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How the west support is not a decisive factor? The most young generation in the world has been brainwashed by the west media.
If these people choose to bow instead of standing up, it is their choice. It is much easier to worship superior power and accept the fate of being inferior and willing to trade your bodies, pride and integrity for a peanut from Uncle Sam. Argentinians decided to give up its own currency, abolish the central bank and let the superior God Americans decide their fate and future. Maybe Argentinians would compete with Philippines for maids and nurses and Thailand for being White men paradise.


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Thanks -- this is an extremely helpful reference!!

Obviously an interesting and informed man...I always suspected the "India-hate" here to be misleading so I'm now going to find out what he sees in India.

Very interesting takes on China, too.
Of the first gen immigrants I meet, it's clear Indians fit in in the west much better than Chinese. There is a much better language and culture fit. We have got to give respect where it's due. Indians are very successful in the US in the areas of IT, management, and politics (although Chinese are doing fine in science).
I also find Zakria pretty insightful in this interview. I don't always agree with him on a lot of issues. But I appreciated his analysis on Modi's popularity and the country's general sense of optimism for the future. These are important for the continued ascent.
The truth is there is no reason some countries can't put their shit together and get things right. And one can certainly screw up even with a perfect hand of cards. We all need a strong sense of humility and diligence to succeed. I am never concerned when a competitor is full of people with nothing but bellicose. But when some of their people cool down and start thinking more deliberately and strategically, I take notice. Because in the end the winner is going to be the country that manages to produce 1% more people with cooler heads.



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The speech is standard PR. People-to-people relations are all good and nice but the main difference between US and China is structural.

The reigning hegemon cannot, and will not, tolerate a rising superpower challenging it. Never happened in history before (no, don't mention the UK->US transition), and I bet it ain't going to happen now or in the future either. End of story
I didn't find the speech standard PR, usually it's much more boring. I think Xi still has some affection for US due to his past.
Yes, I agree that nothing will fundamentally change but it doesn't hurt to give this speech to his audience, which are "friends of China" and who will and continue to be the moderating voice of reason to the US gov.


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How can a country of 45 million not create any more competent candidates? You can probably send up a small child like Greta Thunberg and they would do a better job.

This is a trend across the third world: inability to govern themselves. The mindset of China should change, from believing these to be agreement capable individuals, to providing a firm guiding hand through more direct means of control.
more competent candidates can not get support from the west. Period. If they run for the election, their scandals will be published in all the media controlled by the west.


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Balaji's take on China is re****ed, from what I read he is also a huge bull on India. So basically same opinon as the rest of the west, not worth listening to.
You seem to suggest that if there is something I disagree with him, there is nothing I can learn from him. I don't share that notion. We dismiss India's potential at our own peril. There is no room for complacency in this competition for the 21st century. Nothing is guaranteed.


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I didn't find the speech standard PR, usually it's much more boring. I think Xi still has some affection for US due to his past.
Yes, I agree that nothing will fundamentally change but it doesn't hurt to give this speech to his audience, which are "friends of China" and who will and continue to be the moderating voice of reason to the US gov.
Xi is pretty much like Putin who always remain hopeful for the west to accept them. But both are called dictator by US instead.


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China might exert diplomatic pressure but it won't go for sanctions

What's funny is that increasingly I read lots of people from Arabic countries asking/pleading for China to flex its muscles and intervene lol

At most, China should just say some words, maybe a bit of diplomatic pressure, and then sit back enjoying loads PR points with the Muslim public and elites


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If these people choose to bow instead of standing up, it is their choice. It is much easier to worship superior power and accept the fate of being inferior and willing to trade your bodies, pride and integrity for a peanut from Uncle Sam. Argentinians decided to give up its own currency, abolish the central bank and let the superior God Americans decide their fate and future. Maybe Argentinians would compete with Philippines for maids and nurses and Thailand for being White men paradise.
Most people don't think this way. They are very proud to be on the side of the rich and the powerful.


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What's funny is that increasingly I read lots of people from Arabic countries asking/pleading for China to flex its muscles and intervene lol
Yep. The arabic countries should lead the way first and show their actual commitment to their Muslim brothers. If directly attacking Israel is too much or risky, then oil, financial or any sanctions are acceptable too. Hoping others will commit to action while they do and risk nothing is quite revealing on how much they actually support Palestine.