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But that's not what their "YouTube podcasters" say though, especially from their universally acclaimed "defense experts" and universally lauded and feared "Indian Military."
Another SUPERPOWER INDIA taking a page from its ideological master and superfriend, a country I shall not name but I will describe as the country too busy bombing the snuff out of hummus out of existence.

India, according to Canada's intelligence service (CSIS) is meddling into Canadian politics by bribing all political players and most especially the Conservative Party members and leaders. The former Conservative leader and P.M. Stephen Harper chairs and lead an organization called I.D.U. which essentially advocates for right wing governments across the world whose leadership includes 56 inch chest SUPERPOWER Master bestest P.M. not just of India but the world, Mohdi.

Now, the contrast of what India has done with Canada's politics vs the specious and spurious accusations against PRC meddling in Canada's politics with the Liberals are out there for people to see. But, since India does not have "Communism" as the governing power most Canadians would not give a flying toss about India's interference and insidious actions because they see India as a "democracy" equating as a friendly nation imbued with super duper freedom. This case just goes to show that ideological and ideology of political beliefs is just the same as religious dogmatic belief; we toss away critical thinking based on superficial similarities and seek to create adversarial relationship with others solely based off on political system different than what the west adheres to regardless of outcome.

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Waaaaaaaaait a minute... So where's our "greatest economic neoliberalism experiment of the 21st-century" going??!!

I have this simple criteria. any society that has Western auto brands dominance will face bankruptcy. (it is not just about Auto but Auto reflect that mentality). Argentina meet but India not. Western EU can afford until this point but not Eastern EU.

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Looking at cumulative data up to November 2023 brand-wise, the leader is Toyota with 88,884 sales (+15.9%), followed by Fiat at 53,502 (+7.7%), in front of Volkswagen with 53,123 light vehicle registrations (+25.5%).

Renault maintains 4th position with 47,854 sales (+25.6%) followed by Peugeot at 39,643 (+28.3%), Ford with 34,858 (+49.7%) and Chevrolet -down 1 spot- with 29,195 new light vehicle sales (+10.7%).

Nissan maintains 8th position with 18,097 sales (+41.1%), in front of Citroen in 9th with 11,341 (-3.6%) and Jeep closing the Top 10 with 8,453 sales (-2.6%).

Yellow is Okay

Just Hatched
Registered Member


Looks like President Xi has found his new wife :D.


Registered Member
German Military procurement continues to be dysgenic. One another canceled program.

German military procurement not much worse than Turkey when you look at complex items. Germans atleast can cancel it. and they are not mixing things and are comfortable outsourcing its security to US. This made less burden on its society and not flee on scale that could have happened otherwise. but if Europe decline continues than Arabs will create Greater India.

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Waaaaaaaaait a minute... So where's our "greatest economic neoliberalism experiment of the 21st-century" going??!!

They don't say he's crazy for no reason and crazy means crazy. It doesn't mean he's got crazy hate for China; it means he's actually crazy and you can't predict or explain how crazy people act by logical analysis of thier history. "Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior," only works for sane people unless you count all of craziness together as a single behavior.


Junior Member
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They don't say he's crazy for no reason and crazy means crazy. It doesn't mean he's got crazy hate for China; it means he's actually crazy and you can't predict or explain how crazy people act by logical analysis of thier history. "Past behavior is the best predictor of future behavior," only works for sane people unless you count all of craziness together as a single behavior.
China should deny. Simply on the grounds that contracts with the insane are not legally valid.


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Free market economy at its "best" -

FDA-approved Chinese cancer drug to cost 30 times more
"In the US there's no agency that negotiates with drug companies to lower prices. So for China these are not the wholesale prices that we're comparing but rather these are prices set based on enrollment into the national insurance system which about 95% of Chinese people are enrolled into, meaning most people are going to access to these cheaper prices in China."

"One of the main reasons the prices in the US are so hgh is because essentially drug companies will charge whatever the market can bear. A research team last year did a study and it showed that the drug prices are largely dependant on how much drug companies can really charge in the market and how much people will pay, and so because it's not negotiated by any agency in the US the prices are 'a little bit out of control' [...]"

Big Pharmas Hate This One Simple Trick! -
