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30 years from now the picture will be quite different.
Western markets will represent proportionally less and less of the world economy moving forward - the highest growth rate and growth potential is in non western markets.
Don't bet on a snapshot of today and assume it will forever, bet on growth
Agreed. Which is what BRI is ultimately about. Again, this shows that Chinese leaders are well aware of the problems I highlighted and have a long-term plan. But right now, the West remains dominant and so China has to walk a tightrope.


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I didn't say that if China is cut out that Chinese innovation would fail or stall. I'm merely saying that if China is cut out there is a risk of China not becoming #1. If China's access to EU and other markets remains open then China's domination in pretty much all domains is guaranteed IMO. If China is cut out then that significantly reduces its chances of tech domination but it doesn't rule it out.
You don't seem to realize the idea that trade with China is what allows most Western goods to be somewhat competitive on the global market. Nobody wants to pay $9000 for an iPhone. That alone will reduce Western manufacturing to rubble. Neither India nor Vietnam are able to replicate Chinese manufacturing.


Registered Member
Both positions need to realise how this is all on a multidimensional scale. One which actually deals in retaliatory economic moves.

At some point, lost income does impede technological progress for the obvious reasons but it is uncertain at what point it is for respective nations. We can be certain that western nations require a very high degree of funding and income to sustain relatively low and unimpressive outputs (compared to past performance), whereas I'm more confident for China the balancing point is a fair bit more flexible.
It is clear to me China is bottlenecked by will as opposed to capital. Hence will is worth more. If it were North Korea I would say other way around.


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Guys ... stop this political stuff! No discussion on war in Ukraine, war against the West or whatever such BS.
Read the rules and stick to them. and anyone of the new members who think this is a forum to post the way like in the former PDF should either learn quickly or better leave. And the same for older members who think they can follow that way ...

Next such posts will result in "vacation" from SDF until mid-2024!


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Italy officially quits BRI.
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ROME, Dec 6 (Reuters) - Italy has officially informed China that it is quitting the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), dismissing fears the move might sour relations and damage the Italian economy, government sources said on Wednesday.
Not a surprise. But prepare the pay the price Meloni.

The 2019 accord expires in March 2024 and an Italian government source said Rome had sent Beijing a letter "in recent days" informing China that it would not be renewing the pact.

There was no immediate comment from China.
The anti-China media had been telling everyone that Italy is quitting BRI. There is no need for China to comment any further. China will express disappointment at most, and move on.

"We have every intention of maintaining excellent relations with China even if we are no longer part of the Belt and Road Initiative," a second government source said.

"Other G7 nations have closer relations with China than we do, despite the fact they were never in (the BRI)," he added.
You can maintain excellent relations with China without BRI. Italy can still maintain good relations with China as just another European country. Just don't ask for investments from China anymore, since you're out of BRI. Don't say this just so that you can make money from China, and undermine China at the same time. The Chinese can smell it if you do.

More than 100 countries have signed agreements with China to cooperate on BRI infrastructure and building projects since the scheme was launched in 2013. The then Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte hoped for a trade bonanza when he signed up in 2019, but Chinese firms seemed to be the main beneficiaries.
No Reuters, you liars. BRI was meant for investment and development first. The trade bonanza was supposed to be the endgame. If you just want more trade with China, there are trade expos and gatherings for you to attend.

Italy's main euro zone trading partners France and Germany exported significantly more to China last year, despite not being part of the BRI, which is modelled on the old Silk Road that linked China to the West.
Its simple, France and Germany are more competitive in exports than Italy. Italy needed investments to improve its competitiveness, but that has been called off. Too bad, find other investors then. Maybe BlackRock or Adani.

In June, Meloni's cabinet
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the influence of Chinese shareholder Sinochem
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on Italian tyremaker Pirelli, using "golden power" rules designed to protect strategic assets.
Protectionism weakens competitiveness. Trump and Biden used it, Modi fully embraced it. Yet their trade deficit with China had widened even more. Its a tool used by fools.

Meloni, who heads a conservative coalition, has been keen to burnish her credentials as a committed pro-NATO leader and a government source said that she had assured U.S. President Joe Biden earlier this year that Italy would quit the BRI.
Ok so its done. Where is that reward the US is gonna give to Meloni and Italy? I think it's gonna be just a nice gift for Meloni, and nothing for Italy.


Registered Member
Another win for China's technological advancement. China have launched the world's first fourth-generation nuclear power plant.
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The world’s first fourth-generation nuclear power plant (NPP) has officially started commercial operation in the Chinese province of Shandong, the National Energy Administration (NEA) announced on Wednesday.

A high-temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) at the Shidao Bay NPP, commonly known as Shidaowan, successfully completed the 168-hour non-stop test and has officially been put into operation, according to the statement.
According to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), innovative reactors produce up to 70 times more energy, increase the sustainability of nuclear power, and help reduce the volume, toxicity, and lifespan of radioactive waste.

“China has reached the world’s leading level in the research, development and application of fourth-generation nuclear power technologies,” the NEA said, adding that the commissioning of the NPP will have help promote the safe development of nuclear power and improve China’s scientific and technological innovation capabilities.
Impressive. China have become one of the leading nations in nuclear power technology.

The chief designer of the HTGR nuclear power plant program, Zhang Zuoyi, told Xinhua that “safety” is its key feature, noting that “the reactor can maintain a safe state and steer away from a meltdown or leak of radioactive materials.” He added that even in the event of a total loss of cooling capacity, the reactor would be able to maintain this capability without any intervention.
So this nuclear reactor that can suffer a total lost of cooling capacity and still not meltdown. That's a much higher level of safety than current generation of reactors.

China ranks third in nuclear power generation after France and the US, according to the IAEA, and is expected to lead the world in installed nuclear power capacity by 2030.
China needs more nuclear power. Now that China has 4th generation nuclear reactor technology, that'll improve its nuclear safety even further.


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Italy officially quits BRI.
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China genuinely wants a good relationship with Italy. There is no cost for Italy to hitch onto the BRI bandwagon. In some original considerations, Italy would be a toll station and a project partner. Once Italy got a brand new government, somehow for some reason it wants troll China over BRI. Who is adult? Who is childish?

The whole world today is becoming so childish that it makes people wonder what the f?ck is wrong with human beings? Man would take 3 jobs if that was what it took to bring enough food to the table. Women would do whatever it takes so that her children are safeguarded. So Clinton was absolutely right: it is economy, stupid!

We are on the verge of the 4th industrial revolution, which is going to fundamentally alter definitions of workforces. What are people doing out there?

I personally know there are lots of things to be desired in China. Yet what China has accomplished for improving people's livelihood in the last 70+ years is unprecedented in human history. That is human rights!

Like what Gao said in a BBC interview, what does Italy bring to the table anyway?


Registered Member
Italy officially quits BRI.
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Not a surprise. But prepare the pay the price Meloni.

The anti-China media had been telling everyone that Italy is quitting BRI. There is no need for China to comment any further. China will express disappointment at most, and move on.

You can maintain excellent relations with China without BRI. Italy can still maintain good relations with China as just another European country. Just don't ask for investments from China anymore, since you're out of BRI. Don't say this just so that you can make money from China, and undermine China at the same time. The Chinese can smell it if you do.

No Reuters, you liars. BRI was meant for investment and development first. The trade bonanza was supposed to be the endgame. If you just want more trade with China, there are trade expos and gatherings for you to attend.

Its simple, France and Germany are more competitive in exports than Italy. Italy needed investments to improve its competitiveness, but that has been called off. Too bad, find other investors then. Maybe BlackRock or Adani.

Protectionism weakens competitiveness. Trump and Biden used it, Modi fully embraced it. Yet their trade deficit with China had widened even more. Its a tool used by fools.

Ok so its done. Where is that reward the US is gonna give to Meloni and Italy? I think it's gonna be just a nice gift for Meloni, and nothing for Italy.
All this PR for a country like this: