be ready back that shit up with their weapon stock pile in a mess, the financial system in the verge to breaking down and most of their future recruits are going to be fat as f&@k and very confused on what gender they are supposed to be. On the day that China takes back the island, I wonder if they have the stones to send those traitors to the chopping block because these western loving d-bags should be made an example of, but then again, I am fairly certain when it comes to punishments, I believe China will know how to pile on the hurt, I mean just because Joshua Wong didn’t get sent in front of a firing squad doesn’t mean for a second that he will be getting out of Jail any time soon
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Reuters declaring that DPP had won the Taiwan election. Looks like the TPP Trojan horse tactic did it's job to pull votes away from the KMT.

I'm not at all surprised. But I'm definitely disappointed that the US had enough Taiwanese in its pocket to shape the elections to it's desired outcome.
Don't be disappointed, be happy that Reunification's schedule has potentially been pushed up!

I want to see it before I'm all wrinkled.

Duke Xiao of Qin

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Yeah, that seriously is upsetting and I also watched his videos. All I can say is I hope his death will be avenged and that should Ukraine end up in a pile of ruins and it’s citizens end up swarming to Europe in yet another migrant crisis, well may the EU suffer for its conduct as the US lapdog and to be frank, these Nazis will not be missed. Really unhappy that he died like that, seriously Ukraine doesn’t deserve any sympathy even when they are being left out to dry by the USA, I mean they have done this so many times

Starting to seriously hope that a real civil war happens soon, this exceptionalism has gone on far enough and to frank, I am not a particular fan of Japan for what they have done to China but really, I am now convinced that this white is right thing really needs to die a horrible death by the end of this decade

japan, germany and other "allies" have completely lost their knees !



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Not everyone who supports Palestine or oppose Apartheid are good people. Such as this unrepentant Malay-Muslim fascist: Dr Mahathir, former PM of Malaysia.

Dr Mahathir, on Indian TV (LOL) had said that ethnic Chinese and Indian Malaysians cannot be considered Malaysians until they become "Malays". Ergo adopt Islam, and forgo their language, culture, and ancestry. This man had opposed Apartheid in South Africa, and opposed Israel's cruelty to the Palestinians. But at home, he wanted to create his own type of Apartheid.

What Dr Mahathir won't tell anyone is that his grandfather came from Kerala. He has Indian blood in him, but he is a hardcore Malay-Muslim fascist. LOL!
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Reuters declaring that DPP had won the Taiwan election. Looks like the TPP Trojan horse tactic did it's job to pull votes away from the KMT.

I'm not at all surprised. But I'm definitely disappointed that the US had enough Taiwanese in its pocket to shape the elections to it's desired outcome.
That's the US tactics, employing multiple candidate so when their favored candidate did't win they will contest the result of the election and initiate a colored revolution.


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Rare Philippines win? They're really upset about US bailing on them on the big recent exercise? They feeling US not doing enough to support them in SCS?
Believed it or not Marcos is pro China, he is under the influence of his wife and his duty to uphold his family name. He know which way the wind blows as he is a Traditional Politician. So yes the American had given him an excuse so I hope this time he make it stick and not dilly dally anymore.


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Believed it or not Marcos is pro China, he is under the influence of his wife and his duty to uphold his family name. He know which way the wind blows as he is a Traditional Politician. So yes the American had given him an excuse so I hope this time he make it stick and not dilly dally anymore.
How is Marcos Jr. Pro-China though? I understand and have read some of his past statements with regards to China along with his most recent visit to the country, but in terms of actual actionable policies, he's been nothing but pro or even neutral. He has exacerbated the tension in the SCS and in my view needlessly escalated an issue that should have been handled diplomatically and most importantly not be used by America for their own desired geopolitical interests in the region.

As for Marcos Jr. being under the influence of his wife, he's simply following the old familiar tradition of his late father. Imelda was seen as the corrosive influence to Marcos Sr. which ultimately undone he's supposed virtues and good intentions for the Philippines. Besides, I keep hearing amongst Filipinos that Marcos being of "ILOCANO" him being under the thumb of his wife is par for the course as many ILOCANO men suffer the same fate. You must recognize that the Philippine people comes from differing cultural values, norms, and mores. Not to mention ethnic languages that comes with its own sub-culture of which ILOCANO is one of the more prominent in the Philippines, the other is Visaya/Cebuano which is spoken in the Southern part of the Philippines like Cebu to Mindanao where DUTERTE is from.
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