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Interesting, what goes around comes around. OBL went out as a terrorist but almost two decades later, it seems that the wrong doings of the USA end up making him a martyr in the eyes of most of the world given the current genocidal actions of the USA and Israel and the funny part to this is that this cannot have come at an even worse time for these evil monsters. Not that OBL is a good man or anything but in comparison to the Neocons and those Zionist, one to make that case that while he wouldn’t be a saint by any stretch but he is a lighter shade of black compared to those people, even if slightly


Lieutenant General
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Bin Laden created Al-Qaeda. Which is basically a militant arm of the Saudi's Wahhabi sect.
He was a really dangerous person. Al-Qaeda right now seem to be back under the US intelligence services thumb and are active in armed conflicts all over the world including in Yemen and Syria where they fight against Iranian aligned forces.

If people like Bin Laden were in control the whole world would be in a state of war.


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Interesting, what goes around comes around. OBL went out as a terrorist but almost two decades later, it seems that the wrong doings of the USA end up making him a martyr in the eyes of most of the world given the current genocidal actions of the USA and Israel and the funny part to this is that this cannot have come at an even worse time for these evil monsters. Not that OBL is a good man or anything but in comparison to the Neocons and those Zionist, one to make that case that while he wouldn’t be a saint by any stretch but he is a lighter shade of black compared to those people, even if slightly

It's interesting to see this stuff trending again. The zoomers missed out on the War on Terror and hence on its widespread corrosive effects on the credibility of the American and broader western establishments. I'm not talking about history buffs, activist groups, radicals, but rather the less pronounced but more mainstream sense of distrust and unease. The dim but widespread awareness that these establishment fuckers have been lying to us the whole time and are located at various points along an axis running from incompetence to evil.

As with the brief flourishing of introspection in the United States in the 1970s following their defeat in Vietnam, this phase passed quite rapidly. But for a brief time that sentiment did exist and its effects rippled out through the culture in ways large and small*. The zoomers missed out on all that. And now they're digging this stuff up again like they're discovering long-lost archeological artefacts. All one can say is: keep reading. There is a vast universe of history and suffering that exists beyond the boundaries established by White House/Pentagon/State Department briefings and as they are regurgitated by western establishment media.

* One of my favourite small examples is the 2008 James Bond film Quantum of Solace. That film is almost surreal in being so clearly a product of post-War-on-Terror-disillusionment and trying to fit that sensibility into the 007 mold:

James Bond: You know I was just wondering what South America would look like if nobody gave a damn about coke or communism. It always impressed me the way you boys would carve this place up.

Felix Leiter: I'll take that as a compliment coming from a Brit.

QoS could not have been made even five years earlier, and similarly could not be made today, with the Manichean frame of a shining, virtuous west standing against the armies of chaos (Russia, China) having now been firmly re-established. QoS was the product of a particular cultural moment, captured like a fly in amber.
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Senior Member
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Anti-coagulant overdose is easily identifiable. You literally just need to realize that the patient's blood is coagulating at an abnormally slow rate. Don't you think they're going to notice that when they take the patient's blood work?
Taking a patients blood will not immediately show a patient is on blood thinners. You need to do a "bleeding" time test and specific assay for factor Xa inhibitors and those are hard to come by and by the time the test is done sometimes the medication has been metabolized or excreted to a lower amount. And that's if you know what to look for. There is no easy test for platelet inhibitors. I don't want to get into the sensitivity and specificity cause thats a whole other argument. Overall it's not at easy as it seems to detect a lot of these substances.

Don't focus on that specific example. I'm pretty confident any major power can develop a new drug that's less detectable and causes delayed effect.

Last time, My Position has always been that it is clearly a risk especially going to another country and Chinese security needs to know and mitigate such risks. Even if it is a small risk, it is not laughable.


Registered Member
Taking a patients blood will not immediately show a patient is on blood thinners. You need to do a "bleeding" time test and specific assay for factor Xa inhibitors and those are hard to come by and by the time the test is done sometimes the medication has been metabolized or excreted to a lower amount. And that's if you know what to look for. There is no easy test for platelet inhibitors. I don't want to get into the sensitivity and specificity cause thats a whole other argument. Overall it's not at easy as it seems to detect a lot of these substances.

Don't focus on that specific example. I'm pretty confident any major power can develop a new drug that's less detectable and causes delayed effect.

Last time, My Position has always been that it is clearly a risk especially going to another country and Chinese security needs to know and mitigate such risks. Even if it is a small risk, it is not laughable.
Every year laboratories design new drugs for athletes to drop without getting caught. Is it really unreasonable to believe that one of those drug samples has a serious side effect which causes a delayed heart attack?


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View attachment 121492
Disgusting move by putting Xi beside Kishida and Mr. Naive.
Also, notice where they arranged Xi in the photo.

They put Xi - The leader of a superpower country with 18% of the world population that has the largest real economy and industrial prowess in the world - closer to the side than to the middle. As if trying to imply that China and Xi is a nobody on the world stage.

The US is really one hilarious, pathetic, loser host.
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