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These dumbass corps let their asses get conned. Heads need to roll in upper management.

Government bureaucracy due to environmental review and permits. Ironically enough, they wanted exemptions added into the bill but it was blocked by House Republicans. Not entirely sure why they opposed a bit of “deregulation”. Maybe it was stuffed into an omnibus bill.

Raimondo is concerned that these environmental permitting processes take a long time, which she fears could halt construction for years. This issue gained prominence after her request to exempt federally-funded chip projects from such reviews was rejected by House Republicans. As a result, major projects by companies including Intel, Micron, TSMC, and Samsung that cost tens of billions of dollars are at risk of being slowed down by these reviews.


Registered Member


Unsurprisingly, the only money paid out by the CHIPS act is to an MIC company.
That's right. The members of the US regime are deeply in the pockets of the MIC. The arms industry is probably one of the most corrupt, inefficient, and wasteful industries in the US. For example, the Pentagon failed all 6 annual audits since it was mandated by the Congress. The US should really think twice before they get involved in a conflict over the Taiwan Strait.
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I'm shocked, shocked, to find out that Hamas is a Israeli construct for the purpose of "divide and rule" over the Palestine!

Long live "human rights" and "rules based world order"!