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Putin is just trying to keep the legacy of the man who put him in power in the first place. But Yeltsin's government's catastrophic governance only started to improve after Primakov was made Prime Minister.
do you think Yelstin that powerfull to pick a random person? Putin was known to WEF Klaus Schwab since 1992 and many times to Davos forums. he was already in power but not visible. Putin himself said i have many Jewish friends. .Putin brought his Saint Petersburg team from the start. Yeltsin never had the power and sophistication. Putin owe nothing to him.
Ariel Sharon in 2001 about Putin.
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Sharon did not lose any opportunity to praise Putin for his relative friendship toward Israel and his relations with the Russian Jewish community.

By comparing what happened with the Russian and Chinese economies it is pretty easy to tell that shock therapy is basically a disaster. The Chinese economy started out from a much lower baseline yet did more gradual and limited in scope changes to the economy which simply worked better. Processes need to be more gradual and the state should always retain the commanding heights of the economy and natural monopolies. This is basically the same mixed market economy which the Western countries used in the post war period to great success.

Claimed "successes" of shock therapy like Poland after the Cold War happened because of several factors. The West forgave Poland's debt, and they got massive cash infusions both before and after they joined the European Union. But even then a lot of the population emigrated and much of the industrial sector collapsed.
not every country is capable of benefiting from shock therapy. how do you think Ukraine war is fought? this is the result of not gradual investments but shock therapy that forced to create new opportunities in 1990s.
I am sure some one told him to take this line on Ukraine and there will be compensation if losses with Europe.
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if you still not understand than look at the Porsche.



Registered Member
You’re witnessing the Indian infiltration of western nations as they did with the UK and Anglo firms like cisco and Oracle.

The problem is democracy allows corruption to go unpunished. You don’t have Jewish and Indian interest groups with their tentacles inside China because the CPC comes down hard on corruption. Even Singapore which has strong anti corruption culture has been infected with Indian nepotism because of its democratic government.
Democracies are promoted by the Anglo west because it allows their Zionist masters to better control and corrupt the target nation‘s elites. The Indians are doing what they did in the corporate west and mimicking the Hebrew LARPers to advance their own people.

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im actually worried that the new visa rules China has with certain European countries will result in illegal immigration from Europe stealing Chinese jobs and opportunities from local Chinese. As europe descends further into their Anglo dug hole re Russia and recession, more Europeans will be trying to immigrate to China and not just bto cause of white privileg in Asia as you’re seeing with the neckbeards in Japan and the paedophiles in Thailand and the Philippines.
Yup I agree with you that Indian infiltration is getting quite serious in the West, especially the English-speaking nations. It is also a relief that China is run by the CPC, who are quite vigilant against foreign infiltration.

However, I think India is gonna find infiltration into Asia much more challenging than in the West. I just think its because Asians are much more familiar with India. We have been trading and interacting with India for far longer than the West. Even the Taiwanese are not too pleased with DPP's policy to embrace India. Japan may be more welcoming of India, but I don't think the average Japanese are gonna embrace the Indians like the average Westerners. Because the Indian way of life is just mutually incompatible with the Japanese way of life. South Korea, with the racist mindset prevalent among its citizens are not gonna welcome Indians anytime soon. Asians in general do not put as much value on talking big, unlike in the West. Indians are also notorious for dishonesty, lack of regard for the law, entitlement, complaining, and playing lawfare to suit their interests. That is why Indians don't get as much worship in Asia as they do in the West.

The West is getting Indianized. On one hand it is funny to see the West falling to India's level. But on the other hand, if Indian influence grows too deep into the Western halls of power. Could they get enough control of the Western military, especially the nukes, to do something stupid? It's still unlikely because the Indian communities around the world are not as unified as the Chinese communities. Because the upper castes are the ones that gets into the best positions the West, and they are also not above back stabbing each other advance their own careers. The West would also want to keep the real power to themselves, and have the Indians as the head of the house slaves.


Registered Member
Yup I agree with you that Indian infiltration is getting quite serious in the West, especially the English-speaking nations. It is also a relief that China is run by the CPC, who are quite vigilant against foreign infiltration.

However, I think India is gonna find infiltration into Asia much more challenging than in the West. I just think its because Asians are much more familiar with India. We have been trading and interacting with India for far longer than the West. Even the Taiwanese are not too pleased with DPP's policy to embrace India. Japan may be more welcoming of India, but I don't think the average Japanese are gonna embrace the Indians like the average Westerners. Because the Indian way of life is just mutually incompatible with the Japanese way of life. South Korea, with the racist mindset prevalent among its citizens are not gonna welcome Indians anytime soon. Asians in general do not put as much value on talking big, unlike in the West. Indians are also notorious for dishonesty, lack of regard for the law, entitlement, complaining, and playing lawfare to suit their interests. That is why Indians don't get as much worship in Asia as they do in the West.

The West is getting Indianized. On one hand it is funny to see the West falling to India's level. But on the other hand, if Indian influence grows too deep into the Western halls of power. Could they get enough control of the Western military, especially the nukes, to do something stupid? It's still unlikely because the Indian communities around the world are not as unified as the Chinese communities. Because the upper castes are the ones that gets into the best positions the West, and they are also not above back stabbing each other advance their own careers. The West would also want to keep the real power to themselves, and have the Indians as the head of the house slaves.
I don’t think it’s too far fetched; WASP anglos promoted Jewish public servants out of a belief that they would owe allegiance from the patronage of that particular Anglo aristocrat,eg British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli and the fabled rise of the Rothschild family to the current infiltration and judaising of the WASP ruling faction.

In our lifetime those Anglo Zionist ruling factions have promoted Indians to manage their affairs like comprador CEOs whilst believing as their British ruling aristocrats believed, that they were so special and chosen by god that they would forever be able to control their favoured ethnic agents. Rather, it’s how gotten to the point where the Indian believes himself the equal of the Anglo such that he can assassinate his political enemies on Anglo ground- a privilege reserved only for drone strike Anglo Americans and their caucasoid vassals.

even the ruling elites of the anglosphere find dealing with the subcontinent to be unprofitable and tiresome.
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Senior Member
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India watches on with envy:
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Indians are also notorious for dishonesty, lack of regard for the law, entitlement, complaining, and playing lawfare to suit their interests.
If we are talking reputation, then they are known for their lechery as well.

Germany returns back into a dystopian nightmare:
"Everyone has internalized the rules, everyone watches each other."
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Senior Member
Registered Member
I don’t think it’s too far fetched; WASP anglos promoted Jewish public servants out of a belief that they would owe allegiance from the patronage of that particular Anglo aristocrat,eg British prime minister Benjamin Disraeli and the fabled rise of the Rothschild family to the current infiltration and judaising of the WASP ruling faction.
What do you base this statement on?

I have realized that people hold beliefs for emotional rather than rationale reasons and telling someone that the US military isn't as powerful as they want to believe will get denied not because they are really stupid but they see the American hegemonic power as something personal to them and their self esteem;
Cognitive dissonance - when reality fails to intersect personal belief, this phenomenon occurs in some people, compelling them to cling to irrational personal beliefs against the rational reality. Those people are the ones who haven't actively developed their cognition. This state is the natural, instinctual human state and has some important benefits (i.e. a mother risking her own life to protect her children). In biological terms, it is a battle a between the prefrontal cortex (rationality) versus amygdala (emotion). By default, the amygdala has more influence in decisionmaking, unless you've trained to curb it's effects. Decisionmaking is influenced by a combination of thoughts arising from these two antagonist portions of the brain. This is why state propaganda always has some admixture to target the emotions of the audience. It is much easier to influence minds based on emotions than on rationality.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
I mean, they had export and import taxes. How can you expect to grow your economy with such idiotic policies? What multi-national company will invest its money only to be robbed by the government and also lose its global customers? How can you compete with other countries when you tax your own exports lmao
Australia has "export taxes". And so does Russia. Ever heard of mineral tax?
Russia has taxes on timber exports as well:
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The large farmers in Argentina typically avoided paying taxes altogether and kept the gains of export sales of food in bank accounts abroad without the government ever seeing a single cent. So the government just taxes them on exported production instead.
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