Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Milei was an awful candidate, he's emotionally unstable, he is clearly crazy (self promoted sex guru WTF) and many of his propositions don't hold a critical analysis, BUT...

What most people in this forum seems to ignore is that the other candidate that represents peronism (the political movement that has impoverished the country for decades) is the current minister of economy.
The guy is not even an economist, he is responsible for the >100% inflation rate Argentina is facing.

The guy has created over 20 types of dólar. Like if you want to go to concert you pay the Coldplay dolar (+30% more expensive than oficial rates) if you want to travel abroad and use your credit card you pay the Qatar dolar (+100% more expensive) etc.

God forbids but in that situation I would have voted for Milei too.
You are attributing to the Peronista governments a situation they didn't create. It was Mauricio Macri who asked for the $50 billion USD loan from the IMF. He kept the exchange rate fixed for a limited time to allow the rich in Argentina to funnel their money from pesos to dollars he got from the loan, and then let it float, which caused the devaluation of the peso. And Milei already said he will ask for yet another IMF loan.


Registered Member
You are still thinking of things under the old dynamic and trying to play to old game, but things have moved on from that past the point of no-return, so we are now playing a very different game, with different rules and objectives.

The old game was one of peaceful win-win co-existence between China and the US. Where China tried to shape America’s China policy with its moves and reactions. But today, that is frankly impossible. American society has so eagerly embraced its racially charged full spectrum confrontation with China to such an extent that no electable presidential candidate can reverse that trajectory. Nor could China afford to trust the promises of any US administration who comes with sugar coated words of reconciliation.

The new game is about winning the new economic, tech and Cold wars while minimising the risks of things going full kinetic. Simultaneously China is making systematic, concrete efforts to prepare to win the next world war and coming out of it with enough pieces intact to rebuild the Chinese civilisation and rest of the world eventually.

Once you know what to look out for, the signs are everywhere. I just got back from a trip in China and the most striking observation I came back with was how China’s cities are now being built to allow as many residents as possible to survive nuclear war. All new shopping malls are built with deep underground car parks that have multiple layers of heavy duty blast doors. Even the new higher spec residential tower blocks have underground bomb shelters. Looking out at Beijing’s skyline from my hotel room, it was painfully obvious how all of the new construction projects nearby were digging foundations that were far deeper than necessary.

This is what an all-of-society war prepr on the DL looks like. Make no mistake, China is gearing up for war, and not the kind of bomb-some-sandal-wearing-farmer-with-an-AK-on-the-other-side-of-the-world-war-that-you-can-walk-away-from-anytime-you-get-bored-of-it war, China is gearing itself up for a full-spectrum war of survival, where loosing means the end of your people and civilisation. Because looking at the west’s track record and what is happening right now in Gaza, can you really afford to not expect the west to go full genocidal if they win a war that costs them millions of dead?

So no, China no longer cares about petty horse trading and equality, its moves will all be ruthlessly focused and hyper-rational all working towards its big picture plans. Ideally win the Cold War so it doesn’t need to fight the hot war, but be ready, willing and able to win the hot war whatever it takes should it come to that.

It is irrational to reward American ‘bad behaviour’ by the old rules, but in the new reality, where there is no hope of preventing American bad behaviour, the goal is instead to ensure the most incompetent and cowardly leaders and factions win and keep power in the US.

These latest Chinese ‘concessions’ are designed to make Americans feel like the Biden idiocy regime is actually working and achieving something, so ideally they give him another 4 years to gift to China. Trump is no less incompetent and idiotic, but he is also brash, rash and focused in a way the Biden figurehead can never be, so the risks of him accidentally kicking off the kinetic war is worryingly high.
It should be noted that this is also why China has spared no expense to make sure it have Russia on their side because should the USA attempt to use nukes, they want to be sure that Russia will aid them in a decisive second strike that will decapitate the USA, not to mention the overall emphasis on missiles with extreme speed and payload delivery above all else. Given that the USA is losing the Middle East due to its actions in Israel not to mention their failures in Ukraine, it would be important to continue to emphasis the sheer extend of these failures to help mitigate any attempts by the USA to attempt a hot war in the pacific, by making sure the USA supply chain as screwed up as possible to ensure that they will not have the ability to wage a full scale war against China with extreme cost involved, not to mention. That if they try, they will have an angry Russia wanting payback for Ukraine, not to mention an angry Middle East whose petrol/gas valves are shut for the USA and Europe to ensure that any deployment isn’t going to be anywhere near as easy as they want it to be. In the end, if the USA makes a critical mistake, China would have to be prepared for the sake of its security to ensure that what ever blow it unleashed on the USA is as damaging as possible to ensure that the USA cannot respond. The USA wants to destroy china and grind the nation under its heel, then they should be completely prepared for the same in return without any of these childish human rights excuses. Some people might think the USA is strong but one must realise that it’s strength is also rapidly depleting if they don’t sort out the Middle East and Ukraine properly to avoid a geo political smash, not to mention all those weapons they are sending need years to restock, they don’t have years to do this


Registered Member
Once you know what to look out for, the signs are everywhere. I just got back from a trip in China and the most striking observation I came back with was how China’s cities are now being built to allow as many residents as possible to survive nuclear war. All new shopping malls are built with deep underground car parks that have multiple layers of heavy duty blast doors. Even the new higher spec residential tower blocks have underground bomb shelters. Looking out at Beijing’s skyline from my hotel room, it was painfully obvious how all of the new construction projects nearby were digging foundations that were far deeper than necessary.

This is what an all-of-society war prepr on the DL looks like. Make no mistake, China is gearing up for war, and not the kind of bomb-some-sandal-wearing-farmer-with-an-AK-on-the-other-side-of-the-world-war-that-you-can-walk-away-from-anytime-you-get-bored-of-it war, China is gearing itself up for a full-spectrum war of survival, where loosing means the end of your people and civilisation. Because looking at the west’s track record and what is happening right now in Gaza, can you really afford to not expect the west to go full genocidal if they win a war that costs them millions of dead?
By the way, if you don't mind, could you please elaborate further more on this?

Regarding Beijing, I do recall about the underground tunnel and bunker networks beneath the city that were built during the 1960s and 1970s, i.e. during the height of Sino-Soviet confrontation. The Mao administration was actively preparing the city for potential nuclear attacks and invasion by the Soviet Union (which thankfully never materialize). Many of those original bunker and tunnels have long been turned over for civilian use.

However, seeing you suggesting that various other Chinese cities across China are also preparing for doomsday (especially in recent years instead of being part of the Third Front Project) is pretty surprising, ngl.

Anyone else here who knows more about this, feel free to chip in as well!
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Registered Member
By the way, if you don't mind, could you please elaborate further more on this?

Regarding Beijing, I do recall about the various underground tunnel and bunker networks that were built during the 1960s and 1970s, i.e. during the height of Sino-Soviet confrontation. The Mao administration was actively preparing the city for potential nuclear attacks and invasion by the Soviet Union (which thankfully never materialize). Many of those original bunker and tunnels have long been turned over for civilian use.

However, seeing you suggesting that various other Chinese cities across China are also preparing for doomsday (especially in recent years instead of being part of the Third Front Project) is pretty surprising, ngl.

Anyone else here who knows more about this, feel free to chip in as well!
Of course the underground metro systems also provide good shelters if necessary.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Of course the underground metro systems also provide good shelters if necessary.
From what I heard the metros in China lack blast doors and improved ventilation required for being bomb proof.
Even in Russia, outside of the original Moscow Metro area, the subway systems lack those capabilities.


Registered Member
Of course the underground metro systems also provide good shelters if necessary.
Of course, any underground metro system that is built deep enough can certainly withstand a nuclear detonation (as long as the detonation is airburst instead of surface).

However, what's more interesting are the "underground car parks with multi-layer blast-proof doors" "underground bomb shelters" "foundations deeper than necessary"-type of installations and facilities. That is, features in cities and urban areas that are deemed unique and not found to be common anywhere else.
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Junior Member
Of course, any underground metro system that is deep enough can certainly withstand a nuclear detonation (as long as the detonation is airburst instead of surface).

However, what's more interesting are the "underground car parks with multi-layer blast-proof doors" "underground bomb shelters" "foundations deeper than necessary"-type of installations and facilities. That is, features in cities and urban areas that are deemed unique and not found to be common anywhere else.
This has been a requirement for all high rise building with underground garages since forever, at least early 2000s. Can call it a holdover from cold war days, think its similar in South Korea.