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At the time of the merger of North and South Yemen, the Yemeni government forces had about 6 Scud launchers, 10 Tochka U launchers, 12 Moon M launchers, and about 150 rounds in reserve. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Yemen continued to expand its ballistic missile force, expanding to about 60 launchers and 600 rounds of reserve ammunition. In the process, Yemen built up its own chain of maintenance of missiles and production of spare parts and trained a large number of workers. In a sidebar that confirms Yemen's large ballistic missile force,
Brigadier General Ahmed al-Asseri, a spokesman for the Saudi-led coalition, fired back on Saturday, saying that Yemen has an estimated 300 Scud missiles, 80 percent of which have been destroyed. [
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Tochka U

Moon M

This is despite the fact that Yemen's ballistic missile force has shrunk to about 50 launchers as the government's corruption makes it difficult to pay salaries and as the U.S.-backed Arab coalition looks to reduce Yemen's missile stockpile. When the Houthis took control of the state apparatus, a large number of former Yemeni government forces were willing to pledge allegiance to the Houthis, including the Presidential Guard, the Commander of the Yemeni Ballistic Missile Forces (who later became Yemen's Houthi Minister of Defense) and the missile brigades, and most of the air defense brigades. It can be said that the Houthis completely inherited the essence of the Yemeni government forces, control of the missile force and the corresponding maintenance production line to help the Houthis in the subsequent resistance to the invasion of the Arab League to produce their own modified missiles.

And this time the action of the United States and its allies can be said to be ridiculous. For a long time, the biggest dispute between the Arab League-backed Saleh government in Yemen and the Houthi government in Yemen has been whether the U.S. and Saudi Arabia are allies or aggressors. And because of the need for Western support, the Saleh government has had difficulty condemning Israel over Palestine & Israel, and the Houthi's hijacking of ships and attacks on Israel have won widespread support within Yemen, leading directly to the defection of two Saleh battalions and a prominent poet after the helicopter hijacking of a ship. The US airstrikes on Houthi have further solidified the Houthi theory that the Americans are the aggressors, and the fact that Houthi was attacked by the US airstrikes in defense of Palestine will win Houthi even more support within Yemen. Yemeni businessmen who were against Houthi are now willing to reconcile with Houthi,
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If you further compare the open source material you can see that most of the targets of this airstrike have already been bombed multiple times by the Saudi coalition, making this attack even more ridiculous. The more funny thing is that Brent up about 2%, Putin: Thank you for your support, President Biden!


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Generational sexploitation, chattel slavery. Witness the depravity of white savior's power fantasy:

Then Western feminists and liberals have the gall to
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the Philippines still has rooms for improvement in addressing issues concerning women, it is by-far a great place to become a woman. The Philippines could set an example to its Asian neighbors on how to move-on from traditional mindsets
Meanwhile, the age of consent is 12.

Consider these factors and you will be able to properly answer those tourists innocently wondering why there are so many single mothers in the Philippines. Or why there are so many underage and teenage mothers there.
The Philippines, known for its strong family values and deep-rooted religious beliefs, surprisingly has a high percentage of single mothers.
the Philippine Statistics Authority reported in 2018 that there are approximately three million single parents in the country, and a staggering 90% of them are women.


Registered Member
It is kinda sad that the west's first option is to bomb a country that has been bombed before instead of trying to force Israel to chill the fuck out
The western elites are either slaved to or are Jewish Zionists. It should be clear given the blasphemy laws against those who deny the holocaust or question official Jewish numbers; there are even laws against boycotting Israel!
Generational sexploitation, chattel slavery. Witness the depravity of white savior's power fantasy:

Then Western feminists and liberals have the gall to
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Meanwhile, the age of consent is 12.

Consider these factors and you will be able to properly answer those tourists innocently wondering why there are so many single mothers in the Philippines. Or why there are so many underage and teenage mothers there.
Why do you think the Anglo American led West is so obsessive about China? Or why do you think white males in Asia believe they’re entitled to the bodies of Asian females and children?
China under the CPC is the restorer of Asian dignity.
The mere rise of China has second order effects of giving some Asians pride enough to say no to the white paedophile wanting to purchase his daughter, or if failing that, executing a sexpat white English teacher for raping a Chinese student. As far as I know, China is the only nation to do this, the fact that child rapist Gary Glitter and Peter Scully are still living and breathing highlights this fact. Peter Scully you must remember created child abuse material titled “Daisy’s Destruction“. I’ll let your imagination fill in the gaps.
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good analysis on the U.S. Israel predicament


Senior Member
Registered Member
It is kinda sad that the west's first option is to bomb a country that has been bombed before instead of trying to force Israel to chill the fuck out
If they don’t something a lot spicier than the Epstein list will be conveniently released to public.
I don't think they know any other way to solve a problem. Their first solution is the only solution they know: violence and destruction. Doesn't matter if it's abroad or domestic. Diplomacy is nonexistent.

I thought about it in the past - a problem that US had solved without resorting to violence. Nothing came to mind. Could not think of a single example. The closest thing were destructive sanctions.

They simply.. do. not. know. how.


Senior Member
Registered Member
The western elites are either slaved to or are Jewish Zionists. It should be clear given the blasphemy laws against those who deny the holocaust or question official Jewish numbers; there are even laws against boycotting Israel!

Why do you think the Anglo American led West is so obsessive about China? Or why do you think white males in Asia believe they’re entitled to the bodies of Asian females and children?
China under the CPC is the restorer of Asian dignity.
The mere rise of China has second order effects of giving some Asians pride enough to say no to the white paedophile wanting to purchase his daughter, or if failing that, executing a sexpat white English teacher for raping a Chinese student. As far as I know, China is the only nation to do this, the fact that child rapist Gary Glitter and Peter Scully are still living and breathing highlights this fact. Peter Scully you must remember created child abuse material titled “Daisy’s Destruction“. I’ll let your imagination fill in the gaps.
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good analysis on the U.S. Israel predicament
That analysis is eh.. ok I suppose.

Lots of stuff not covered (Iran and Lebanon/Hezbollah being the bigger points not gone into) and lots of stuff pretty shallow (overall history of imperialism in the middle east, also the impact on Jewish/Zionist influence in US is underestimated, like look into AIPAC and donation campaigns of politicians).

But still ok about lots of the points it mades and talks about.