Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General


Lieutenant General
What the article says is that they actually reflag to China and become Chinese shipping vessels. (presumably, the companies can do this because they're international entities)

That just makes things even more official and iron-clad for China should it wish to board or even seize any of those ships out at sea. Especially if they want to use the Chinese flag as cover for their own shady dealings and other shenanigans. Want to complain? Lodge it at your nearest Chinese embassy under domestic disputes.

This would be different from American long arm jurisdiction BS since by flying the Chinese flag, those companies and ships voluntarily placed themselves under Chinese laws and jurisdiction, and unlike say Panama, China has the might and means to enforce its jurisdictional ownership out at sea should it choose to do so.

China is unlike to do it for shits and giggles, but some idiot western oligarch looking to use China as a shield for their own grey or outright illegal activities might get caught out badly.
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Registered Member
On the contrary, it would be better for Chinese patriotism if all Chinese in the West would be bullied, physically assaulted and robbed.
It’s one thing for Overseas Chinese to be bullied, harassed and pogromed, quite another when the PLAN shows up with a detachment of marines.
There was no PLAN when the Lambing flats riots and pogroms were being perpetrated against Chinese miners back in the 19th c. Nor during the 97 Indonesian pogroms against Chinese. I imagine history would be quite different if a Black Fleet of Qing Ironclads rocked up to Sydney Harbour or San Francisco as the Dutch discovered when they got raped so hard on Taiwan by the Ming that they were forced to leave and redheaded Dutch women served as concubines to Koxinga.

BRICS just got larger, and right about the same time Mike Pompeo is gonna get done for corrupt acts done re Assange: