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From National Bureau of Statistics of China. Total crop yield for 2023 is 695.41 million tons, an increase of 1.3% despite adverse weather.
About half a ton of food per person per year. I calculate a person needs something like 470kg per year on average, so China would be slightly above average assuming no massive waste like US or eating lots of meat (which Chinese do, hence all that soy bean and meat import).
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After losing one of their F-35 to a bird last year. An F-16 has decided to join along.

U.S. F-16 jet crashes in South Korea during training - Yonhap​

SEOUL, Dec 11 (Reuters) - A U.S. F-16 fighter jet crashed in South Korea on Monday while on a training flight and the pilot has ejected, Yonhap news agency reported citing a military source.

The crash was near the U.S. Air Force base in Gunsan, Yonhap said.

South Korea's defence ministry spokesman could not immediately confirm the report. U.S. military officials in South Korea could not be immediately reached for comment.
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"Due to world events our suppliers have notified us of unprecedented demand for and an anticipated global shortage of gunpowder, and thus has increased our prices substantially," Vice President of Sales, Sporting Products Brett Nelson said in the letter. "We must therefore raise our pricing to help offset those increases."
Goddamn, can't even have a proper war on this planet if China isn't shipping energetic compounds.


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we live in a world where terms like “judeo-nazi” and “
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“ are now a thing.
I mean even as far back as the German nazi era, you had slav nazis like ROA, SS Galicien and others. Despite slavs being one of the races openly declared to be exterminated by the German leadership.

Almost for as long as there has been nazism, there has been nazis of any race, including those actively hated by the majority nazis.


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Westerners scrabbling among themselves coveting historical artifacts stolen from other peoples yet again.

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The menu bears the fountain pen signature of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong, as well as six influential Chinese statesmen, including Premier Zhou Enlai, Huang Yanpei (Vice Premier of the State Council and Minister of Industry), and Zhu De (Vice Chairman of the Communist Party and the PRC, renowned as Mao's military advisor).

At the same auction was also sold a Joseph Stalin signed letter to his children, published in his daughter's autobiography sold for $22,134 (€20,500).


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Westerners scrabbling among themselves coveting historical artifacts stolen from other peoples yet again.

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The menu bears the fountain pen signature of former Chinese leader Mao Zedong, as well as six influential Chinese statesmen, including Premier Zhou Enlai, Huang Yanpei (Vice Premier of the State Council and Minister of Industry), and Zhu De (Vice Chairman of the Communist Party and the PRC, renowned as Mao's military advisor).

At the same auction was also sold a Joseph Stalin signed letter to his children, published in his daughter's autobiography sold for $22,134 (€20,500).
A stretch to call it stolen, I assume someone just asked Mao to sign it? If you were to have dinner with Taylor Swift and then asked her to sign your menu afterwards, did you actually steal anything from her?

More like profiting off Mao's fame, but I don't think he would have cared, if he were around and saw this.


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When China gets more powerful expect to hear more news like this Chinese tea,silk and porcelain were signs of luxury even in Europe before century of humiliation like @Biscuits mentioned if Taylor Swift was from a poor small country her autographs wouldn't be fetching big sums either


Long-range voyages on sailing ships were considered the spaceships of their time.

Silk was the ultimate in luxury. Think today's designer luxury brands.


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All I can say to this most recent allegation made by a western F.T. reporter is WOW!! The west have awakened the true SUPERPOWER of Asia, and it seems hellbent on copying the same tactics that Israel employed over the preceding decades against its perceived enemies both at home and abroad: VIOLENCE.

That some Indians feel and think that their country is already a SUPERPOWER is already leading them to act in such brazen fashion by words and deeds, I would shudder to think what's more when they actually become that superpower they've always imagined and assumed?

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