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On yet another example of "DEMOCRACY AND DEFENDER OF VALUES" in action, American agents were caught recently in Spain when 2 American agents "working" at the American Embassy for "allegedly" trying to bribe Spanish Intelligence operatives and work for the U.S. interests. Funny, I was told and have read ad nauseum that DEMOCRACIES don't spy, eavesdrop, or go to war against fellow democracies, isn't that right Ms. Condescending liar Rice?

The Americans aren't satisfied with her vassals providing them information 99% of the time, they want their vassals to agree with everything they demand 100% of the time. What's even the point of being an "INDEPENDENT AND SOVEREIGN" country if that's going to be the arrangement and expectations from being in bed with America?

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On yet another example of "DEMOCRACY AND DEFENDER OF VALUES" in action, American agents were caught recently in Spain when 2 American agents "working" at the American Embassy for "allegedly" trying to bribe Spanish Intelligence operatives and work for the U.S. interests. Funny, I was told and have read ad nauseum that DEMOCRACIES don't spy, eavesdrop, or go to war against fellow democracies, isn't that right Ms. Condescending liar Rice?

The Americans aren't satisfied with her vassals providing them information 99% of the time, they want their vassals to agree with everything they demand 100% of the time. What's even the point of being an "INDEPENDENT AND SOVEREIGN" country if that's going to be the arrangement and expectations from being in bed with America?

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Spain is an authoritarian state with a monarch running the country though.


Registered Member
All I can say to this most recent allegation made by a western F.T. reporter is WOW!! The west have awakened the true SUPERPOWER of Asia, and it seems hellbent on copying the same tactics that Israel employed over the preceding decades against its perceived enemies both at home and abroad: VIOLENCE.

That some Indians feel and think that their country is already a SUPERPOWER is already leading them to act in such brazen fashion by words and deeds, I would shudder to think what's more when they actually become that superpower they've always imagined and assumed?

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Yep, that sure sounds like Jack Palmer.


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Very clear messaging
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Is this the first time that this is explicitly stated?
It is always the position of every Chinese government since Qing dynasty. It is the fundation of China's claim on Diaoyu islands. China's argument is that these islands were part of Taiwan prefecture/province, not part of Liuqiu (Ryukyu) Kingdom. So regardless the status of Liuqiu Kingdom and its annexation by Japan, Diayu islands were never part of Japan through Liuqiu. With returning of Taiwan from Japan in 1945, Diaoyu islands are returned to ROC by the instrument of Japan's surrender.

So I don't think that the statement is "explicitly" stated for the first time. It would have been explicitly stated in Sino-Japanese negotiations since 1945 by both ROC and PRC, and repeated every time there is a discussion. It is just not reported by news paper or social media.


Registered Member
It has always been the official stance and policy of both the PRC and ROC that the Diaoyu Islands (Senkaku) belongs to China - More specifically, the Taiwan Province of China. So this isn't exactly a surprising message.

Though, if Japan smartly backed away and not directly interfere against China during Operation AR of Taiwan and/or the recapture of the Diaoyus (i.e. playing the role of Poland in the current Russo-Ukraine War), then China shouldn't go to war with Japan.

However, if vice versa happens, then China shouldn't stop at the Diaoyu Islands. The ultimate goal should be the liberation (or alternately, annexation) of the Ryukyu Islands - Either for the entirety of the Ryukyus, or until the Amami Islands to the north at most.
The good thing is that the border of Japan and China isn't legally settled yet. China has not executed her right given by Postam and Cairo declaration.


Lieutenant General
All I can say to this most recent allegation made by a western F.T. reporter is WOW!! The west have awakened the true SUPERPOWER of Asia, and it seems hellbent on copying the same tactics that Israel employed over the preceding decades against its perceived enemies both at home and abroad: VIOLENCE.

That some Indians feel and think that their country is already a SUPERPOWER is already leading them to act in such brazen fashion by words and deeds, I would shudder to think what's more when they actually become that superpower they've always imagined and assumed?

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So the only thing saving India from a total world wide diplomatic shitshow over this is their own consistent incompetence, which meant they first needed to hire hitmen since they evidently did not have the ‘in-house’ talent for this, and somehow managed to hire a DEA agent and so didn’t manage to kill anyone.


Registered Member
So the only thing saving India from a total world wide diplomatic shitshow over this is their own consistent incompetence, which meant they first needed to hire hitmen since they evidently did not have the ‘in-house’ talent for this, and somehow managed to hire a DEA agent and so didn’t manage to kill anyone.
But that's not what their "YouTube podcasters" say though, especially from their universally acclaimed "defense experts" and universally lauded and feared "Indian Military."