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I have heard some Taiwanese political commentators' opinions on the recent Xi-Biden summit, and I think those opinions are reasonable and worth listening to.
1, Beijing and Xi knew the Biden administration had no integrity, wouldn't keep their word, and so could not be trusted. In fact, the entire US political establishment is duplicitous in its conduct.
2, America will not relent on its suppression and containment of China despite the temporary softening of its tone and rhetoric out of political expediency.
3, Xi knew there was a dichotomy of strategic thinking between the two sides. Whereas Beijing focused on the grand strategy and the overall relationship, Washington only wanted to achieve specific objectives like the re-establishment of military communication channels. Something like Beijing looking at the forest, but Washington only wants to look at some trees.
4, the reason why Xi agreed to attend the summit is to show the world that China is still interested in dialogue despite difficulties with the US/West and to reassure the American business leaders that China is still open to business. While Beijing has given up hope of meaningful and constructive relationships with the US Government, it is still focusing its efforts on the business leaders, and the ordinary people with the youth in particular. Hence the purchase of a few million tons of agricultural products and signing the MOU for some Boeing planes (needs clarification on this) as a gesture and symbol of goodwill. One can't really say China has made major concessions to the US, in my humble view Beijing has only given minor gifts as a polite guest. And those military channels can be easily shut down again if America tries anything stupid in the Taiwan strait or SCS.


I am still struggling to understand the purpose of Xi's visit to US. As it turns out, US secured concessions from China (resumption of military communications and fentanyl deal) without giving anything in return. To add to the humiliation, Biden called Xi a "dictator" and now U.S. Defense Secretary announced that US will continue to violate China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. I must call it like I see it. APEC summit was an L for China. I hope that Chinese leadership knows what it's doing when it comes to US and that there is an explanation for their timid approach as of late.

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ahhh, of course there are some concession from the US to China, we just don't know yet ... China is unlike the US which always boosting their achievement for medias and public


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Typical Jai Hind entitled mentality. Taiwan's DPP are morons, but luckily most of the Taiwanese people are not. They know what is at stake. Its not racism, its just the cold hard truth: India is the rape capital of the world. And the average Taiwanese are right to fear for women safety in Taiwan when large numbers of Indian labourers, who are mostly male, comes over to work and stay.
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While sexual crime is a reality in India, as it is across the world, the stereotypes attached to Indian labourers thwart all possibility of cooperation between India and Taiwan and point to the deplorable attitudes Indian labourers could face in Taiwan.
Its not a racist stereotype. Its a reality that India is the rape capital of the world. India being defensive about this is only gonna make things worse.

In the malicious propaganda on social media against the planned arrival of Indian labourers, what is often missed out is Taiwan's own crime rates. According to survey data from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, one in five women in Taiwan report having been in abusive relationships. Statistics reveal that a case of abuse occurs, on average, every five minutes in Taiwan, with 322 cases reported per day. The multitude of crimes against women and children in Taiwan highlight its problems with misogyny. In 2021, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislator Kao Chia-yu revealed that she was physically assaulted by her partner.
Crime against women exists in any region. Just because it happens on the island of Taiwan doesn't excuse what is happening in India. In 2021, India lodged an average of 86 rape cases a day, and 49 offences against women per hour (1176 per day), and even that is massive underreporting. India is in no place to judge Taiwan.
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There is another plausible angle to the malicious propaganda being pushed out on the Taiwanese social media space - that of disinformation originating from China. One of the first articles pushing out racist and malicious stereotypes against the possible arrival of Indian labourers in Taiwan was from China Times of Taipei. Since it was bought by the pro-China Taiwanese tycoon Tsai Eng-Meng in 2008, China Times has veered into an editorial stance that is more sympathetic to the positions of the Chinese Communist Party. The standard depiction of Indian women, per Chinese stereotyping, is that they are innocent victims of barbaric traditions in India. Chinese handles often push out a narrative around the lack of safety for women in India, while covering up China's track record of crimes against women. The stereotyping, beyond racism, is a ploy of Chinese sharp power, in which there are concerted efforts at censorship or the use of manipulation to diminish independent institutions; to take advantage of the asymmetry between free and unfree systems, or democratic and autocratic or authoritarian systems.
Off course it had to be blamed on big bad China. But plausibility is not fact. When the Chinese people are discussing about women safety in India, its not propaganda, but facts. Women are much safer in China than in India. That is a fact! Furthermore, there is no such thing as a "pro-China" Taiwanese. Those people are actually Chinese patriots. The "nation" of Taiwan only exists in the minds of Boba separatists and the brainwashed, ignorant morons in the free world. Morons such as the writer of this article.

I believe that Indians should not be discriminated based on racial stereotypes, but the reality is just too inconvenient. Practically anyone who is genuinely concerned about women safety (not those ideological morons) know for a fact that India ranks among the bottom for those things. India is the rape capital of the world. We have witnessed endless amounts of reports and videos of Indian men sexually assaulting girls in India. There was even a case of an Indian man who sexually assaulted a Korean girl in Hong Kong. Jai Hinds and Indian male netizens are so often sexually depraved to the point where its almost fair to label the whole group as such. Indian men also have a reputation as undesirable customers in vice industries. We can all guess why. It is unfair that all Indian men are stereotyped as sexually depraved, but their guilty compatriots are the ones to blame first, not the outside world. If India wants to loose this unenviable racial stereotype, it is up to itself to clean itself up. It needs to educate, and police itself better. Which I know won't happen because India thinks its already a divine Supapowa, hence it feels entitled. Accusing others of discrimination, racism, and propaganda is the laziest, most irresponsible way to fix it. Then don't blame other nations or regions for discriminating against Indian migrant workers harshly when a number of them inevitably commit sex crimes.

The Taiwanese DPP are just as guilty. I would even call them racist for choosing Indian labourers over so many others. SEA have been a main source of foreign labour in Taiwan for decades because of the availability of affordable manpower and close geography. Indonesia for example, is still a major exporter of blue collar labour in SEA. Since Taiwan is part of China, it can also request for manpower from mainland China, if only politics wasn't in the way. So why look away from all these easier sources of labour and insist on Indian labourers? Not even other South Asian labourers like Bangladeshis, or Nepalis? Then this whole thing is definitely political. A DPP ploy to get closer to India for its own anti-China agenda. This will not benefit Taiwan in the long term, and the DPP is gonna answer for this in time.


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Typical Jai Hind entitled mentality. Taiwan's DPP are morons, but luckily most of the Taiwanese people are not. They know what is at stake. Its not racism, its just the cold hard truth: India is the rape capital of the world. And the average Taiwanese are right to fear for women safety in Taiwan when large numbers of Indian labourers, who are mostly male, comes over to work and stay.
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Its not a racist stereotype. Its a reality that India is the rape capital of the world. India being defensive about this is only gonna make things worse.

Crime against women exists in any region. Just because it happens on the island of Taiwan doesn't excuse what is happening in India. In 2021, India lodged an average of 86 rape cases a day, and 49 offences against women per hour (1176 per day), and even that is massive underreporting. India is in no place to judge Taiwan.
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Off course it had to be blamed on big bad China. But plausibility is not fact. When the Chinese people are discussing about women safety in India, its not propaganda, but facts. Women are much safer in China than in India. That is a fact! Furthermore, there is no such thing as a "pro-China" Taiwanese. Those people are actually Chinese patriots. The "nation" of Taiwan only exists in the minds of Boba separatists and the brainwashed, ignorant morons in the free world. Morons such as the writer of this article.

I believe that Indians should not be discriminated based on racial stereotypes, but the reality is just too inconvenient. Practically anyone who is genuinely concerned about women safety (not those ideological morons) know for a fact that India ranks among the bottom for those things. India is the rape capital of the world. We have witnessed endless amounts of reports and videos of Indian men sexually assaulting girls in India. There was even a case of an Indian man who sexually assaulted a Korean girl in Hong Kong. Jai Hinds and Indian male netizens are so often sexually depraved to the point where its almost fair to label the whole group as such. Indian men also have a reputation as undesirable customers in vice industries. We can all guess why. It is unfair that all Indian men are stereotyped as sexually depraved, but their guilty compatriots are the ones to blame first, not the outside world. If India wants to loose this unenviable racial stereotype, it is up to itself to clean itself up. It needs to educate, and police itself better. Which I know won't happen because India thinks its already a divine Supapowa, hence it feels entitled. Accusing others of discrimination, racism, and propaganda is the laziest, most irresponsible way to fix it. Then don't blame other nations or regions for discriminating against Indian migrant workers harshly when a number of them inevitably commit sex crimes.

The Taiwanese DPP are just as guilty. I would even call them racist for choosing Indian labourers over so many others. SEA have been a main source of foreign labour in Taiwan for decades because of the availability of affordable manpower and close geography. Indonesia for example, is still a major exporter of blue collar labour in SEA. Since Taiwan is part of China, it can also request for manpower from mainland China, if only politics wasn't in the way. So why look away from all these easier sources of labour and insist on Indian labourers? Not even other South Asian labourers like Bangladeshis, or Nepalis? Then this whole thing is definitely political. A DPP ploy to get closer to India for its own anti-China agenda. This will not benefit Taiwan in the long term, and the DPP is gonna answer for this in time.
In my experience, Indian-American guys are not creepier than the average American guy, but guys from India are actually really creepy in general. Whenever I walk past an Indian guy with my girlfriend, at least a third of them give me death stares. More than half of them just stare at her. I don't know if you guys know what I'm talking about, but I'm not talking about side glances. Those guys literally stop in their tracks and stare at us. No other group of people does this. It's really scary. One time I was walking around the campus with my girlfriend and as soon as I left her for a brief moment to grab a sip from the water fountain, an Indian guy approached her to ask her out. I was speechless. That dude definitely saw me.

Why are they like this? In spite of the media's relentless assault against Muslim men, they tend to be much, much more respectful of women. I've seen so many Indians claim that Pakistani men are rapists, but all the ones I've met are gentlemen. The contrast could not be starker.


Registered Member
China needs to put down the foot and prevent Indian immigration. Such exchanges will only lead to tragedies and crimes inside the nation.
Typical Jai Hind entitled mentality. Taiwan's DPP are morons, but luckily most of the Taiwanese people are not. They know what is at stake. Its not racism, its just the cold hard truth: India is the rape capital of the world. And the average Taiwanese are right to fear for women safety in Taiwan when large numbers of Indian labourers, who are mostly male, comes over to work and stay.
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Its not a racist stereotype. Its a reality that India is the rape capital of the world. India being defensive about this is only gonna make things worse.

Crime against women exists in any region. Just because it happens on the island of Taiwan doesn't excuse what is happening in India. In 2021, India lodged an average of 86 rape cases a day, and 49 offences against women per hour (1176 per day), and even that is massive underreporting. India is in no place to judge Taiwan.
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Off course it had to be blamed on big bad China. But plausibility is not fact. When the Chinese people are discussing about women safety in India, its not propaganda, but facts. Women are much safer in China than in India. That is a fact! Furthermore, there is no such thing as a "pro-China" Taiwanese. Those people are actually Chinese patriots. The "nation" of Taiwan only exists in the minds of Boba separatists and the brainwashed, ignorant morons in the free world. Morons such as the writer of this article.

I believe that Indians should not be discriminated based on racial stereotypes, but the reality is just too inconvenient. Practically anyone who is genuinely concerned about women safety (not those ideological morons) know for a fact that India ranks among the bottom for those things. India is the rape capital of the world. We have witnessed endless amounts of reports and videos of Indian men sexually assaulting girls in India. There was even a case of an Indian man who sexually assaulted a Korean girl in Hong Kong. Jai Hinds and Indian male netizens are so often sexually depraved to the point where its almost fair to label the whole group as such. Indian men also have a reputation as undesirable customers in vice industries. We can all guess why. It is unfair that all Indian men are stereotyped as sexually depraved, but their guilty compatriots are the ones to blame first, not the outside world. If India wants to loose this unenviable racial stereotype, it is up to itself to clean itself up. It needs to educate, and police itself better. Which I know won't happen because India thinks its already a divine Supapowa, hence it feels entitled. Accusing others of discrimination, racism, and propaganda is the laziest, most irresponsible way to fix it. Then don't blame other nations or regions for discriminating against Indian migrant workers harshly when a number of them inevitably commit sex crimes.

The Taiwanese DPP are just as guilty. I would even call them racist for choosing Indian labourers over so many others. SEA have been a main source of foreign labour in Taiwan for decades because of the availability of affordable manpower and close geography. Indonesia for example, is still a major exporter of blue collar labour in SEA. Since Taiwan is part of China, it can also request for manpower from mainland China, if only politics wasn't in the way. So why look away from all these easier sources of labour and insist on Indian labourers? Not even other South Asian labourers like Bangladeshis, or Nepalis? Then this whole thing is definitely political. A DPP ploy to get closer to India for its own anti-China agenda. This will not benefit Taiwan in the long term, and the DPP is gonna answer for this in time.
In the current situation, due to an escalating danger with opposition held territories in the east, China should do the opposite of pumping people into Taiwan province. It should move as many back to the safer mainland as possible.

Besides physically blocking Indian immigrants from entering using coast guard/border police, China should use harsh reprisals on Indians found illegally entering the country. Their international properties (if they have any) can be confiscated, they should not be allowed to renew travel to China, and if push came to shove, China should expel and ban all Indian unskilled workers in the whole country, not just Taiwan. No more leeching off Chinese families in Guangdong, HK, Shanghai and so on.

India's threat to move 100 000 illegals into China amounts to "human trafficking diplomacy". Indians will be collectively responsible if they allow their government to lower their own value to such extent, and they must be persecuted as accomplices.

There's a lot of people who can replace them from SEA. If Indians want to align with the west, then they should only be allowed to send migrant workers to the west. The west can enjoy their new compatriots.


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What would you do if you were in a leadership position? Not meet at all? assume the worst case scenario and intent from the U.S. which means that China must be in a war footing now rather than later and drop all these pretenses about "win win" that China's leadership is keen on conveying and actually earnestly trying to do.

I am interested at all on what possible moves you can or should make if you were in Xi's shoes? Confrontation and bellicosity are far easier to express but it's quite unpredictable and uncontrollable once the ball gets rolling.

I am not saying that what you said is highly disagreeable or naive in the least, but I just want you to flesh out your ideas as to what's the alternative choice that's conducive and productive besides war footing.
I did say before its announcement that Xi's visit was a waste of time. I guess I can see points that others have raised in regards to China showing to the rest of the world that it is a mature and sensible player but I am not sure if I am fully convinced. I find it deeply problematic that China has for the second time made concessions/ commitments to the West without getting anything in return (first time they pledged not to arm Russia during Baerbock's visit after the EU threatened China with sanctions). I fear it sends wrong message to the Western political elite that if they threaten China and are persistent enough China will cave in, esentially hardball approach against China yields results. Xi IMO should have stuck to the principle of reciprocity and agreed to establish military communications & crackdown on fentanyl trade only if US dropped its chip export curbs or agreed to stop arming Taiwan province. Keeping its adversary on its toes (what China was doing prior to the APEC summit) is for me preferable than Xi making that visit, agreeing to make concessions and giving demented clown opportunity to portray himself as some grand statesman.


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It seems that Americans and Europeans are waking up from a decades-long slumber

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This is not good for the Chinese diaspora. The same people that despise Jewish people despise us even more. In my opinion, the attempts by the Jewish elite to control the media has led to an unstoppable rise in antisemitism in recent years. I would not be surprised if another Holocaust-scale event happens within my lifetime. People around me of all ethnicities are openly antisemitic now and I am currently attending a prestigious university with a strong Jewish presence in a blue state. It's probably much worse in other parts of the US. I think many Jewish people may not be aware of the recent rise in antisemitism because they only interact with other Jewish people, but it's real.

Chinese people should be prepared because the same people will no longer pretend to just "hate the CCP."
The Zionist Jewish supremacists are simply a faction of white suoremacists within the larger conglomerate of white supremacy. They even have their “WE WUZ KANGZ” mythos coming from the Levantine as opposed to other Nordicists who insist on Hyperboresn Atlantis Aryans.

Typical Jai Hind entitled mentality. Taiwan's DPP are morons, but luckily most of the Taiwanese people are not. They know what is at stake. Its not racism, its just the cold hard truth: India is the rape capital of the world. And the average Taiwanese are right to fear for women safety in Taiwan when large numbers of Indian labourers, who are mostly male, comes over to work and stay.
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Its not a racist stereotype. Its a reality that India is the rape capital of the world. India being defensive about this is only gonna make things worse.

Crime against women exists in any region. Just because it happens on the island of Taiwan doesn't excuse what is happening in India. In 2021, India lodged an average of 86 rape cases a day, and 49 offences against women per hour (1176 per day), and even that is massive underreporting. India is in no place to judge Taiwan.
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Off course it had to be blamed on big bad China. But plausibility is not fact. When the Chinese people are discussing about women safety in India, its not propaganda, but facts. Women are much safer in China than in India. That is a fact! Furthermore, there is no such thing as a "pro-China" Taiwanese. Those people are actually Chinese patriots. The "nation" of Taiwan only exists in the minds of Boba separatists and the brainwashed, ignorant morons in the free world. Morons such as the writer of this article.

I believe that Indians should not be discriminated based on racial stereotypes, but the reality is just too inconvenient. Practically anyone who is genuinely concerned about women safety (not those ideological morons) know for a fact that India ranks among the bottom for those things. India is the rape capital of the world. We have witnessed endless amounts of reports and videos of Indian men sexually assaulting girls in India. There was even a case of an Indian man who sexually assaulted a Korean girl in Hong Kong. Jai Hinds and Indian male netizens are so often sexually depraved to the point where its almost fair to label the whole group as such. Indian men also have a reputation as undesirable customers in vice industries. We can all guess why. It is unfair that all Indian men are stereotyped as sexually depraved, but their guilty compatriots are the ones to blame first, not the outside world. If India wants to loose this unenviable racial stereotype, it is up to itself to clean itself up. It needs to educate, and police itself better. Which I know won't happen because India thinks its already a divine Supapowa, hence it feels entitled. Accusing others of discrimination, racism, and propaganda is the laziest, most irresponsible way to fix it. Then don't blame other nations or regions for discriminating against Indian migrant workers harshly when a number of them inevitably commit sex crimes.

The Taiwanese DPP are just as guilty. I would even call them racist for choosing Indian labourers over so many others. SEA have been a main source of foreign labour in Taiwan for decades because of the availability of affordable manpower and close geography. Indonesia for example, is still a major exporter of blue collar labour in SEA. Since Taiwan is part of China, it can also request for manpower from mainland China, if only politics wasn't in the way. So why look away from all these easier sources of labour and insist on Indian labourers? Not even other South Asian labourers like Bangladeshis, or Nepalis? Then this whole thing is definitely political. A DPP ploy to get closer to India for its own anti-China agenda. This will not benefit Taiwan in the long term, and the DPP is gonna answer for this in time.
I never understood nor believed the globohomo line of mass immigration as a panacea for an aging workforce, especially in Taiwan where there’s a massive youth underemployment problem that Taiwanese workers and graduates have to go to the mainland for work.

Look around you, at the western nations which have imported the third world citing an aging workforce. Those migrants invariably subsist on welfare rather than acting as taxpayers, and it would be much the same for Taiwan as well. Hell, look at Singapore now which got infected with Indians in key government positions trying to stack the entire city state with their own cousin vassals who will have to worship them as lords.