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I recall Gonzalo Lira had some good takes on Ukraine/Zelensky government and the war itself because he lives there, but had some really questionable takes on other topics. His commentary on US, China/Taiwan, Chinese/Russian government domestic politics, not to mention women (lol) are highly questionable.

It's unfortunately a very cruel twist of irony that Gonzalo left U.S. to avoid a civil war and imprisonment, only to get caught up in the Ukraine-Russian war, imprisoned and killed.


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Unfortunate end at the hands of Ukrainian torturers.
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- 01/12/2024
Saw him on a few YouTube discussions last year.
Yeah, that seriously is upsetting and I also watched his videos. All I can say is I hope his death will be avenged and that should Ukraine end up in a pile of ruins and it’s citizens end up swarming to Europe in yet another migrant crisis, well may the EU suffer for its conduct as the US lapdog and to be frank, these Nazis will not be missed. Really unhappy that he died like that, seriously Ukraine doesn’t deserve any sympathy even when they are being left out to dry by the USA, I mean they have done this so many times

Yet another time, it is shown that American military personnel on Japan are exempt from local laws. The guy ran over 2 people in Japan. Now, he is out and back in the USA as if nothing had happened. Equal allies...
Starting to seriously hope that a real civil war happens soon, this exceptionalism has gone on far enough and to frank, I am not a particular fan of Japan for what they have done to China but really, I am now convinced that this white is right thing really needs to die a horrible death by the end of this decade
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Yet another time, it is shown that American military personnel on Japan are exempt from local laws. The guy ran over 2 people in Japan. Now, he is out and back in the USA as if nothing had happened. Equal allies...
This is honestly the reason I believe that for the sake of greater peace, American blood on American soil must be shed in a US instigated conflict be it in Korea, Taiwan or the SCS. A situation where the U.S. is allowed to leave with its Face intact will lead a successive American regime to proclaim that they never lost and will campaign to “restore honour and glory” by harassing and victimising asians in Asia and worldwide.

The way things stand now, a white American soldier can murder two asians on their homeland and suffer no repercussions. Situation is unacceptable and can only be corrected by instilling respect and fear into such westerners, be they white or otherwise.


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Is this the great western liberal democracy at play here? Where a politician’s lover is elevated to political office without an election?

Is this the great western liberal democratic values that the west wants on the rest of the world? Never mind the debauchery of installing one’s catamite paramour into high political office, one is reminded of a long western tradition since a horse was famously made a Roman consul (admittedly at that stage, a horse would have been an improvement).

From a historical perspective, this practice is not unique, since we must remember that Cixi was once an imperial concubine who later led china to ruin by using the Chinese naval funds for her own leisure. This would lead to chinas loss in the first Sino Japanese war and the rest is history.