Miscellaneous News


Junior Member
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They don't realize that Ansar Allah is practically built on anti-Zionism, anti-US-imperialism, and anti-colonialism, it's like their fuel source. Expecting them to stop magically just because you bomb them for a while and then stop is the brain-dead level of thinking expected to be seen from the current US administration, the stupidest government in the entire world. This will just make them firmer in conviction in the end. If they approached this diplomatically instead, they would get a much better outcome. But what can you do when you serve Zionists instead of your citizens?



Junior Member
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Is Austin still in ICU? Congress wasn't even informed about the strike? What the hell is happening?
Story of Austin in ICU is more than what MSM describes. It is a classic drama when the normal channels are stuffed. I would not believe in any fashion that such a low-low-grade mistake was committed by the almighty Pentagon. Just count the heads of assistants and consultants and see how many heads are gonna roll. So far, none, AFAIK. It is showtime ......


Junior Member
Registered Member
Does Houthis has any vulnerabilities that can be bombed? I know they're extremely poor but all that drones and ashms they have to have some sort production/assembly lines somewhere?


Registered Member
The Suez moment has already happened. Real question is whether it happened in 2021 with the Afghanistan fiasco or happened last year with the Houthi fiasco.
Today. Afghanistan is a failure but still a pain to receiving end.

Ukraine proxy is a failure but was a good try.

Houthi crisis is like Suez, barely a nuisance to the receiver. Lots of word little action.