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Yes and judging from the responses and likes, it seems more people on this forum agrees with my more than you. Laughing at someone’s concerns really just shows your unconscious incompetence. Would you have also advocated for Chinese tech companies to only use US chips in the past because it was easier and it would be ridiculous to sanction their customers?

Yes, I justify with facts and data and common sense, as opposed to … You? Where is your justification? Other than you saying its ridiculous because….. you said so? Facts don’t care about your feeling bud. Try again.

Again as opposed to… you? What, pray tell, are you credentials? Are you saying Chinese secret service shouldn’t even try to prevent any poisoning towards Xi? Seems pretty hypocritical that you criticize me when you have no credentials in either. I wonder do you even read what you write or do you zone out mid way ? Lol.
You say you are not a child, yet you count the number of likes you get per post. I remember once doing that in middle school too.


Junior Member
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This was China deliberately giving up more so that they can reduce the tension and avoid further US sanctions, trade wars, tech war, investment war escalation. China is the one trying to rise up, US has already risen and is in a stronger position. So, for China to achieve fast growth, they need to keep their head down and avoid losing access to the west. This maybe humialiting but its the most beneficial and fastest way for China to achieve economic growth.

But most likely the west will still continue to escalate and continue decoupling, sanctioning and so on. But if China can slow that down just a little bit, if they can buy time for even 5-10 years, that will still give China more wealth and prosperity and better able to withstand the decoupling in the future.

The west is desperate to stop China and will do anything to stop it, even if it harms their own advantages and economy. They are on a war of attrition mode against China. So, China is playing defensive warfare.
Yawn. I should have known you would give one of you tedious "cHinA muSt kEeP iTs hEaD doWn" responses.

No US is absolutely not in a stronger position. If they were they wouldn't have spent months begging China for a meeting. China should have just continued to do what is was already doing and ignore the US.


Registered Member
It seems that Americans and Europeans are waking up from a decades-long slumber

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This is not good for the Chinese diaspora. The same people that despise Jewish people despise us even more. In my opinion, the attempts by the Jewish elite to control the media has led to an unstoppable rise in antisemitism in recent years. I would not be surprised if another Holocaust-scale event happens within my lifetime. People around me of all ethnicities are openly antisemitic now and I am currently attending a prestigious university with a strong Jewish presence in a blue state. It's probably much worse in other parts of the US. I think many Jewish people may not be aware of the recent rise in antisemitism because they only interact with other Jewish people, but it's real.

Chinese people should be prepared because the same people will no longer pretend to just "hate the CCP."
Let them have their internal disputes. Better if they start stabbing eachother.


Registered Member
You can tell by body language, the difference between western Anglo trained Asian slaves and those asians who are free and proud, Bong bong clasps his hands together as though begging and looks up like a naughty child wanting something because this is how he was trained to get what he wants. Compare this behaviour to duterte when meeting Xi.

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what is it with Israelis trying their hardest to emulate the entire history of the third reich?

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why can’t the west do the same?

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It should be remembered that whilst eh Anglo leaders make a big deal of bonhomie with China, their militaries are still trying to besiege China, just as the west was containing Russia and Putin in the 2000s~2014 even as they were on charm offensives as “big giant Hilary Clinton reset button” were gifted to putin.


Registered Member
Yawn. I should have known you would give one of you tedious "cHinA muSt kEeP iTs hEaD doWn" responses.

No US is absolutely not in a stronger position. If they were they wouldn't have spent months begging China for a meeting. China should have just continued to do what is was already doing and ignore the US.
Ignoring the USA might just make the USA even more eratic and unstable. Those things that China gave up isnt anything of real consequence giving that well, since the USA has set the example, it wouldn’t be hard to retract those concessions (military conversation) at any time of Chinas choosing if they breach Chinas red line again (real or not), not to mention what while China can decrease the direct flow of fentanyl to the USA, it does nothing to stop the flow through 3rd parties so all in all, this is to take the heat of Biden which given that dictator double speak, renders even that pointless. Regardless of who takes over after the election, China would be more then ready to face the challenge. One or two concessions to buy time means nothing in the end and yes China is in a stronger position right now, that doesn’t mean that China should engage in unnecessary trolling because that is a real rage inducer and it would give the hardliners more of a drive to escalate to the nuke button. Better for the USA to waste its energy and prospective nuke on someone else so that China free act afterwards with minimal harm to itself


Registered Member
The video I saw was them putting a lighter up to said Chinese ice cream and it didn't instantly start melting claiming Chinese ice cream is not ice cream at all. I put a lighter up to an ice cube once and it didn't start melting instantly either.
Isn't that just the new fad from awhile ago? If you add some jelly like extract ingredients, the ice cream can retain its shape under heating. To make it not melt was the whole selling point. It's not the same as "traditional" ice cream.


Senior Member
Registered Member
You say you are not a child, yet you count the number of likes you get per post. I remember once doing that in middle school too.
Lol, its a way to poll the forum members opinion.... You do know what a poll is right? I sure hope you learned it in middle school or else I'll have to educate you about that too on this forum. Do you have anything else meaning to add or continue with the name calling?
Look, I'll tell you again, take a deep breath and understand that you're not knowledgable on toxicology or on state security. So the next time you want to make a disparaging remark on either of those topics just remind yourself to STFU and try to learn a bit more. Otherwise you are just wasting oxygen.