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A Japan Airlines flight from Hokkaido crash-landed at Tokyo Haneda Airport not long ago, with huge streaks of sparks visible during touchdown that resulted in a huge fire. No report of casualties available as of now.

It is alleged that said passenger aircraft had a collision with a Japan Coast Guard aircraft right before touchdown.

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I just checked tradingeconomics and it appears Vietnam has already surpassed Philippines in both nominal and per capita GDP. I remember back when Vietnam GDP was just a fraction of the Philippines when they joined ASEAN.

Really sad for the Philippines.
These recent articles are so sad to read :(

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Workers on a Philippines Coconut Farm: Born Poor, Staying Poor
In the groves of the Philippine island of Mindanao, people living in rural areas struggle to feed themselves in the same way as their ancestors.
Like most of those working in the coconut groves that fill out the northern lip of the Philippine island of Mindanao, Diego G. Limbaro has never imagined another life. His father pulled himself up the skinny tree trunks of the surrounding plantations, wielding a machete to detach coconuts. So did his father’s father.
Such multigenerational experiences are typical throughout the Misamis Oriental province. Harvesting coconuts is one of the very few ways to earn sustenance.

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‘There’s No Other Job’: The Colonial Roots of Philippine Poverty
Decades after independence, the Philippines lacks the kind of factory economy that has lifted up other Asian nations, tying millions to farm work.
Six days a week, Mr. Sawan, 55, a father of five, tows batches of fruit that weigh 1,500 pounds to a nearby processing plant, often as planes buzz overhead, misting down pesticides. He returns home with aches in his back and daily wages of 380 Philippine pesos, or about $6.80.
One day last year, the plantation bosses fired him. The next day, they hired him back into the same role as a contractor, cutting his pay by 25 percent.
“Now, we can barely afford rice,” Mr. Sawan said.
Yet in most of the Philippines, factory jobs are few, leaving landless people at the mercy of the wealthy families that control the plantations. Manufacturing makes up only 17 percent of the national economy, compared with 26 percent in South Korea, 27 percent in Thailand and 28 percent in China, according to
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. Even Sri Lanka (20 percent) and Cambodia (18 percent), two of the poorest countries in Asia, have slightly higher shares.
The shortage of manufacturing and the lopsided distribution of land are part of the reason that a country with some of the most fertile soils on earth is
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. It helps explain why roughly one-fifth of this nation of 117 million people is officially poor, and why nearly two million Filipinos work overseas, from construction sites in the Persian Gulf to ships and hospitals worldwide, sending home critical infusions of cash.


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These recent articles are so sad to read :(

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Workers on a Philippines Coconut Farm: Born Poor, Staying Poor
In the groves of the Philippine island of Mindanao, people living in rural areas struggle to feed themselves in the same way as their ancestors.

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‘There’s No Other Job’: The Colonial Roots of Philippine Poverty
Decades after independence, the Philippines lacks the kind of factory economy that has lifted up other Asian nations, tying millions to farm work.
The economy is designed to benefit the Oligarch landed elites, those generations of workers see them as benefactors, these is how the feudal system works and the way the landed gentry perpetuate their land holdings. What we need is a genuine land reform, not the current one with full of loopholes were the beneficiary peasant was forced to sell their newly acquired land back to their former owner with a tidy sum. And then develop the land into realty and commercial district earning billions instead of using it productively, producing food to feed the masses instead of imports. (mostly smuggling and price gouging depriving the gov't of needed revenue)

Another solution is to open up the economy (except for land, there should be a Land Usage Act that control the unwanted real estate development and protect agricultural land ) for foreign competition instead of the current 60/40 rule. In this way it will make the Philippine attractive to investors as we are situated in a prime real estate in the region. We can out compete the Singaporean, the Thai, the Indonesian and definitely with Cambodia with our fluency of the English language, heck We can beat the Indians in outsourcing without using the head shake....lol and of course our beautiful beaches and women (sound appropriate when use together....lol) , I'm bias but I think in terms of beauty the Filipina hold that distinction both in facial feature, complexion and the curves of the female body. ;) (ample front and the back bumpers unlike the other ASEAN women in the region).
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Registered Member
The economy is designed to benefit the Oligarch landed elites, those generations of workers see them as benefactors, these is how the feudal system works and the way the landed gentry perpetuate their land holdings. What we need is a genuine land reform, not the current one with full of loopholes were the beneficiary peasant was forced to sell their newly acquired land back to their former owner with a tidy sum. And then develop the land into realty and commercial district earning billions instead of using it productively, producing food to feed the masses instead of imports. (mostly smuggling and price gouging depriving the gov't of needed revenue)

Another solution is to open up the economy (except for land, there should be a Land Usage Act that control the unwanted real estate development and protect agricultural land ) for foreign competition instead of the current 60/40 rule. In this way it will make the Philippine attractive to investors as we are situated in a prime real estate in the region. We can out compete the Singaporean, the Thai, the Indonesian and definitely with Cambodia with our fluency of the English language, heck We can beat the Indians in outsourcing without using the head shake....lol and of course our beautiful beaches and women (sound appropriate when use together....lol) , I'm bias but I think in terms of beauty the Filipina hold that distinction both in facial feature, complexion and the curves of the female body. ;) (ample front and the back bumpers unlike the other ASEAN women in the region).
Sounds like Marcos should setup special economic zones for industry only...who am I kidding Marcos will do squat shit probably misunderstand the policy and give the US an extra military base.


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These recent articles are so sad to read :(

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Workers on a Philippines Coconut Farm: Born Poor, Staying Poor
In the groves of the Philippine island of Mindanao, people living in rural areas struggle to feed themselves in the same way as their ancestors.

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‘There’s No Other Job’: The Colonial Roots of Philippine Poverty
Decades after independence, the Philippines lacks the kind of factory economy that has lifted up other Asian nations, tying millions to farm work.
Phillipine govt to their citizens: But look at what's China doing to us!!!!

Seriously, the Filipinos are distracted by their govt with the SCS issue whilst ignoring their shitty economic situation, and it's working. Also funny to see them being proud/nostalgic of becoming glorified sepoys in the 1950s, where they fought a war against China in Korea. As if it helps their current situation.


Registered Member
Sounds like Marcos should setup special economic zones for industry only...
His family are the main beneficiary of that feudal system as his father made it more inclusive by giving public lands to his cronies to exploit its resources and getting a 25% cut. The elder Marcos had institutionalized the Traditional Politics with Guns, goons and gold that's his legacy that BBM want to reestablished with a kinder and more refined image.
who am I kidding Marcos will do squat shit probably misunderstand the policy and give the US an extra military base.
Well he have to protect the family wealth that his father and mother painstaking stole from the country. From a conservative estimate worth $8 billions BUT it's closer to $15 billion if you ask me. With that amount family come first before country, especially as the American had sweeten the deal by rehabilitating the Marcos family name and down playing its wrong doing.
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This is simply a RETVRN to normality; prior to the Opium Wars, China was seen as a superior living standards level state and compared to Europe at the time, it was. Many Australian convicts who formed the first fleet tried to escape north to make it to China. I hazard a guess we will start to see more of these western communities springing up, which is fine so long as they sinocise and we don’t repeat the An Lushan or the Taiping rebellion again.

Notice how I said “sinocise“ in the sense that they respect and follow Chinese law and customs such that their descendants become Chinese as well, as the Tujue and the Hui became Chinese, building the Chinese nation. This is opposed to “westernisation“ which involves asian Immigrants being perpetual outsiders and can only get ahead in tech roles which the Anglo Zionist ruling class is unable to compete, and where Asian females are encouraged to breed with whites and Asian males are expected to be docile taxpayers and die without families or heirs, to be replaced by the next crop of Asian immigrant fleeing whichever war the Anglo Zionist war machine decides it wants to embark.


Senior Member
A Japan Airlines flight from Hokkaido crash-landed at Tokyo Haneda Airport not long ago, with huge streaks of sparks visible during touchdown that resulted in a huge fire. No report of casualties available as of now.

It is alleged that said passenger aircraft had a collision with a Japan Coast Guard aircraft right before touchdown.

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Seems like everyone from the passenger plane is safe. However five dead from the coast guard plane and captain is seriously injured.


Registered Member
Phillipine govt to their citizens: But look at what's China doing to us!!!!

Seriously, the Filipinos are distracted by their govt with the SCS issue whilst ignoring their shitty economic situation, and it's working. Also funny to see them being proud/nostalgic of becoming glorified sepoys in the 1950s, where they fought a war against China in Korea. As if it helps their current situation.
Well if you ask me, that movie stinks in high heaven and bomb at the box office, the journalist who wrote that reviewed need his brain examined or he or she is a paid hack. The number one issue is the economy not the recurring Chinese threat theme and the SCS issue, its boring and we want the meat of the matter settled and look after not by grandstanding. We're not Indians we demand action.


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Seems like everyone from the passenger plane is safe. However five dead from the coast guard plane and captain is seriously injured.
Excellent engineering of the Airbus A350, exceptional piloting skills from the A350 pilots and sheer luck are what saved all 379 passengers and crew onboard Japan Airlines (JAL) Flight 516. Without any of them, this collision could've easily resulted in 200-300+ fatalities. This is also the first hull loss accident for the A350.

Sad to say, that JCG Dash 8 was actually on its way to deliver humanitarian supplies to the earthquake-hit Sea of Japan coastal regions.

Meanwhile, I can only think of three possible causes for this collision:
1. Fault of the Haneda Tower ATC (e.g. giving false instructions to the pilots); and/or
2. Fault of the pilots of the JCG's Dash 8 (e.g. entering an active runway without explicit ATC permission); and/or
3. Instrument/equipment failure (radio comms failure and absence of ground radar were major contributing factors to the 1977 Tenerife Airport Disaster).

Size comparison of the accident aircrafts: JAL Flight 516's A350 and CCG's Dash 8:
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