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They don't say he's crazy for no reason and crazy means crazy. It doesn't mean he's got crazy hate for China; it means he's actually crazy and you can't predict or explain how crazy people act by logical analysis of thier history. "Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior," only works for sane people unless you count all of craziness together as a single behavior.
Imo he's just the average right wing latin american dictator, they see things like Hitler, Pinochet and Mussolini and while any normal person are extremely put off by such disgusting values, they actually find it cool because muh strongman.

Its extremely easy for them to take a liking to China because they are inevitably always fully believing US media, which baselessly claims things such as genocides and dictatorships in China. Those claims are meant to make people hate China, but to latin american despots, those claimed acts are actually achievements and medals.


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Another SUPERPOWER INDIA taking a page from its ideological master and superfriend, a country I shall not name but I will describe as the country too busy bombing the snuff out of hummus out of existence.

India, according to Canada's intelligence service (CSIS) is meddling into Canadian politics by bribing all political players and most especially the Conservative Party members and leaders. The former Conservative leader and P.M. Stephen Harper chairs and lead an organization called I.D.U. which essentially advocates for right wing governments across the world whose leadership includes 56 inch chest SUPERPOWER Master bestest P.M. not just of India but the world, Mohdi.

Now, the contrast of what India has done with Canada's politics vs the specious and spurious accusations against PRC meddling in Canada's politics with the Liberals are out there for people to see. But, since India does not have "Communism" as the governing power most Canadians would not give a flying toss about India's interference and insidious actions because they see India as a "democracy" equating as a friendly nation imbued with super duper freedom. This case just goes to show that ideological and ideology of political beliefs is just the same as religious dogmatic belief; we toss away critical thinking based on superficial similarities and seek to create adversarial relationship with others solely based off on political system different than what the west adheres to regardless of outcome.

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You’re witnessing the Indian infiltration of western nations as they did with the UK and Anglo firms like cisco and Oracle.

The problem is democracy allows corruption to go unpunished. You don’t have Jewish and Indian interest groups with their tentacles inside China because the CPC comes down hard on corruption. Even Singapore which has strong anti corruption culture has been infected with Indian nepotism because of its democratic government.
Democracies are promoted by the Anglo west because it allows their Zionist masters to better control and corrupt the target nation‘s elites. The Indians are doing what they did in the corporate west and mimicking the Hebrew LARPers to advance their own people.

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im actually worried that the new visa rules China has with certain European countries will result in illegal immigration from Europe stealing Chinese jobs and opportunities from local Chinese. As europe descends further into their Anglo dug hole re Russia and recession, more Europeans will be trying to immigrate to China and not just bto cause of white privileg in Asia as you’re seeing with the neckbeards in Japan and the paedophiles in Thailand and the Philippines.


Registered Member
You’re witnessing the Indian infiltration of western nations as they did with the UK and Anglo firms like cisco and Oracle.

The problem is democracy allows corruption to go unpunished. You don’t have Jewish and Indian interest groups with their tentacles inside China because the CPC comes down hard on corruption. Even Singapore which has strong anti corruption culture has been infected with Indian nepotism because of its democratic government.
Democracies are promoted by the Anglo west because it allows their Zionist masters to better control and corrupt the target nation‘s elites. The Indians are doing what they did in the corporate west and mimicking the Hebrew LARPers to advance their own people.

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im actually worried that the new visa rules China has with certain European countries will result in illegal immigration from Europe stealing Chinese jobs and opportunities from local Chinese. As europe descends further into their Anglo dug hole re Russia and recession, more Europeans will be trying to immigrate to China and not just bto cause of white privileg in Asia as you’re seeing with the neckbeards in Japan and the paedophiles in Thailand and the Philippines.
But, like you said, since China isn't run under a western based democracy system, if the need to execute a policy that would correct the issue you raised (Foreigners "stealing" jobs) will be quickly remedied since the people of China will demand action from their government.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Its extremely easy for them to take a liking to China because they are inevitably always fully believing US media, which baselessly claims things such as genocides and dictatorships in China. Those claims are meant to make people hate China, but to latin american despots, those claimed acts are actually achievements and medals.
Milei is an idiot. He is just going to do another re-run of the Yeltsin years in Russia if he pursues his policies. It will lead to mass unemployment, people getting destitute, and civil unrest. Argentina already tried doing shock therapy when Menem was President of Argentina in the 1980-90s.


I don't think China has any illusion over the Taiwan issue, even without such Freudian slips from Western politicians.

New "at what cost" just dropped.

The Economist:
The same Economist:

Want some good laugh? Just glance over the titles of the articles. No need to waste your time by actually reading the the articles. They don't even know the size of the Russian Army: more than 1.32 million active and 2 million in reserve.

Russia Has Lost Almost 90% of Its Prewar Army, U.S. Intelligence Says​

The declassified estimate says 315,000 personnel have been killed or injured in Ukraine

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Russia Has Suffered Staggeringly High Losses, U.S. Report Says​

The declassified intelligence assessment also found that Russia’s objective has been eroding Western support for Ukraine, the country it invaded.
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Registered Member
Milei is an idiot. He is just going to do another re-run of the Yeltsin years in Russia if he pursues his policies. It will lead to mass unemployment, people getting destitute, and civil unrest. Argentina already tried doing shock therapy when Menem was President of Argentina in the 1980-90s.
Putin has very positive view of Yelstin. perhaps that shock therapy was needed to reform society.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Putin is just trying to keep the legacy of the man who put him in power in the first place. But Yeltsin's government's catastrophic governance only started to improve after Primakov was made Prime Minister.

By comparing what happened with the Russian and Chinese economies it is pretty easy to tell that shock therapy is basically a disaster. The Chinese economy started out from a much lower baseline yet did more gradual and limited in scope changes to the economy which simply worked better. Processes need to be more gradual and the state should always retain the commanding heights of the economy and natural monopolies. This is basically the same mixed market economy which the Western countries used in the post war period to great success.

Claimed "successes" of shock therapy like Poland after the Cold War happened because of several factors. The West forgave Poland's debt, and they got massive cash infusions both before and after they joined the European Union. But even then a lot of the population emigrated and much of the industrial sector collapsed.
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