Seriously have the French lost their marbles and also what did the USA and Israel expect from showing off their entitlement bullshit on complete full display. Really did they think that their lack of empathy is going to continue to be rewarded forever because one day, they are going to have to pay that back with interest, UK includedThe forecast for 2023-2028 is even more impressive. The trillions of dollars you don't waste on your "defense industry" will do wonders for you.
Both Israel and the US has lost the hearts and minds of the Global South for generations to come.
The other continental European power, France, is also going down the tubes. Their new, 34 yo PM, just appointed his former "husband", as the Foreign Minister. Neither has any experience for their new jobs.
Correct me if I am wrong, but I thought there were a lot more Jews in America than any other country in the world including Israel.
Although I do not like using phrases like Jewish conspiracy and whatnot, still, we have all noticed that that there are too many stories about Israel, much more than it is warranted.
Seems that way since most of these news about Israel is doing a very good job of making me and many others really dislike them, so in a way, someone either is screwing up on the PR or they have a vested desire to remove the Jews from the Middle East by any means necessary by overwhelming the western media so that they cannot white wash Israel’s atrocities and make sure that when some serious casualties actually hit the Jews, most of the global south won’t give a damn while the western citizens would become indifferent with the western elites crying out for concern falling on deaf ears and even mocked because of the hypocrisy when compared to China, because nowadays more and more people go to Xinjiang to confirm the truth while the sheer bloody evil of Israel is on absolute full display while every body worth a brain can see that the USA supports genocide but vetoing ceasefire multiple times and this is something that cannot be undone, even if Blinken tries to visit every nation in the world to lecture them again (man I really hate that pussy)
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