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Having accession talks with Ukraine means little. The EU has had accession talks with Turkey for decades with little result.
Turkey importance for Germany has decreased since the creation of Israel. thats why Erdogan constantly talk against Israel hoping Israel goes away and Turkey regain the position of Ottoman empire. when that Arab delegation regarding Gaza was going to China and Russia. Turkish foreign minister was missing but his now moving around in that delegation in Western Countries.
Ukraine is not Turkey. There are two conflicts going on. One is German-Russia conflict at state level and another is Putin personal conflict with Germans. it is the later conflict that has pissed German elites so much that they will squeeze the whole of Europe but continue to support Ukraine. I think Putin is well aware of it. to irritate Germans more he constantly talks about them when Arabs are present.


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A continuation of the previous WAPO
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series on India I posted before. Definitely worth the read if you have time.

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Covert Indian operation seeks to discredit Modi’s critics in the U.S.​

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Facing pressure in India, Netflix and Amazon back down on daring films​

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How India tamed Twitter and set a global standard for online censorship​

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India uses widespread internet blackouts to mask domestic turmoil​

I usually disagree with comments that disparage Chinese media, but there are clearly some valid points in these opinions. Why can't Chinese journalists produce and publish these in depth investigative smear pieces. All we get out of Chinese media is some milquetoast pieces about how India has some problems.
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Lieutenant General
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Intel, TSMC: "Biden! Raimondo! WHERE IS THE F**KING MONEY???!!!"
Might be a sign of how worried the US is over Chinese breakthroughs. All that money wasted if China catches up quicker than how fast the US gets a payoff from its investment. Makes sense that the first who get money are those that make chips for the military.


This article shows you why America’s policy towards China is a mess. They simply don’t know what they want and can’t define a endgame with their competition with China. Of course what they really want is for China to limit its industrial and technological ambitions and put China’s foreign policy in the service of American interest and world order. So that the US can continue to maintain their hegemonic position in the world. But they can’t say that out loud.

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This article shows you why America’s policy towards China is a mess. They simply don’t know what they want and can’t define a endgame with their competition with China. Of course what they really want is for China to limit its industrial and technological ambitions and put China’s foreign policy in the service of American interest and world order. So that the US can continue to maintain their hegemonic position in the world. But they can’t say that out loud.

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They do know what they want, but they also know, they can't say it out loudly.

And also, even more importantly, they don't know how to get to what they want, simply because China is too strong (overall, in many areas like economic and military), so they don't have the ability to force what they want.


Registered Member
This article shows you why America’s policy towards China is a mess. They simply don’t know what they want and can’t define a endgame with their competition with China. Of course what they really want is for China to limit its industrial and technological ambitions and put China’s foreign policy in the service of American interest and world order. So that the US can continue to maintain their hegemonic position in the world. But they can’t say that out loud.

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There is a third way: a phased approach. The United States could endeavor to maintain a stable steady state in the near term while awaiting more fundamental change in China in the long term.
Isn't this the stage 3 "maybe we should do something about it but there's nothing we can do" part of the
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Registered Member
This article shows you why America’s policy towards China is a mess. They simply don’t know what they want and can’t define a endgame with their competition with China. Of course what they really want is for China to limit its industrial and technological ambitions and put China’s foreign policy in the service of American interest and world order. So that the US can continue to maintain their hegemonic position in the world. But they can’t say that out loud.

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Is all emotional driven politics with a dash of good old Sinophobia pushed by pseudo-intellectual think tankers driven by career ambitions and "pseudo-experts" e.g. national security "experts" don't even know the basics of Python, but their newly founded "national security" companies want those sweet government cyber security contracts and so they keep writing meaningless article after meaningless anti-China article on business and military websites in the hopes of going viral and getting a politician's attention.​