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Bro why is this hard to understand. If you are a business and you lose half your customers, isn't it devastating? If yes, then how is anything I said controversial?
Yes you still have 1/2 your other customers, yes China is going capture that market, yes China will survive, yes China will continue to innovate but that's NOT MY POINT. My point is that it's still devastating to China because it reduces China's chances in tech dominance.
Let me see if I understand your logic; China will capture 50% of the global GDP, while the US can capture the other 50% but it is somehow China's loss because it only has captured 50% of GDP but US will win because it will capture the other 50%. Brilliant.


Registered Member
Bro why is this hard to understand. If you are a business and you lose half your customers, isn't it devastating? If yes, then how is anything I said controversial?
Yes you still have 1/2 your other customers, yes China is going capture that market, yes China will survive, yes China will continue to innovate but that's NOT MY POINT. My point is that it's still devastating to China because it reduces China's chances in tech dominance.
30 years from now the picture will be quite different.
Western markets will represent proportionally less and less of the world economy moving forward - the highest growth rate and growth potential is in non western markets.
Don't bet on a snapshot of today and assume it will forever, bet on growth


@HereToSeePics Your post was not written in red, blue or bold, leading me to believe that it was written as a member rather than with moderator authority. If this is incorrect, then the posts written after yours should be deleted.
You think a hostile US is not enough to instill in China a sense of urgency? You prefer a hostile US+EU+UK+JP+AU+CA alliance? Heck let's add India and SKorea into the mix or better yet why not go for a China vs the rest of the world, that should be pretty sobering "to instill urgency in China".
No, it's not enough. The US is too weak to challenge China technologically one-on-one. If the US issued the challenge and all other countries fell out saying they will continue to do business and share tech with China regardless of America's desires, it would make China feel that it is in a safe place and can rely on others. The Western alliance is needed to show Chinese people we must fight for our survival and only this urgency can truly bring out China's innovative potential.
A weakened EU dependent on US for energy, defense, and tech is a US wish-dream which is exactly what is happening.
It's not innovating like it can be. That's what's happening. Nothing is important compared to technological innovation. If it's America's wish-dream to have a paralyzed EU laying on its lap occassionally vomitting some food for America to eat as it takes on China by itself, then it has very severely overestimated its own capabilities.
And no Russia is not "strengthening", that's absurd.
LOLOL Look at Russia's military manufacturing picking up pace, drone output increasing, taking back more territory, meanwhile Ukraine's down to 17 year olds and women at the front lines. But sure, listen to Western propaganda publishing articles about some Russian soldier crying while calling his mom. That's the big picture, right?
While the economic war against Russia has clearly failed, let's not delude ourselves and say that this war has been successful for Russia. Almost 2 years and barely any progress. Prizhogin coup attempt, Finland and Sweden have joined NATO, Armenia has literally switched sides from Russia to the West because it smells Russia's weakness, India trying to source more American rather than Russian military hardware, Putin not able to visit SA (a BRICS "ally") because of a shambolic criminal charge from the West. Yeah Russia is not exuding a whole lot of strength my friend.
Like I said, the more Russia fights, the stronger it gets. Russia's not fully itself yet, but it's much better than it was 6 months to a year ago and Ukraine's a lot worse. Western commitment is a lot worse. This is the tide just beginning to turn for Russia.
It pains me to say this as a half-Russian myself.
If I were any part Russian, I'd be fighting for my country now. What are you doing?
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Registered Member
This is your fundamental mistake. Technology and economy cannot be separated. If China is cut out of the EU market then that means less revenue for Huawei, BYD, CATL, Bytedance, Alibaba, Tencent, etc. which means less money for R&D which means less innovation capacity. Simultaneously this means more revenue for America Inc which means more R&D and more innovation.

Well, that is not my mistake but your imagination, which is contrary to fact. Even with EU markets aligned towards the US and away from China, China has never innovated faster and out-innovated the US faster than it is currently doing. The technological gap was much much larger at the beginning of Trump's term than it is right now.

You are furthermore proven wrong as there are many instances in history where countries with a smaller GDP out-innnovates countries with larger GDP, such as when a rich ancient China became eclipsed by an economically smaller West. The Soviets also pulled much much greater weight in military innovation than you would ever guess judging just by their economic size. Innovation is first and foremost in the culture and this trade war has put all the right culture in Chinese people's minds. The importance of the EU market is peanuts compared to this.

Both positions need to realise how this is all on a multidimensional scale. One which actually deals in retaliatory economic moves.

At some point, lost income does impede technological progress for the obvious reasons but it is uncertain at what point it is for respective nations. We can be certain that western nations require a very high degree of funding and income to sustain relatively low and unimpressive outputs (compared to past performance), whereas I'm more confident for China the balancing point is a fair bit more flexible.


Registered Member
And no Russia is not "strengthening", that's absurd. While the economic war against Russia has clearly failed, let's not delude ourselves and say that this war has been successful for Russia. Almost 2 years and barely any progress. Prizhogin coup attempt, Finland and Sweden have joined NATO, Armenia has literally switched sides from Russia to the West because it smells Russia's weakness, India trying to source more American rather than Russian military hardware, Putin not able to visit SA (a BRICS "ally") because of a shambolic criminal charge from the West. Yeah Russia is not exuding a whole lot of strength my friend. It pains me to say this as a half-Russian myself.
i think you should read about Russia a bit more and make sure its from outside sources. Putin did not not want to visit South Africa he can give any excuse. Russia is using Ukraine war to clean the country. like that MIG-25 pilot that flew to Japan in 1976 with name of Belenko. Yulia Tymoshenko, Viktor Yushchenko, Petro Poroshenko, Galina Timachenko has same pattern in naming with Ko in the end. i am not saying this has some thing to do with Ukraine but this thing is not picked up without reason in Arabic media just like the word Communist is picked up.
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when Putin said he wants woman need to have 8 or more kids to Orthodox church. what kind of data he is receiving?. look at the green around him. you need to get a hint. India understand that Russia will have to prioritize its industry domestically for a while. look at the trade increase with India. I will say India was neutral in Previous Cold war but in this it is more favorable to Russia and this i am basing on reading Arabic media.
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Putin went on to recall that many ethnic groups in Russia have maintained the tradition of having “multigenerational families” with at least four or five children. “Russian families, many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had seven, eight, or even more children,” he pointed out, urging everyone to preserve and revive these excellent traditions.”


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No, it's not enough. The US is too weak to challenge China technologically one-on-one. If the US issued the challenge and all other countries fell out saying they will continue to do business and share tech with China regardless of America's desires, it would make China feel that it is in a safe place and can rely on others. The Western alliance is needed to show Chinese people we must fight for our survival and only this urgency can truly bring out China's innovative potential.
Not convinced but let's leave it at that.
But sure, listen to Western propaganda publishing articles about some Russian soldier crying while calling his mom. That's the big picture, right?
I don't really need to listen to any Western propaganda to come to my own conclusions. And I can say that Russia's future prospects look pretty bleak. Thank god Russia has China as a reliable partner or else it would really be screwed.
Like I said, the more Russia fights, the stronger it gets. Russia's not fully itself yet, but it's much better than it was 6 months to a year ago and Ukraine's a lot worse. Western commitment is a lot worse. This is the tide just beginning to turn for Russia.
Russia may eventually win this war but it will be pyrrhic victory. It will come out greatly diminished on every front - demographically, economically, technologically, diplomatically, militarily.
If I were any part Russian, I'd be fighting for my country now. What are you doing?
Staying away from this shitshow, what else? I believe this war is not just morally repugnant but has been a geopolitical disaster for Russia.


Registered Member
Woody Allen had a sexual relationship with his then wife's adoptive daughter, Soon-Yi Previn, who married Allen in 1997.

I loved the Woody Allen movies back in the ancient timez, they were funny as shit.

Woody Allen was someone who detested Hollywood. He was happy making movies in New York, or so we thought.

He was a man, who saw a therapist for over 30 years. That is an unusually long time they say. Either you're cured by then, or something is off.

Then later, his movies were like serious, and not funny stuff anymore.

This thing with his adopted daughter, I cannot forgive him for that, even though I really loved his old movies. His wife did not forgive him either, and divorced his ass.

I mean, how could he do such a thing? His wife found nude photos of their daughter, in you know, a sexual type of photo in the drawer of the supposed father.

Someone should be in prison! But Woody Allen and his new mate, who was his daughter, was making the rounds on the celebrity circuits. No one was even arrested. No arrests, no prison time? What is going on? Then again, I am fresh off the boat, what the hell do I know?

Some things are still off limits.



I hope Russia's future is bright, and certainly China is the best partner Russia could hope for. I actually always try to educate my Russian family on China's achievements and highlight how utterly delusional and wrong the Western narrative on China is.
No need to thank US. China and Russia can think for themselves, and have invested decades into solidifying the China-Russia strategic partnership which is paying dividends now for both countries. US may have solidified the relationship further but it was headed on that path regardless.
Weeellll that's very questionable. China and Russia did not always have the best relationship during the cold war and Russia tried to join NATO. It doesn't take much imagination to think that the US could have sweet-talked Russia to at least being neutral in regards to China. I think if they were competent, they could have done much better than that even.
Maybe, maybe not.
That will depend on how convincing your victory is.
Maybe the EU ideologues in Brussels will just double down as they always do. They are happy to live as second-hand citizens under US vassalage.
Vassals pick the lord whom they believe will put them on the winning side. Convince them that the US is a sinking ship and for their own livelihoods, they will bail. But this view you are showing me here indicates that you know there was never any true possibility of the EU acting independently as long as America was still dominant. And that means you know that in starting the Ukraine War, all the US managed to do was cripple its own ally, NOT bring some loose cannon untamed EU under its control.
There are competent people in Russia such as PM Mishustin and Nabulina. In particular Mishustin IMO is really the un-song hero of this war, I watched his speech to the parliament about his annual work report, he has done remarkable work in the face of unprecedent economic assault on Russia. He is a very competent technocrat focused on Russia's economy and technology. Russia needs more of those.
lol ok whatever but patriotic should not mean blind faith and support of the government.
It does. As a Russian, the world will judge you by Russia's successes and failures, and it will judge Russia by yours. If Russia is a winner, you will be viewed as a winner and if Russia is a loser, you will be viewed as a loser as well. So whatever Russia does, I would urge you to do your best to ensure that it is a success rather than a failure, regardless of what you personally feel. The "I-never-supported-that-war-anyway" excuse sounds like nothing but a case of sour grapes and is not nearly as convincing as a simple victory.
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