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China genuinely wants a good relationship with Italy. There is no cost for Italy to hitch onto the BRI bandwagon. In some original considerations, Italy would be a toll station and a project partner. Once Italy got a brand new government, somehow for some reason it wants troll China over BRI. Who is adult? Who is childish?

The whole world today is becoming so childish that it makes people wonder what the f?ck is wrong with human beings? Man would take 3 jobs if that was what it took to bring enough food to the table. Women would do whatever it takes so that her children are safeguarded. So Clinton was absolutely right: it is economy, stupid!

We are on the verge of the 4th industrial revolution, which is going to fundamentally alter definitions of workforces. What are people doing out there?

I personally know there are lots of things to be desired in China. Yet what China has accomplished for improving people's livelihood in the last 70+ years is unprecedented in human history. That is human rights!

Like what Gao said in a BBC interview, what does Italy bring to the table anyway?
Its simple. Its good old fashioned racism. The West cannot accept China as an equal because it is just not like them. It is communist, and it is not white. Not suitable in their eyes to be on their level. A number of Asian nations like Japan, SK, and India cannot accept China as an equal or superior. A number people in Taiwan, HK, Singapore and Malaysia cannot accept that mainland China had risen above them. China was supposed to be beneath them. They were supposed to be second to the white people, not second to the Chinese. China was supposed to be the backwater communist curiosity for exploitation by everyone above it in perpetuity. How dare China rises above its designated place in this rules based order of the world? How dare China outperforms the first world in almost all fields of development? How dare China invests in Italy? It was supposed to be the other way round.

Its these people who perceived themselves as superior to the Chinese that are kicking and screaming against this new reality that China can rival the West. That is why we see all this trolling and childishness. Doesn't matter what China had achieved. In their minds, China is always a communist oppressive backwater hellhole with nukes. The Chinese people to them are always uncouth red guard peasants who can only steal Western technology to progress. They are going through the 5 stages of grief, and are stuck on denial or anger. I doubt that most would ever move on, and would eventually descend into insanity.
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Putin on state visit. Seems he's done doing whatever held him up last year and is going back to usual duties.
Gaza was a god-sent gift to Putin at an opportune moment. That would naturally make one wonder if Putin had a hand in that. BRICS+ was also a god-sent gift to Putin at an opportune moment, even though it is said that China pushed it. So the stage is pretty much set for Putin by "other people". Ukraine is already an after-thought. Russian economy is not going to collapse anytime soon. Thanks to the west, Russia strategic position in the global geo-strategic competition is enhanced since the beginning of the Ukraine war.

Last five years seem like decades. Covid, Ukraine, Gaza ...... like some Chinese-drama lovers would say: even screenwriters would not dare write that way.


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LOL Russia almost joined NATO. If the US wasn't being such an arrogant dumbass to Russia and a bungling idiot in its assessments, it could have a healthy EU aligned with it and Russia on the sidelines against China

Even the USSR attempted to join NATO back in the day. Although this was also in part to call their bluff about it being a "defensive alliance".

Obviously, NATO refused, leading to the formation of the Warsaw Pact.

Found this amusing, as well

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The whole world today is becoming so childish that it makes people wonder what the f?ck is wrong with human beings? Man would take 3 jobs if that was what it took to bring enough food to the table. Women would do whatever it takes so that her children are safeguarded. So Clinton was absolutely right: it is economy, stupid!

By world, you mostly mean the West in this case. I read an article on this topic recently, it focused on America, but can apply to the world as well since America is the cultural leader of the West (although less socialist in terms of economics and government policy). Basically the Vietnam war pushed college students into the forefront of the Democratic Party (and therefore left wing) of the US. Anti-war agenda became the top priority, and college students (and educated people) replaced the working class and labour unions as the leadership. These students weren't from poor backgrounds, so economic policies took a backseat to causes du jour (ie. nuclear disarmament, feminism, race issues, climate, gender policies). So now basically those things have become human rights over having food on the table.

Its simple. Its good old fashioned racism. The West cannot accept China as an equal because it is just not like them. It is communist, and it is not white. Not suitable in their eyes to be on their level. A number of Asian nations like Japan, SK, and India cannot accept China as an equal or superior. A number people in Taiwan, HK, Singapore and Malaysia cannot accept that mainland China had risen above them. China was supposed to be beneath them. They were supposed to be second to the white people, not second to the Chinese. China was supposed to be the backwater communist curiosity for exploitation by everyone above it in perpetuity. How dare China rises above its designated place in this rules based order of the world? How dare China outperforms the first world in almost all fields of development? How dare China invests in Italy? It was supposed to be the other way round.

Its these people who perceived themselves as superior to the Chinese that are kicking and screaming against this new reality that China can rival the West. That is why we see all this trolling and childishness. Doesn't matter what China had achieved. In their minds, China is always a communist oppressive backwater hellhole with nukes. The Chinese people to them are always uncouth red guard peasants who can only steal Western technology to progress. They are going through the 5 stages of grief, and are stuck on denial or anger. I doubt that most would ever move on, and would eventually descend into insanity.
It is not just simply racism, though it would be silly to pretend it doesn't play a role, especially the stealing technology part. Western legal theory puts a lot of emphasis on individual and political rights rather than actual tangible things. Voting, speaking out against the government, etc. The socialist/communist model is trying to build up a certain kind of society, so economic/tangible benefits are more important (food, housing, transportation, etc.). Why is the LA subway (not including tramways) barely bigger than the Urumqi metro despite being a much larger and economically more important city? Because these things don't fit into the western model of development, they are simply disregarded. USSR (and PRC) made great strides in female participation in things like science and technology fields, but it is barely acknowledged by the bulk of the western world. USSR built things like district heating which today is commonly touted as something that can combat climate change due to energy efficiency, but derided in the 90's as communist centralized bureaucracy.

This monstrosity is hated by its neighbors, but it is an essential element of Russian life: The pipes are the tip of a vast subterranean network that delivers heavily subsidized heat to every home in Moscow for just a few dollars a month.

They also are a monument to waste, inefficiency and centralization that illustrates how far the New Russia must travel to build a market-based economy.

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If what you say makes Epstein associate Bill Ackman angry then you probably said something right. The reason why these university presidents are reluctant to call this hate speech is because people like Epstein associate Bill Ackman equate anti-Zionism as calling for the genocide of all Jews, as evidenced by Congress’s recent antisemitism virtue signaling.

One has to also wonder why there’s such a racial divide in views on Israel. Why is it that non-white people overwhelmingly support Palestine and vice versa? Hmmmm


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The coping and seething in the comments in quite intense :
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FWIW, something I have noticed following the PRCs catch up/surpassing of the west and arguing with stranger online is that no matter how much evidence you throw at someone, if they don't want to believe in something they simply aren't going to believe in it. You could have reams of data, statements from credible public officials etc but if it doesn't fit their personal desires they simply will stick their fingers in their ears and deny it to hell.

I have realized that people hold beliefs for emotional rather than rationale reasons and telling someone that the US military isn't as powerful as they want to believe will get denied not because they are really stupid but they see the American hegemonic power as something personal to them and their self esteem; it relates to a hardwired love of tribe. Next time you argue with someone who is simply denying basic observations like the rapid erosion of the US military advantage and the fact that Chinas economy is now larger remember you aren't arguing against a fact in their mind but something that is deeply personal to them and affects their psychological wellbeing.