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Milei has won the Argentinian election. Congratulations to CIA.

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Milei is a strong supporter of Israel, last year pledging to move Argentina's embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, mirroring one of the first moves by President Trump when he took office in early 2017.

And the economist also has a strong tie to the Jewish faith as well as Israel. According to an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais from earlier this year, Milei reads the Torah every single day and regularly converses on Whatsapp with Rabbi Shimon Axel Wahnish, the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Sephardi Moroccan Community of Argentina.

Rabbi Wahnish allegedly told Milei that he should be reading the Jewish holy scriptures for tips on "economic analysis."

In an interview with a Argentinian Jewish radio station Milei said that Rabbi Wahnish was "a person I love very much, whom I consult regularly.

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The first reaction of Latin American countries to the victory of Milei in the presidential elections in Argentina was ambiguous:

➡️The President of Colombia called the election results sad for the region, since “neoliberalism no longer has proposals for society that can provide answers to the current problems of humanity”;

➡️The President of Brazil wished good luck to Milei, who stated that he did not want to cooperate with him, and called for respect for the voice of the people;

➡️The President of Bolivia expressed hope for the development of friendly relations with Argentina, which will be based on brotherhood and mutual respect;

➡️The head of the Mexican Foreign Ministry said that both countries share common democratic values, and in Mexico City they are ready to work with the new authorities of Argentina.



The United States congratulated Argentina's president-elect Javier Milei on his election victory Sunday, with Secretary of State Antony Blinken praising the "strong turnout and peaceful conduct of the vote."

"The United States congratulates Argentine president-elect Javier Milei on his victory in today's election, and we applaud the robust democratic process through which the Argentine public has spoken," Blinken said in a statement.

Libertarian outsider Milei swept to victory over his opponent, the South American country's economy minister, Sergio Massa.

The election was a "testament to Argentina's electoral and democratic institutions," Blinken said, adding that the United States was looking forward "to working with President-elect Milei and his government on shared priorities."


Russia hopes that Argentina's new president, Milei, will maintain a commitment to multipolarity, facilitated by the country's joining of BRICS, stated Ambassador Feoktistov.

Moscow anticipates strengthening cooperation with Argentina under the new government, expressing readiness for joint efforts irrespective of political circumstances, always remaining a friend ready to extend a helping hand, and is confident that such a disposition is inherent to the Argentine people.



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Yep. The arabic countries should lead the way first and show their actual commitment to their Muslim brothers. If directly attacking Israel is too much or risky, then oil, financial or any sanctions are acceptable too. Hoping others will commit to action while they do and risk nothing is quite revealing on how much they actually support Palestine.
I also have to point out this exact same reality.

Go to defence.pk (holy toxicity btw LOL!) and tons of Muslims, Arabs, and other Middle-Easterners complain bitterly about how "China does nothing again as usual".

I'm willing to forgive and overlook minor and inconsequential expressions of frustration given their situation. I know that I would be seriously fucking livid if I were a Muslim, an Arab, or a Middle-Easterner, and I don't presume to understand what it's like to be in their shoes. Remember that they are, more-or-less and for lack of a better description, still stuck in the middle of their version of the notorious "Century(ies) of Humiliation". So imagine how tough life was like for one of our ancestors who lived in the late 1800s/early 1900s...for some of us that could be as easy to imagine as our grandparents or even parents for some of our more senior members. However, none of us here have actual firsthand experience in such tragic and trying circumstances.

For many people in the Muslim world this is very much a day-to-day and minute-to-minute reality and has been for an extremely long time. So fine, they're not happy that we're not aggressively posturing or intimidating Israel. Whom are genociders and quite frankly worse than even the Nazis in all but sheer numbers of victims I suppose (I don't know exactly how many have been killed by Israel since 1948 though). Or that we go to direct and open war with Israel/The West.

Anger and other emotions tends to make people say and do irrational things that they don't mean and that they later regret. So whatever. Besides they cannot force China to do anything China doesn't want to do. So it's really no harm done if someone merely expresses some dissatisfication.

Yet, I cannot help but notice that in all their bitter complaints they have never offered to be volunteers and the first wave so-to-speak of volunteers to initiate open hostilities with Israel. Whatever vector of attack or method of resistance they choose is beside the point.

They are angry that China does not take the lead in initiating open hostilities with Israel which could easily snowball into a WW3 scenario since we all know by now that apparently all Western governments and elites really are just controlled by Zionists, but they never thought to themselves "Well gee these East Asian Chinese who are non-religious or at least non-muslim for the overwhelming majority of their country probably shouldn't be the ones to be leading a war or an aggression pact against these Zionists who massacre our Mulsim brothers and sisters...maybe the fact that we are asking non-muslims and non-middle-easterners to potentially wage war on our behalf...a war that won't benefit them at all even in the best case scenario should be cause for us to look in the mirror ourselves and see the flaws within our own countries."

If they cannot get their act together and organized enough to lead resistance against anti-muslim genocides then how they expect others to do so is just mind-boggling.

And I say this as someone who is, quite honestly, not a fan of Israel at all.

It does not benefit China to get involved. It can only hurt China.

Also, there is a startling and alarming number of Muslims in many of those countries who are absolutely not friends with the West who still believe in the Western propaganda bullshit of the uiGHUr GENOCIDEEEEEE. Still. Stillllll. Seriously fucking still after all this time there's an easily noticeable and quite significant amount of them who still buy this bullshit, and many of them who believe in that utter lie are the same ones who openly declare their hyper-intelligence levels and how they're too smart to fall for the western propaganda and how they know that Western countries lie.

The lack of self-awareness is astounding, as always.

Just one last thing here.

My personal predictions based mostly on just instinct (call it a "hunch" if you really want to) is that the Palestinians will likely end up similar to the Commanches and native Americans/Indigenous of Murica. Meaning that their genocide will likely be successful in the long run. Very, very, veryyyyy few will survive to the end of this century, and those that do will have lost their languages, their cultures, their heritages, their identities, etc. until they are completely assimilated into their new host nation.

That being said I personally believe that the next chapter of this story will be that when Israel celebrates its 100th birthday it will be a very uncomfortable and tension-filled celebration because it will be readily apparent by then (2048) that the West is in terminal decline. Big Daddy USA will not be able to protect them much longer if at all, and their neighbors will be slowly but surely on the rise. Soon those neighbors will be strong enough to take revenge and eventually Israel will realize that they can't actually use the nukes they have because once they do that will mean a permanent ending and also a permanent justification for the end of time to persecute the Jewish faith. At the same time they will realize that there is a reason why their ancestors have always run when eventually backed into a corner...b/c you can at least survive and thrive elsewhere.

Long before any open war breaks out Israel's neighbors can simply use economic, financial, industrial, and other forms of aggression to just slowly degrade the quality of life and the internal harmony and prosperity of Israel that most of them will just immigrate to other countries.

This is a tragic and sad situation all around, but let this be a lesson learned for everyone else who is watching and not directly involved...learn how to get the fuck along with people for fuck's sake! Because ultimately, that's what it all really boils down to. Regardless of who started it or who bears more responsbility or more weight of atrocities...all of this could've been avoided if both sides had realized in the beginning that it behooves both of them to get along and become friends. Otherwise, there will be multiple generations of war, atrocities, genocide, war, violence, death, conflict, sadness, tears, grief, misery, and innocence lost when both sides could've realized in the beginning that neither one of them had the power to truly force the other out.


Lieutenant General
I did say before its announcement that Xi's visit was a waste of time. I guess I can see points that others have raised in regards to China showing to the rest of the world that it is a mature and sensible player but I am not sure if I am fully convinced. I find it deeply problematic that China has for the second time made concessions/ commitments to the West without getting anything in return (first time they pledged not to arm Russia during Baerbock's visit after the EU threatened China with sanctions). I fear it sends wrong message to the Western political elite that if they threaten China and are persistent enough China will cave in, esentially hardball approach against China yields results. Xi IMO should have stuck to the principle of reciprocity and agreed to establish military communications & crackdown on fentanyl trade only if US dropped its chip export curbs or agreed to stop arming Taiwan province. Keeping its adversary on its toes (what China was doing prior to the APEC summit) is for me preferable than Xi making that visit, agreeing to make concessions and giving demented clown opportunity to portray himself as some grand statesman.

You are still thinking of things under the old dynamic and trying to play to old game, but things have moved on from that past the point of no-return, so we are now playing a very different game, with different rules and objectives.

The old game was one of peaceful win-win co-existence between China and the US. Where China tried to shape America’s China policy with its moves and reactions. But today, that is frankly impossible. American society has so eagerly embraced its racially charged full spectrum confrontation with China to such an extent that no electable presidential candidate can reverse that trajectory. Nor could China afford to trust the promises of any US administration who comes with sugar coated words of reconciliation.

The new game is about winning the new economic, tech and Cold wars while minimising the risks of things going full kinetic. Simultaneously China is making systematic, concrete efforts to prepare to win the next world war and coming out of it with enough pieces intact to rebuild the Chinese civilisation and rest of the world eventually.

Once you know what to look out for, the signs are everywhere. I just got back from a trip in China and the most striking observation I came back with was how China’s cities are now being built to allow as many residents as possible to survive nuclear war. All new shopping malls are built with deep underground car parks that have multiple layers of heavy duty blast doors. Even the new higher spec residential tower blocks have underground bomb shelters. Looking out at Beijing’s skyline from my hotel room, it was painfully obvious how all of the new construction projects nearby were digging foundations that were far deeper than necessary.

This is what an all-of-society war prepr on the DL looks like. Make no mistake, China is gearing up for war, and not the kind of bomb-some-sandal-wearing-farmer-with-an-AK-on-the-other-side-of-the-world-war-that-you-can-walk-away-from-anytime-you-get-bored-of-it war, China is gearing itself up for a full-spectrum war of survival, where loosing means the end of your people and civilisation. Because looking at the west’s track record and what is happening right now in Gaza, can you really afford to not expect the west to go full genocidal if they win a war that costs them millions of dead?

So no, China no longer cares about petty horse trading and equality, its moves will all be ruthlessly focused and hyper-rational all working towards its big picture plans. Ideally win the Cold War so it doesn’t need to fight the hot war, but be ready, willing and able to win the hot war whatever it takes should it come to that.

It is irrational to reward American ‘bad behaviour’ by the old rules, but in the new reality, where there is no hope of preventing American bad behaviour, the goal is instead to ensure the most incompetent and cowardly leaders and factions win and keep power in the US.

These latest Chinese ‘concessions’ are designed to make Americans feel like the Biden idiocy regime is actually working and achieving something, so ideally they give him another 4 years to gift to China. Trump is no less incompetent and idiotic, but he is also brash, rash and focused in a way the Biden figurehead can never be, so the risks of him accidentally kicking off the kinetic war is worryingly high.


Registered Member
China needs to put down the foot and prevent Indian immigration. Such exchanges will only lead to tragedies and crimes inside the nation.

Meh, no need to bother this, this line of thinking.

It was the RCEP negotiations, where in the end, India pulled out.

They pulled out, because the official Indian government response IIRC was that they could not make any movement on the issue of accreditation of schools and academies.

Essentially the Indian government thought they were negotiating for other countries in RCEP to recognize their Indian institutional degrees, thereby they would be qualified workers in other countries. This is a roundabout way of wanting to export more people.

They gotta be nuts to think anyone in ASEAN or China would be really interested it that. So, the Indian government pulled out.

Seeing how the DPP would bend over backwards for Indian people exports, only shows what kind of sell outs the DPP really are.


Registered Member
Milei was an awful candidate, he's emotionally unstable, he is clearly crazy (self promoted sex guru WTF) and many of his propositions don't hold a critical analysis, BUT...

What most people in this forum seems to ignore is that the other candidate that represents peronism (the political movement that has impoverished the country for decades) is the current minister of economy.
The guy is not even an economist, he is responsible for the >100% inflation rate Argentina is facing.

The guy has created over 20 types of dólar. Like if you want to go to concert you pay the Coldplay dolar (+30% more expensive than oficial rates) if you want to travel abroad and use your credit card you pay the Qatar dolar (+100% more expensive) etc.

God forbids but in that situation I would have voted for Milei too.

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You should mention how part of the issue was the previous right wing government getting a loan from the IMF and then stealling all that money and leaving all the debt behind

Also inflation was far greater during the US-supported right wing dictatorship of the 70's and 80's of which Milei is a big fan of.


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talk of diaspora was interesting. Overall pretty good quality.
I just finished listening to this. Balaji is clearly an incredibly well-spoken and charismatic man, but unfortunately this podcast reinforced my stereotype of Indians as talkers instead of doers.

He says that India can succeed by "doing robotics and software." He also claims that the US is declining because parts of San Francisco are filthy, Americans are dying from overdoses, and political polarization is at an all-time-high. Clearly, he believes that the US is declining and India is ascending. In my opinion, it's the other way around.

There is no doubt that the US is in trouble, but in spite of it all, it is still immensely strong. I say this because the US still has the strongest research institutions in the world and is unmatched in its ability to translate scientific discoveries into industrial products. The US may fall behind in some existing industries, but the strength of its academic-industrial complex ensures that it can create value and power from thin air by producing scientific breakthroughs. We should not forget that a handful of Germans (Hahn, Strassman, and Meitner) discovered nuclear fission in 1938 and ultimately helped the United States build a weapon more powerful than every other weapon in history combined. We must not underestimate the potential of a scientifically inclined nation to elucidate a property of nature that can dramatically alter the balance of power. Europe also has an incredibly strong academic-industrial complex and China is getting there too. This is why I think that the future will be defined by the three primary powers of the US, Europe, and China and secondary powers such as Russia, Japan, and Korea.

Sure, India can purchase robots from abroad to build factories but given that India's government is reluctant to spend a significant amount of resources on R&D (<0.7% of GDP), how can India's manufacturing sector remain competitive when the US, China, Europe, Japan, and Korea can do the same thing while also controlling the production and development of robots? These countries have armies of researchers spending most of their time developing new materials, new system architectures, new algorithms, etc. that can be used to build robots that are stronger, lighter, more efficient, more flexible, more heat-resistant, etc. They also have armies of researchers trying their hardest to discover new physical laws that may enable engineers to come up with novel actuation mechanisms, transduction mechanisms, etc. I just don't see how India can keep up.

Sure, Indians can practice problems on LeetCode and become proficient programmers, but so can programmers in different countries that also have the ability to produce and develop hardware products. How can Indians expect their software industry to become competitive if the vast majority of Indian programmers are code monkeys whereas other countries have mathematicians, engineers, and scientists who are capable of designing novel algorithms, systems, computing paradigms, nanoelectronic devices, etc.?

I have posted this list before and I'll post it again because it is, in my opinion, undoubtedly one of the most important lists in the world.

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As long as China's high-quality scientific output continues to climb, I will continue to be bullish on China.


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Much like how nazi science was debunked by proper science, white Anglo supremacist science is being debunked by proper science performed by Chinese scientist.

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breznev used to open mouth kiss men as greeting. I hope american breznev doesn’t get to that poin.

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The chosen people are so precious, they do not want to fight and die even though their testicles will be harvested for corpse sperm which will guarantee the sanctity and continuity of their bloodline.
besides, not a good sign for Israel. This is bound to lead to fragging by such soldiers As has already been observed in Ukraine.

Speaking of which, chances are this war is spiraling into a wider regional conflict
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hence why the arabs’ meeting with China is so important


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How big of a deal is this?
One step closer to Petro Yuan.

The Gulf states need to divest a lot of their dollar holdings and assets to be able to practice an independent foreign policy. The anger is there among their populace for their inaction, MBS want to be the leader in the Muslim world and his timid reaction cast a long shadow, he can't move, having seen the aftermath with the Collective West seizure of Russia assets, so this is a first baby step and a reminder to Washington DC that there an alternative.
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